Religie en spiritualiteit – Nieuw-Zeeland – Populaire podcasts
Wisdom's Echo is a daily podcast from Origin Gate. It features an amazing line up of speakers including Ian Clayton, Grant and Samantha Mahoney, Marios and Danielle Ellinas, Ray & Denise Hughes, Ricky and Melanie Nieuwenhuis, Stevie Mckie, Jane Schroeder, Lindi Masters, Teresa Bowen, Liam OBrien, John Ussery, Parker Thomaston, Elijah Ward, Jessica Wright, Robbie Venter, Karl Whitehead, Matthew McDowell, Carl Nicholson and Jake Bryant. Every day, 365 days a year you can listen FREE to an encouraging word or short teaching on a wide variety of subjects.
A short, inspirational thought for today, from Angus Buchan.
A daily podcast of reflective, prayerful Scripture reading by Sharon Garlough Brown
أروع وأجمل التلاوات القرآنية بصوت نخبة من أشهر قراء القرآن الكريم وأجمل الأصوات
The most wonderful and most beautiful Quran recitations with the voice of a elite of the most famous reciters of the Holy Quran and the most beautiful voices
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We are a thriving church located in the pacific island of Rarotonga. On this podcast, you will find powerful preaching taken right from our church services. We will also be producing bonus content that is designed to help you live a life of breakthrough and make an impact for Christ! Subscribe and become a part of what God is doing!
Start your morning with a daily prayer and audio devotional inspired by the Bible. Daily prayers are included as part of the mobile app and social network. Listen to these daily prayers in the morning, in the evening, or whenever you need some inspiration for your day.
Visit my new web site,!
This podcast presents a "deep dive" survey of the weekly scriptural chapters that are assigned by the Come, Follow Me curriculum of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. After opening with an introduction and flyover summary, each episode contains a verse-by-verse reading -- pausing for in-depth commentary from reliable sources.
- Follow along with your scriptures (when you can).
- You might like it better at 1.25x or 1.5 speed. -
Dear Gabby is a weekly show where #1 New York Times bestselling author and international speaker, Gabby Bernstein, offers up real-time coaching, straight talk and BIG LOVE. Episodes include unscripted Q&A sessions where she coaches listeners through life-changing transformations, plus free-flowing conversations about personal growth and spirituality with unique and inspiring guests.
Discussing contemporary issues in light of the bible and how they relate to family, culture, and the church.
The J.John Podcast is a weekly dose of encouragement and inspiration to give you confidence in your faith and confidence to share your faith.
Every Friday, Lacie and Savvy, Your Mother/Daughter witchy duo, bring you Spooky Stories, Lore, and education with a witchy twist.Join our Patreon for behind-the-scenes content and more! Support this podcast:
Kým jsme byli včera, již není pravda. Kým budeme zítra? To není jisté. Kým jsme právě teď a jaké životní zvraty nás k tomu dostaly? O tom si zde budeme povídat. Změna je život. Stagnace nás nikam neposouvá. Budu se s hosty bavit o životních změnách, které je posunuly transformačně jinam. Transformace vzniká, když svůj život podrobíme kontinuálním změnám. Den za dnem.
"Co bylo pro tebe takovou životní transformační změnou, kdy jsi měl/a pocit, že se z housenky vyklubal motýl?" εїз
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Understanding how and why whakapapa affects who we are today and who we might be in the future.
The Whakapapa Effect is a show focused on lifestyle design and unpacking the process of how different people have designed the lives they lead today, underpinned by Māori ancestral knowledge.
The Rock Church is based in Wellington, New Zealand. We are people who are committed to Jesus Christ, to loving our community and to building meaningful relationships with each other: we call it “knowing Him, loving others and walking together”. Our messages are about sharing the love of God and empowering the Body of Christ —
SermonIndex is a ministry that is propogating, perserving vintage audio sermons and promoting genuine biblical revival to this generation.
Featuring Jeff Lasseigne's in-depth biblical teachings through God's Word.
Sermons and teachings from C3 City Church Tauranga and Omokoroa in New Zealand.
Harvest Men's Bible Fellowship is a ministry that has weekly meetings consisting of personal study with both small and large group fellowship (at Harvest Christian Fellowship, in Riverside, CA). Our theme this year is "Victories of God in the Life of Joshua." To download the PDF lessons that correspond to these audio messages visit
The Go Your Own Way Podcast was created to help empower free-spirits and creatives who are ready to bring their unique gifts to the world, and turn their passion into profits so that they can live a life of freedom. Join me, Stephanie Davies, for weekly tips, tools and practices that will help you build a life and business you love. If you dig the idea of working from anywhere in the world, indulging in noon yoga classes, and celebrating sold out launches- you've found your match.
Find me on the gram at @freespiritedbossbabe, or pop over to to learn more about how you can work with me and make your dream of a life of freedom a reality. -
Victory Christian Centre Sunday message podcasts
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