Komedie – Singapore – Aanbevolen podcasts
Welcome to Vogue & Amber: The Podcast and welcome to the family!
Join the sisters as they put the world to rights, chatting family life, gossip, games, and helping the listeners with their dramas and dilemmas.
Ask questions, ask for advice, or send in your stories and AITAs to [email protected].
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My name is Dr. John Watson, once of the British Army Northumberland Fusilier Regiment, now a true crime podcaster based in Central London. I don't have much experience in criminology, so this is mostly a record of how I met possibly the most brilliant and bizarre person I have ever (and will ever) know. Join me as I document the adventures of Sherlock Holmes.
This podcast is property of Goalhanger Podcasts.
Copyright 2023.
Based on the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle -
Every football fan knows it's the goals that really stay with you such is their juddering emotional impact. In Life Goals well known football fanatics re -live the eight defining goals of their lives with host Theo Delaney and reflect on what was happening at the time as it all comes flooding back. Like a good football match it veers from the poignant to the euphoric
兩個肌肉猛男的紀實 易濕體質小心服用 獨處的工具有聲書
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ActionBoyz: Unlocked & Loaded
Jon Gabrus, Ben Rodgers and Ryan Stanger (AKA the Action Boyz) are sharing some classic Actionboyz episodes, previously only available to Patreon subscribers.
Share this feed with your friends who need convincing before they commit five dollars a month for hours of laughter and parasocial entertainment.
And maybe this feed will also feature new episodes down the line <extreme sly stallone voice> Who Knows?
Join host John Moe (The Hilarious World of Depression) for honest, relatable, and, yes, sometimes funny conversations about mental health. Hear from comedians, musicians, authors, actors, and other top names in entertainment and the arts about living with depression, anxiety, and many other common disorders. Find out what they’ve done to address it, what worked, and what didn’t. Depresh Mode also features useful insights on mental health issues with experts in the field. It’s honest talk from people who have been there and know their stuff. No shame, no stigma, and more laughs than you might expect.
Join stand up comedian and late night TV writer Josh Johnson for freeform conversations about life, love, and comedy with his friend and fellow comedian Logan Nielsen. Hopefully it's fun but we make no promises.
Death by Monsters is a comedy show all about Monsters, Mysteries and the Unknown. We delve into the paranormal, the unexplained, true crime and of course the occasional conspiracy. It features Paula Deming, Nick Murphy and Matthew Jude.
Welcome to Puddles. Each week, Andrew and Brenna joke about everything, mostly their own relationship. We hear from our listeners and offer bad advice that will probably make everything worse.
A Palestinian-American Lawyer & Jewish-American comedian break down the latest Palestine-related news with commentary & interviews every week.
A Phineas and Ferb Rewatch Podcast!
Join Navi, Will, and Felipe as they venture to Danville and recap all the adventures of Phineas, Ferb, Candace, Perry, Doof, and the rest of the gang. -
Sam Tallent and Nathan Lund are Chubby Behemoth
Welcome to T.I.T.A.N. podcast , where we will go absolutely insane and record it happening!
Braeden, Ethan, and Josh really are the dumbest people out there, and they want to prove it! -
Podcast oleh Yayasan Pita Kuning Anak Indonesia yang akan membahas tentang dunia pekerjaan sosial, kerelawanan dan komunitas, hal-hal medis yg berkaitan dengan kanker pada anak, dan juga obrolan seru bareng narasumber terpilih. Untuk info selengkapnya cek Instagram kami di @pita_kuning.
#仨LANG嘿哟 #让我们做你的消遣小饼干 #搭配着会更美味哦
我不想一个人想 她/他不想自己在那胡思乱想
带你进入另一个空间 探讨仨人的思维,情绪,世界
讨论生活 爱上生活
Join Jin An and Elisa Liu (a musician and an artist based in Singapore) in this comedy trivia podcast as they go through their search histories and discuss their findings of the week. They also look up strange and interesting things suggested by curious friends and listeners, and share recommendations for things that have enriched their lives. 'Why Why Why Show' is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and all major podcasting platforms.
An advice podcast for females of all ages! Crappy Friends discusses female friendship: the good, the bad, the ugly. Bestselling authors (and best friends) Kristan Higgins and Joss Dey talk about common red flags, difficulties in friendship, how to overcome difficulties and when to ditch your crappy friend. Female friendship at its best brings immeasurable value to your life. At its worst, it can be heartbreaking. Tune in, and send your letters to [email protected]
星期一至五,早上6点至10点,锁定 YES 933 大咖一起来!
Once Upon A Time, Mo and Christina met in the big apple. While neither became Princess of Genovia or found their long lost twin sister, they did bond over the movies that put those ideas into their heads. If you scour the city looking for your very own Austin Ames, or, like to dream about the days when you preferred Lip Smackers to Lip Kits, look no further. Sit back and relax, as Mo and Christina cover everything about formative movies, flip phones, and growing up on Movies That Raised Us.
三個對雜學文藝、生活娛樂、東西方術數神秘學、武術搏擊微有涉獵、並且身兼業餘社會觀察家的中年男子跟大家分享所見、所聞、所識。叼哲學、聊文學、唬影視、論社會、戰兩性(誤),什麼都聊,什麼都不奇怪。目前暫定每月10日與25日下午一點更新,如果沒意外的話~XD與YT和FB的世紀末生活頻道聯播中。有想法意見按連結前往留言提出,謝謝~^^YT: https://reurl.cc/GrM1AAFB: https://reurl.cc/14r91Q或連繫 [email protected]抖內連結,歡迎支持贊助~^^https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/59c3831b-276c-492d-bcd8-144a5e67dc3c--Hosting provided by SoundOn
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