TV & film – Slowakije – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Follow Veggy and MrsVeggy as they watch anime for the first time. The Veggys talk about highs and lows of each episode. Listen for their thoughts and questions about Demon Slayer Season 1!

    Follow The Veggys on twitch at and

  • Мой аудио подкаст будет про молодёжь, которые с раннего возраста открывают свой бизнес. Я уверенно, что многие из вас хотят открыть свой бизнес, но не знают с чего начать. Поэтому я хочу, чтобы вы могли прослушать интересную информацию в любом месте, где нет возможности для чтения, но есть свободное время.

  • In questo show troverete le interviste che facciamo ai tecnici del mondo cinematografico, principalmente Direttori della Fotografia, Registi, Case di produzione, Colorist, Rental, Film Commission e molti altri ancora. Se lavori in questo settore o se ci vuoi entrare, ascoltare queste testimonianze sarà sicuramente utile :)

  • Join HeelvsBabyface, Nerdrotic & Mauler while they discuss Comic Books and pop culture. Check them out on YouTube: @HeelvsBabyface | @nerdrotic | @MauLerYT

  • Poznáš a miluješ ten hlas spoza mikrofónu, ale netušíš, komu vlastne patrí. Moje meno je Lenka Debnárová, už počas štúdia na VŠMU som sa dostala do sveta dabingu a milujem ho dodnes. V podcaste "V slovenskom znení" ti prinášame rozhovory s dabingovými hviezdami, hlasmi, ktorých mikrofón miluje, aby sme ti predstavili nie len ich, ale aj zákulisie života v štúdiu.

  • This three-part series on movies offers a comprehensive exploration of cinema's evolution, the art of filmmaking, and its cultural impact. In Part 1, we trace the journey of cinema from silent films to contemporary digital innovations. Part 2 delves into the creative processes behind screenwriting, directing, cinematography, and editing. Part 3 examines how movies reflect and shape societal values, highlighting global cinema's influence and speculating on the future of the film industry in the age of streaming and virtual reality.

  • *SPOILER WARNING*. This is a small discussion about the new Joker movie and why I think it isn’t actually negative.

  • Vo svete audiovízie treba byť tvorivý. No a my sme boli a vymysleli sme podcast, kde sa pýtame na tvorbu druhých.
    Videopodcast Audiovizuálne prináša rozhovory s filmovými a televíznymi tvorcami o tom, ako tvoria a ako sa na filmy dívajú.

    Moderujú Michal Pusztay a Pavol Čižmár.

    © SHAPE Production

  • Ready to deep-dive into films & have some fun?! Join hosts Dan, Caleb, Josh, and a mysterious alien for witty reviews, hilarious banter, and intriguing movie discussions as you laugh, learn, and discover your next must-watch. Hit that subscribe/follow button, grab some popcorn, and let the entertainment begin!

  • A Podcast where two friends convinced another friend to finally jump into the MCU, join Vincent Macy's journey of trying to indoctrinate Sarah into the MCU.

  • Two guys who love movies but hate the awful ones. We praise the best and roast the worst through comedy and love! (New Episodes every Sunday & Wednesday!)

  • About News out in the real world and WWE and follow my twitch account deanj1899

  • Podcast venovaný komerčnej a kreatívnej kamere. Budeme sa rozprávať o natáčaní podujatí, videoklipov, reklám a krátkometrážnej videotvorbe. Rozprávať sa budeme s Kubom, ktorý sa už 13 rokov venuje audiovizuálnej tvorbe a popri skromných začiatkoch sa dnes vypracoval na komerčného video tvorcu.

  • Hunter van Lierop & Zachary Droll adventure into the wonderful world of film to help guide anyone and everyone through cinematic history, one film at a time!

  • You are listening to a podcast from EachOther. EachOther are an unusual sort of human rights charity in that we use independent journalism, storytelling and filmmaking to talk about human rights. Our work is grounded in seeking out the lived experience of ordinary people affected by human rights issues in the widest sense. We prioritise voices from affected communities all over the UK, involving people in the process of developing their own stories rather than talking for or over them.

    The concept for this podcast first came during the early days of the lockdown. As horrifying news about the impact of COVID and lockdowns across the world was taking hold, we also saw groups of Italians singing out from their balconies, in a beautiful moment of connection - described as the resilience of ordinary people. And this wasn’t the only place where people were coming together to make a point – Spain sang too and in Brazil people were banging saucepans in solidarity to protest against Bolsonaro. 

    In addition to the coming together as a community - there were also calls to improve things for the future, or rather to “build back better” – which is a term for the reconstruction phase that creates resilience against future disasters.

    But what if the opportunity afforded us at this liminal moment is greater than building a stronger dam or higher walls?

    What if we take the opportunity to change every aspect of life that hadn’t been working before?

    What if we take the opportunity to listen to people who were already doing things differently?

    Arundhati Roy wrote about this opportunity to do something differently - seeing the pandemic as “a portal, a gateway between one world and the next.” Making change out of trauma is at the heart of human rights. In 1948 – people came together in solidarity to create a means by which to ensure the atrocities of the war never happened again. Out of darkness came a new road map to ensure the rights of all people everywhere and The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 10 December 1948.

    While the pandemic afforded us to the opportunity to make change - we also realise and have seen that shifts just as quickly shift back. When I came up with the idea for this podcast, I wanted to hear from people who had already made something different happen - whether working on a project that features the community it represents, or founding an organisation that sets off down a different road because you feel you have no other choice. I wanted to celebrate the connectivity, the optimism and the hope on display amid all grieving and fear not only in the pandemic. 

    I was on the lookout for the stories about people coming together to make a collective difference, the stories about the implementation of huge change, and about how this might be the point of a different vision of the world.

    Many of the interviews I did were during lockdown - a couple from right at the beginning of the pandemic - but all of them still have big lessons and insights to bring us. 

    Welcome to our first podcast and our first season of No Going Back

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Podcastový seriál prináša súvislosti herečkinho života i umeleckého snaženia. Prostredníctvom výpovedí priateľov, kolegov a kolegýň, študentov a študentiek sa skladá pestrá mozaika názorov, ktorá postupne vytvára obraz výnimočnej osobnosti Emílie Vášaryovej.


  • Tired of wasting your life by spending hours and hours struggling to choose what movie to watch? Yep, us too. That’s why we created I Can’t Choose, designed to make things simple again.

    Every week we'll give you different movie recommendations available on common streaming platforms and all you have to do is pick your favourite! Finding something to watch shouldn't be difficult!