Onderwijs – Turkije – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Explore the choices we make every day about what we eat with producers, purveyors, and scholars who dedicate their lives to the study of our foodways.

  • Welcome to CHEF MICHAELS FOOD HACKS PODCAST – thIs fun, food, and health show dedicated to helping "You eat well so You can live well"! Hosted by Celebrity Chef Michael McDermott, this podcast delivers creative food, recipe, and kitchen hacks just for you.Each episode is packed with:
    Cuisines & Cooking Tips: Discover innovative techniques and secrets from the culinary world.New Product & Event Updates: Stay informed on the latest food products and upcoming culinary events.Exclusive Interviews: Hear from top chefs, renowned food authors, the Health & Wellness community and industry experts who share their insights on food and nutrition.Tune in to get inspired, improve your kitchen skills, and enjoy the journey to a healthier, tastier life!

    What’s for Dinner Refrigerator Challenge - Fun, healthful snacks, meals Top Chef – Quick Friendly Recipes Crazy Food Combos Rock Star Road Food Rock in Recipe Redo Rock in School Lunches Rock in Breakfasts Wacky Family Favorite Meals On The Go Foods Happy Holiday Foods RedoCopyright 2024 CHEF MICHAEL MCDERMOTT & CHEF MICHAELS FOOD HACKS All rights reserved. This work is registered with the Writers Guild of America.

    DISCLAIMER: PLEASE NOTE: The information, opinions, and recommendations presented in this Podcast are for general information only and any reliance on the information provided in this Podcast is done at your own risk. This Podcast should not be considered professional advice.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/chef-michaels-food-hacks-podcast--6512560/support.

  • Hello! I am Ayleen, the founder and content creator of WeSpeak English, a podcast that presents English classes focused on improving speaking skills. My first season is called "Conversation strategies", tune in to learn strategies that will make your conversation more natural and fluent. Welcome to my podcast!

  • Learn the most frequent words in Czech with sentences. Learning sentences instead of isolated words helps you internalize grammar, context, and natural usage. Learn more at LangTurbo.com

  • Podcast ini membahas tentang seputar pendidikan di era pandemi covid-19

  • Av. Ali Kurt ile Lem'alar mecmuasından Risale-i Nur dersleri.

    Sözler Mecmuası için:

    Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/risale-i-nur-dersleri/id1776556655

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2c7AlmTFKP9k6sKJ6QbEPS

    Bilgi ve yorumlarınız için: [email protected]

  • Kat Mülkiyeti Kanunu kapsamında; "Komşuluk ilişkileri nasıl olmalı? Yönetici, kat maliki ve kiracı olarak hak ve borçlarımız nedir? Toplu yapılarda nasıl davranmalıyız? Yönetici olabilir miyim?" gibi konularda konuşacağız. komşuluk ilişkilerinde değişik olaylardan bahsedeceğiz.

    E-posta. : [email protected]
    Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/armagandergin/

  • Анализ Аргумента Китайской комнаты

  • Bediüzzaman Said Nursî’nin eseri olan Risale-i Nur Külliyatı'nı anlamak, hayatımıza katmak ve derinlemesine kavramak için yola çıktık. Her bölümde Av. Ali Kurt ile Risale-i Nur'daki önemli konulara odaklanarak iman, ahlak ve irfan yolculuğunda rehber olacak dersler sunuyoruz. İlgili her yaştan dinleyiciyi, hayatlarına anlam katacak bu düşünceleri keşfetmeye davet ediyoruz.

    Lem'alar Mecmuası için:

    Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lemalar-mecmuası/id1777199594

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0q1S0du5ofaVy71I2lkG1R

    Bilgi ve yorumlarınız için: [email protected]

  • Beslenme Uzmanı Elvan Odabaşı ve Nörobilim Uzmanı Kerem Dündar'ın sunumu ve Bubble Works Media'nın desteğiyle, "Oh Be" Dedirten Sohbetler en çok merak edilen sağlık ve bilim konularını en eğlenceli ve samimi şekilde ele alıyor. Bu sohbet hem bilgilendirecek hem de birçok konuda 'Oh Be!' dedirterek rahatlatacak.
    Bizimle iletişime geçmek için: [email protected]

  • Özgür Uysal'dan bi' arkadaşınız için ilişkiler, cinsellik ve insan hakkında araştırmalar, bilimsel bilgiler, taktikler, psikolojik, sosyolojik, mitolojik hikayeler.

