Technologie – Slowakije – Nieuwe podcasts

  • We talk to security industry leaders, disruptors, and innovators with strong views and opinions on the future of topics like physical security, smart buildings, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and more. We dig into the latest tech trends, explore how security is shaping the world, and delve into those tricky regulations (like NIS2, the Cyber Resilience Act, the EU Artificial Intelligence Act, the UK's Product Security, Telecommunications, Infrastructure Act and more) that keep everyone on their toes. We are here to talk about technology trends, explore the big issues facing the security industry, and provide valuable insights that will support you and your business. Join us as we uncover important information to help you come away feeling well-educated and prepared for the future. This podcast is brought to you by Axis Communications Inc. - innovating for a smarter, safer world.

  • Is AI about to upend your fuel and c-store business? Or is it the key to unlocking unprecedented profits and efficiency?

    The truth is, you need AI, but the sheer volume of information about this new technology can be overwhelming.

    You're a busy leader, juggling razor-thin margins, demanding customers, and constant market shifts. You know AI is a game-changer, but where do you even begin?

    The clock is ticking, and your competitors are starting to figure this out. Staying on the sidelines is no longer an option.

    FUELING AI, hosted by legendary fuels and c-store CEO, Doug Haugh, cuts through the hype and delivers the actionable insights you need right now.

    You'll hear from the leaders who have been in the trenches, facing the same challenges as you, and they're here to guide you through the AI revolution.

    This isn't theoretical jargon – it's real-world strategies for leveraging AI to boost your bottom line while maintaining the safety and security your customers demand.

    It's time to explore the immense opportunities and the critical risks, because ignoring the dangers is just as perilous as ignoring the potential.

    You'll discover AI strategies for fuel and c-stores that drive visible benefits:

    - Learn how to reduce costs and boost efficiency with AI.

    - Discuss how to maintain your high levels of IT safety and security.

    - Avoid AI pitfalls and maximize gains.

    - Get actionable AI insights from the industry's top thought leaders.

    - Hear from leaders in similar industries

    The future has arrived. Let's go!

    This show is brought to by, Enterprise AI Built for the Fuels and Convenience Industry.
    Learn more here:

  • Actualidad, salud, economía de bolsillo, tecnología y más.

  • V spolupráci s našimi kľúčovými partnermi sa nám podarilo vytvoriť a odprezentovať viacero zaujímavých technologických podcastov

  • The "ClickHouse Podcast" is your go-to source for insights, tips, and discussions about the world of ClickHouse—a lightning-fast open-source columnar database management system. Whether you're a seasoned ClickHouse admin, a data enthusiast, or just curious about high-performance analytics, this podcast covers everything from basic concepts to advanced use cases, featuring industry experts, real-world success stories, and best practices to help you get the most out of ClickHouse in your data stack.

  • Remote work is here to stay. Whether you’re firmly in the return to office camp or die hard distributed, the cat’s out of the bag for the industry.

    The Distributed podcast, from Tuple, deconstructs how world-class engineers and their teams navigate the challenges (and opportunities) remote work creates.

    Host Jack Hannah uncovers stories of teams and individuals overcoming technical challenges, working through interpersonal dynamics, and battling their own distractions.

    Through these conversations, we’ll unpack the practical side of how folks work together in this new normal, and dig into the social emotional piece so often overlooked in programming.

  • Petr Mára, Lubo Smid a Jarda Beck v novém podcastu Fantastic Future. O naší (snad) fantastické budoucnosti!

  • Shaping what you know and think about AI. Hosted by David Tvrdon, a technology journalist, entrepreneur, and media strategist, and Filip Vitek, an AI executive. We were looking for a practical podcast on AI and ended up creating it.

  • Podcast o konferencii ITAPA a o témach, ktorými sa zaoberá - inováciami a digitálnymi technológiami a o tom ako nimi posunúť Slovensko dopredu.

