Muziek – Slovenië – Aanbevolen podcasts
This is a podcast about music and each week Melissa brings a new artist...or it should be said, a new artist to Bryan. The funny thing is, this music shouldn’t be new as it’s been playing in their house for over twenty years. Join us for a nostalgic trip through alt music of the 70s, 80s, 90s and more and to see if she can make it stick for real this time. Each episode comes with a bonus music mix of the featured artist so you can listen along.
Welcome to Mysteries of the EuroVerse, the podcast that delves deep into the intriguing world of the Eurovision Song Contest-- the world’s most watched non-sporting event. Eurovision has been running for nearly 70 years, and is watched by hundreds of millions of people. (It’s bigger than the Super Bowl)! Join us as we explore the history, the controversies, and all the campy fun of the biggest music competition in the world.
Covering topics from the queer history of the contest to the political fights that have played out on the Eurovision stage, Mysteries of the EuroVerse features interviews with Eurovision acts, as well as guests from American pop culture. So come along with us on this journey of musical discovery! -
Follow our journey through the musical works of the legendary Leonard Cohen. We dive deep into the studio albums, live albums, bootlegs, and miscellaneous extras—and have a lot of fun along the way!
Welcome to Lowkey Deep - real talk, real artists. Podcast host Cassandra invites musicians from all over the world to Berlin and has real, natural, and honest conversations. They circle mainly around deeply personal and insightful stories about their work, their creative process, and life as public figures. So if you're ready to hear your favorite artist going Lowkey Deep, check out our latest episode!
Podcast o glasbi.
Official podcast channel of L.S.T Music Group ┃Uradni podcast kanal Združenja L.S.T.
The perfect podcast for bass players - Giving you the low-down on the low-end!
Totally average bassist/YouTuber Jonny Dibble and session player Chris Horrocks and (sometimes) joined by guests to talk all about the latest bass news, answer audience questions and breakdown some killer bass guitar tones.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Entrevistas especiales con artistas que admiramos y con los que tenemos la oportunidad de hablar.
Backstage podcast talks about the behind the scenes of the music industry. It's purpose is to share personal experiences and distribute knowledge of our guests among other industry professionals and entertain music enthusiasts whose interests go beyond just partying.
Nekoč radijka, vedno radijka. Alenka Sivka je začela svojo kariero na radiu, na RGL-u, kjer je vodila in urejala izjemno poslušano pogovorno oddajo »Največje radosti življenja«, za katero je bila večkrat nominirana za radijskega viktorja. Vmes jo je »odneslo« v tiskane medije, za katere še vedno piše s strastjo in veseljem. Zdaj se vrača v svoj prvi medij, v katerega je še vedno zaljubljena, in to z Aktualovim podkastom - »Vonj po Sivki«. Edinstveni pogovori z glasbeniki, ki so poglobljeni, intimni, in v katerih ji slavni gostje odprejo srce in dušo ter marsikaj zaupajo prvič.
Hear the latest #ESC news and updates from American Eurovision blogger, Alesia Michelle. The Eurovision Song Contest unites the world in song! For almost 70 years communities across the world have tuned into the Song Contest. From the vocals to the fashions, the national selections to the grand final— join this #RealTalk conversation on all things The Eurovision Song Contest. Support this podcast:
La voce del Movimento Imprese Ospitalità
We are Scotland’s EAR TO THE GROUND! - keeping you in the loop with the interviews and gig alerts from Scotland’s top-notch composers. We’ll be digging deep to find out what makes these composers tick, hearing the processes behind their latest compositions and finding out why on earth someone would want to be a composer!
The podcast is hosted by Aileen Sweeney and Ben Eames, two musicians based in Glasgow who’ll be asking the questions, bringing the banter and getting to know these fantastic composers. Follow and subscribe to keep your ear to ground for Scotland’s newest and most exciting music. -
Iraina Mancini meets music industry legends to discuss mental health, music and the 'Unknown Pressures' they've overcome, in this brand new podcast series brought to you by The Book of Man.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Benvenuti a MUMEx - Nuova Cosmologia della Vibrazione di Louis Siciliano, un podcast che vi invita a esplorare le frontiere inesplorate del Suono. Frutto di 25 anni di ricerca appassionata del compositore, ricercatore e Grammy Artist Louis Siciliano, MUMEx è molto più di un progetto musicale: è un meta-linguaggio che fonde Arte, Scienza e Tecnologia per creare un nuovo paradigma di comprensione del Cosmo.
Se siete musicisti, scienziati, artisti, creativi o semplicemente ricercatori in cerca di nuove conoscenze, questo podcast vi guiderà attraverso i misteri del Multiverso che ci circonda. -
DJ Klyph is a staple of the Portland scene consistently providing support to the local Hip-Hop community through radio and live events. With the Klyph Notes podcast he extends that support bringing listeners in depth interviews and behind the scenes content featuring difference makers and individuals from all over the world making a positive impact on their communities.
Rap City the Basement had a baby with Storytellers. Hosted By Maya Fiasco. She interviews the hottest emerging indepedent artist coming out. Your first look at your new favorites. After the interview the artist perform three songs live.
Connecting with a pop group when we're young is often one of the most defining moments of our lives, but why are we so afraid to talk about it?This podcast is devoted to exploring the importance of pop music, including the music of boybands. It’s also a critique of society looking down on music many genuinely enjoy. Fans of boybands (consisting of mostly women and LGBTQ+ folk) often feel a stigma if they express their admiration for certain groups. Additionally, despite their talent & popularity, no modern boyband has won a Grammy. We explore all this on This Must Be Pop.
Welcome to the T'd Up Podcast with Keith and Dawit! We are Sports Journalism majors at Arizona State University. In this podcast, we will talk about All things Sports, Music, Fashion, and Culture. Welcome to the show!
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