Waargebeurde misdaad – Thailand – Populaire podcasts
PODCAST เล่าคดีปริศนา เรื่องเร้นลับ พร้อมกับการแนะนำภาพยนตร์
เรื่องราวลึกลับ ระทึกขวัญ สนุก ฟีลเล่าให้เพื่อนฟัง
Hackers, North Korea and billions of dollars. Lazarus returns – in fact, the criminals never went away. Season 2 begins at an ATM, possibly near you. With Jean Lee and Geoff White. Investigators claim a secretive, elite North Korean hacking ring, nicknamed the Lazarus Group, is responsible for the theft of billions of dollars around the globe. Pyongyang denies having anything to do with cybercrimes, saying the United States is making these allegations to try to tarnish its image. Season 1 told the stories of the Lazarus Group's alleged hacks on Sony Pictures Entertainment and Bangladesh Bank and the WannaCry ransomware attack.
True Crime Podcast spilling all the details on killers and creeps from the Pacific Northwest with host, Ginger the True Crime Queen!*Explicit SARCASTIC Language* Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/truecrimequeen/support
Podcast by Cindy and Ball
A podcast dedicated to highlighting cold cases that have been solved and closed. We share these cases to highlight their resolution and bring closure to the victims and the community
Just Creepy: Scary Stories to keep you up at night. This is the official Podcast of the Just Creepy YouTube channel. Here, you will find Scary Stories covering various topics, including Skinwalkers, Wendigos, True Scary Stories, Creepy Encounters, Scary Forest Stories, Deep Woods, Horror Stories, and many more! New episodes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 2 PM Pacific time.
https://linktr.ee/its_just_creepy -
Journalister og forskere har de seneste år primært haft fokus på de danskere, der rejste til Irak eller Syrien i hellig krig - altså fremmedkrigerne. I den forbindelse glemte vi alle dem, som blev hjemme. Den gruppe går under betegnelsen 'Homegrown'.
Over de seneste år er et stort antal personer blevet anholdt i en række terrorsager. Fælles for dem er ikke, at de har været udrejst til konfliktzoner, men derimod, at de er opflasket i det ekstreme islamistiske miljø i Danmark. Og så er der flere af dem, der har forbindelse til et specifikt netværk.
I samarbejde med Ekstra Bladets ’Homegrown’-redaktion dykker terrorforsker, Tore Hamming, ned i det danske ekstreme islamistiske miljø. Gennem aktuelle terrorsager, historiske tilbageblik og en unik adgang til kilder i miljøet fortæller de historien om netværket Team Dawah og det ekstremistiske miljø over de seneste 10 år.
Homegrown er lavet af Thomas Arent, Magnus Mio, Thomas Foght, Tore Hamming, Jeppe Findalen og Marie Rask Glerup. Du kan kontakte dem anonymt på sikker mail [email protected] eller i en krypteret besked til nummeret 81 94 80 14.
Lyt til resten af podcastserien eksklusivt med et Ekstra Bladet+ abonnement. Med det får du også adgang til et hav af andre fede podcasts. Kom i gang på ekstrabladet.dk/podcast -
True Crime and Supernatural stories brought to you by two college students who find this stuff interesting... for some reason...
Shootings are not unusual in Belize. Shootings of cops are. When a wealthy woman – part of one of the most powerful families in Belize – is found on a pier late at night, next to a body, it becomes the country’s biggest news story in a generation.
New episodes every Monday! -
Night Shock Return; The scary story from the unidentify case.The paranormal case will terrify you. Hosted by Dj golf.
รายการเล่าเรื่องผี สุดหลอน มัน ฮา จากกลุ่มนักศึกษาที่ชอบเรื่องผี แต่ไม่กลัวผี
facebook page: Scary Bear,
twitter: @ScaryBearNa
หรือติดต่อโฆษณาที่ [email protected] หรือ [email protected] ,
Tel:094-421-0044 -
It's scary
Every Thursday, The Masked Narrator reads true horror stories written by those that made it out alive.
Serial Killers 101 is a podcast where we talk about serial killers and what makes them act this way.
In this episode, we have three segments.
In the first segment we are going to narrate about Pakistani serial Javed Iqbal who killed 100 children.
In the second segment, we will narrate the story of Amarjeet Sada, an 8 year old serial killer from India.
In the third and final segment we are going to have a discussion regarding the serial killers we talked about and what made them act this way keeping in mind their background, how they are, upbringing and more. -
A podcast that gets to the bottom of mind-blowing murder cases all around the world. " Welcome to Murder Café! Get your cup of coffee or tea ready and sit down for yet another fascinating case ... " — Bonifiya Visuvasam
What happens when toxic masculinity goes unchecked for far too long? In this true crime podcast, domestic violence journalist and advocate Amanda Kippert along with co-host and comic relief Jenna Brandl shine a spotlight on the men who have chosen to abuse more than just their male privilege. To end domestic violence, abuse, sexual assault, workplace sexual harassment and general male fuckery, it's time to call it as we see it. Don't worry, sometimes we'll make you laugh, too, we promise.
2 People talking about Humans that don't even deserve the title to be human. We talk about people who are cruel, and undeserving of life. And we tell the story of these very creatures.
Join us as we talk about true crime, paranormal encounters, and all that is wicked and vile! Follow us on IG @allthatiswickedandvile. Support us on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/allthingswickedandvile. Visit our website at https://allthingswickedand.wixsite.com/my-site Email us at [email protected] with questions and new episode ideas!
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