  • A low-fi audiozine exploring the world of cypherpunk technology. Here, you’ll find a blend of articles, music, poems, stories, and sounds that dive into the heart of DIY tech sovereignty. Whether you’re a seasoned cypherpunk or just curious about the scene, there’s something here for you. So, plug in, press play, and keep the tape rolling!

  • A digital forensics consultant. A technology attorney. Two Genxers who love to nerd out on all your data and emerging technologies.

    Join them as they provide their unique take on important topics impacting industries and society.

  • El Hilo Noticias
    Investigamos sobre la Inteligencia Artificial. Informamos con humanidad.

    Serie periodística en la que en cada episodio se aborda en profundidad cómo los nuevos desarrollos de la Inteligencia Artificial, en especial, la Generativa, está transformando no sólo el universo laboral sino la forma de percibir el mundo. De igual manera queremos conocer desde una mirada ética el uso de estas nuevas tecnologías y reflexionar sobre cómo impactan nuestras creencias.

    Los invitados de El Hilo Noticias son expertos en Inteligencia Artificial desde distintas disciplinas. Por ello participan neurólogos, lingüistas, científicos de datos, ingenieros de machine learning, estadísticos, artistas y expertos en ética; por mencionar algunas áreas del conocimiento. La entrevista tiene un tono amable, cercano y utiliza un lenguaje sencillo, sin por ello faltar a la rigurosidad y a la calidad científica de la información.

    Cada episodio finaliza con una sección llamada LA MÁQUINA, un espacio en el que se establece una “conversación” con ChatGPT para conocer cómo esta tecnología responde a los usuarios sobre temas sensibles.

    Producción: Radio Bolivariana
    Dirección: Selene Botero
    Asesor temático en IA: Julián Loaiza
    Medellín - Colombia 2024

  • AI for U is the go-to podcast for higher ed professionals looking to integrate AI into their daily work. Each episode features interviews with industry leaders, providing insights on implementing and leveraging AI to streamline processes, enhance student experiences, and drive institutional success. Join host Brian Piper every other Thursday for fresh, empowering content that keeps you at the forefront of AI in higher education.

  • Podcast Košice IT Valley "Vedomosty" je určený všetkým, ktorí majú záujem o zmysluplné debaty s inšpiratívnymi ľuďmi s pozitívnym vplyvom na to, čo formuje vedu, inovácie a vzdelávanie.

  • Cieľom populárno-náučného podcastu Zapečené procesory bude vám priblížiť a objasniť pojmy a fakty z histórie výpočtovej techniky a príbehoch technológií, ktoré zmenili svet. To všetko poučnou, ale aj zábavnou formou.

    Pokúsim sa vás očariť kúzlom starých počítačov a priblížiť vám tak dôvody, prečo sa nimi dodnes ľudia zaoberajú.

    Volám sa Martin Bórik a budem vašim sprievodcom v tomto stroji času.

  • Welcome to 'Break Into Security: Is It Broken?' where we explore the exciting world of cybersecurity and the many challenges and opportunities for those looking to break into the industry. From understanding the latest cybersecurity concepts to learning about the different career paths available, our podcast is your go-to resource for all things security. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or a professional looking to make a career change, our expert guests and in-depth discussions will provide you with the insights and knowledge you need to succeed in this fast-paced and ever-evolving field. So join us as we delve into the world of security and discover if the industry is truly broken or if there are just a few cracks in the system.

  • CISO Circle is a podcast supported by Infosec Program Partners which is an information security consulting firm helping financial services firms which want to leverage their cyber security program so they can create new value.

    We bring security thought leaders to discuss all aspects of building a foundational security program, transforming that program in a modern organization to deliver new value, and many other unique and interesting security topics.

  • A podcast that explores the inspiring origin stories of developers from across the community. Tune in for insightful interviews that dive into the journeys, challenges, and successes that shaped their careers.

  • Host Michael Copeland looks at how digital transformation is taking place everywhere from restaurants to space travel to city planning. This series is produced by Forbes BrandVoice with Dell Technologies and Intel