  • Bazen içimizden geçenleri söylemeye korkarız. Ya yanlış anlaşılırsa, ya fazla açık edersek kendimizi? Ama sustukça o düşünceler büyür, ağırlaşır. İşte bu podcast tam da bunun için var: Söylemeye çekindiğimiz, içimizde sakladığımız duyguları konuşmak için. Korkular, endişeler, hayaller, bastırılmış hisler… Hepsini burada cesurca dile getiriyorum.

    Belki de senin de içinden geçenleri ama söylemeye korktuklarını konuşuyorumdur.

  • Ben Atacan Yeşilada nam-ı diğer veya a.k.a English with Atacan. Podbee ile beraber eğleneceğimiz meselelerin ingilizcesi neydi diye sormak için toplandık. (Bir de videolarımdaki kadar korkutucu biri olmadığımı kanıtlamak için.)

    İngilizcesi Neydi? podcastine hoşgeldin!

  • Bu podcast serisinde Enwa Dil Akademi yayınlarının 80 Öykü ile İngilizce kitabını seslendireceğiz. Böylece İngilizce kelime bilginizi arttıracak, dinleme becerilerinizi ve telaffuzunuzu geliştirebileceksiniz.

    Kitabı satın almak ve diğer tüm İngilizce eğitimlerimiz ve kitaplarımız için aşağıdaki linki inceleyebilirsiniz.


  • Hey Beautiful, Welcome to Adulting Empowered. Do childhood memories linger and keep you stuck in shame or feeling insecure? Are you fearful of not having enough when it comes to money, work, or relationships? Do you wish you could feel secure in your true Identity and Purpose, instead of external sources of value?

    Well, you’re not alone, and I’m so excited you found us! This podcast will help you see that your childhood trauma wasn’t your fault, and that YOU can stop the generational cycles of your family. With God’s help, you can become free to pursue God’s plan for your life. You’ll also find and connect with a community of believers who are working on healing their childhood trauma also, in order to live out their purpose, intentionally build happy marriages, and raise kids God’s way!

    Hi, I’m Susie, a daughter of the king, wife, and girl mom. I grew up believing the lies of my childhood, that my worth was based on external things, like money and people. So naturally, as a young adult, I sought after financial security, career performance, and titles. I thought if I got to a certain level of income or management, I would find peace, so I sacrificed my health, precious time with family, and anything else that got in the way of work success. After 22 years in Corporate America, I was burned out, and finally realized that security in anything other than Jesus would never be enough. I would always strive for more money, more achievement, and more recognition for my efforts. But with Jesus, I already had everything I needed. And He was faithful to provide for all my needs. Luke 12:28 says, “If God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?”

    So, I ditched my limiting beliefs from childhood, and exchanged them for a lifestyle of trusting God for all my needs, which led to discovering the healthiest, most peaceful, and purpose-driven version of me. God has a plan to heal and restore all that was broken in our childhood, if we let him, and I want to share how with you.

    Psalms 23:1 says “the Lord is my shepherd. I lack nothing. And I want YOU to know that YOU lack nothing. You are Called and equipped for the life destined for You. If you’re Ready for a life with God where Everything and Everyone is For you, then welcome to your POD!

    Once your limiting beliefs are removed, you’ll discover a life of freedom and power with God. God designed you to become, do, and have everything you’re created for. Get ready to laugh, cry and grow together as a community. It’s about to get LIT up in here (pun intended)!


  • شاهد شاف حاجه دائما بنكون في اماكن شايفين حاجه و منقدرش نكلم او نعمل حاجه للي بيحصل و لكن هنا احنا بنكلم عن المشاكل الي كنا فيها شاهد شاف حاجه و هنا هنكلم و نقدر نغير حاجه

  • سامانه ویزا چک، اولین و تنهاترین ربات جستجو و اخذ جاب آفر استرالیا

  • A weekly parashah lecture, focusing on a topic, generally halachic, relating to the parashah.

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