Nieuws – Slovenië – Nieuwe podcasts
Stay informed with "Mental Health Industry News," your go-to podcast for the latest updates, insights, and trends in the mental health sector. Perfect for professionals, advocates, and anyone interested in mental wellness, this podcast covers new research, policy changes, and industry innovations. Tune in to elevate your understanding and stay ahead in the ever-evolving mental health landscape.
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A panel of experts discuss the latest developments around the Russia-Ukraine war, featuring Harvard Scholar Oleh Kotsyuba, Northeastern University Professors Mai’a Cross and Pablo Calderon Martinez, hosted by NBC10 Boston digital reporter Mary Markos.
Just A Few Questions is a podcast that focuses on education, public safety, and other stuff. Host Marc has a passion to inform, sometimes going outside the boundaries of manufactured consent.
Libertarian Counterpoint is a 32 year Sacramento California Libertarian Public Access Television Show
Darrers podcast - Ràdio Castelldefels
Kolumna Prepih. Razmišljanja štirih različnih opazovalcev življenja.
Kolumnisti prve sezone so:
Bojan Ivanc, glavni ekonomist na Gospodarski zbornici Slovenije
Liu Zakrajšek, pisateljica, pesnica, komparativistka in filozofinja
Primož Velikonja, reševalec, Zdravstveni dom Kočevje
Jasna Podreka, sociologinja, Filozofska fakulteta v Ljubljani -
Podkast različica oddaje, ki na poglobljen in strnjen način z gosti odstira najpomembnejše politično dogajanje.
Host Joe Pompliano coaches you through the latest sports business news so you can understand the financial game for financial gain. Catch new episodes on Thursdays at 5p ET.
The ResistanceMom podcast is the story of Americans defending and rebuilding democracy today, for our own sakes and for our kids. Our story far eclipses the perfect storm of Russians, billionaires and racists that lifted a mobster and traitor into the White House in 2016.
Millions of us have now become activists: marching, knocking on doors, running for office, and teaching our kids to never look away from the atrocity of racism. We are each finding our own paths to stand as a community in defense of our democratic system and the values to which we aspire.
Host Andrea Hildebran Smith talks with leaders from every angle of the resistance about how to make an impact that will last, the fight to end gun violence, movements for sustainable economies, defending America's immigrants, and confronting white supremacy. The show does a deep dive into new frameworks for protecting speech and civil rights online. We have a particular focus on our responsibilities to the next generation: engaging youth activists, and figuring our how to at once protect and prepare kids for the challenges they are about to inherit.
This work is not easy and the news is often devastating, but there are victories to celebrate all around us as well. We have barely scratched the surface of the impact we can make as voters, elected officials, advocates and parents.
Listen to the podcast and be a part of the community that is keeping democracy real in America. -
Sightlines is a new approach to analysis and insight across beverage categories that serves companies looking to grow, innovate, and win new customers. The kind of insight you can take action on to develop new products, positioning, and pipelines.
The Gist is our free, top-line summary of the latest data, insights, and trends in beverage alcohol and the broader CPG category, as reported by the award-winning Sightlines team. Subscribe to the insights newsletter at -
Samo normalna punca, ki si upa povedati.
Rubrika, ki obravnava ideje in ideološke trende novih medijev v jeziku, ki ga bodo razumeli tudi najbolj trdovratni boomerji.
Je oltar medijske pismenosti, na katerem Boris in Miha vsak teden nesebično darujeta propagandne bisere vseh pojavnosti.
Pred ameriškimi volitvami, ki bodo potekale 5. novembra, so novinarji radia, televizije in MMC-ja v skupnem projektu pripravili niz pogovorov o različnih vidikih današnje ameriške družbe, od znanosti, gospodarstva do glasbe in športa. Vabljeni k spremljanju videokastov ZDA 2024.
Podkast različica oddaje, kjer Marcel Štefančič brezkompromisno in z ostrim pridihom, z enim ali več sogovorniki, poglobljeno, udarno in analitično načenja najbolj aktualne in tudi provokativne teme.
44% of American voters self-identify as centrists. 71 million bewildered, frustrated political orphans. We'll explore how we got into this mess. But we'll also tell you uplifting stories of people around the country trying to change the current zeitgeist. -
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