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Подкаст «Ким я стану, коли виросту»
Друзі, привіт. Мене звати Олена Клочко і я психолог та автор подкасту “Ким я стану, коли виросту» про зміну професії в дорослому віці та пошук призначення.
Кожні 2 тижня я запрошую на інтервʼю профі з різних сфер, які змінювали професію та напрямки діяльності в дорослому віці та які реалізовані в улюбленій справі.
Якщо ви в пошуках натхнення в темі самореалізації та на порозі змін - ви за адресою🌸 -
Trust in cybersecurity is an ever-changing journey — hard to gain and easy to lose.
Join us in the meaningful conversations that disrupt conventional thinking about trust in cybersecurity risk management — exploring disruptive technologies and proven approaches that create confidence.
Each episode, we explore the challenges we share with industry experts and insiders, exploring the challenging questions questions about what it means to organizations to constantly improve the state of their security, how to tackle the inherent risks of AI while focusing on business value delivery, how risk transfer factors into a modern cyber risk management strategy, and more. For cybersecurity professionals, business leaders, and the companies that make up the digital delivery system we all share, if you’re facing these questions in your business, Trust vs. is for you.
Brought to you by HITRUST. -
Подкаст українською про складний бізнес аналіз. Подкаст для тих, хто хоче розібратися в IT бізнес-аналізі. Я Бізнес аналітикиня в ІТ проєктах, ділитимусь практичними порадами, розбиратиму практичні кейси та пояснюватиму складні речі простими словами. Від новачків до профі – кожен знайде щось корисне! 🙍♀️📚 🧰 Разом розберемося!
There’s been a tremendous amount of innovation in the real estate industry for homeowners. As a homeowner today, there are more options available than ever before. In this show, we break down these amazing solutions with real estate professionals, and jam on when these programs are applicable and how they benefit the homeowner. Hosted by Dalip Jaggi and presented by Revive, your real estate concierge for maximizing profit
We dive into the latest research and translate academic mumbo-jumbo to provide answers to the most interesting questions in the world of Finance!
Ідея Відсутня – подкаст для тих, хто не боїться починати з нуля.
Ми – агенція Underdog, яка допомагає українським бізнесам рости та перемагати. У цьому подкасті ми розповідаємо історії тих, хто кидає виклик обставинам, приймає нестандартні рішення і ламає стереотипи. Реальні кейси, провальні спроби, неочевидні інсайти – усе, що потрібно, щоб надихнутися і зробити крок вперед.
Хочемо розвиватись і дивитись, як розвиваються інші. Тому ти точно знайдеш тут щось особливе і для себе. -
Du bist Ernährungsberater oder Fitnesstrainer und fragst dich, wie du mehr Kunden über Social Media gewinnen kannst – ohne tägliches Posten, teure Ads oder große Reichweite?
In diesem Podcast lernst du, wie du ein professionelles Social Media-Profil aufbaust, authentischen Content erstellst und deine Wunschkunden anziehst. Hier geht es um echte Ergebnisse und praxiserprobte Strategien, die tatsächlich funktionieren.
Michelle kombiniert ihre Marketing-Expertise mit ihrem Know-How für Fitness & Ernährung, um dir die besten Tipps mitzugeben, wie du deine Selbstständigkeit als Ernährungs- oder Fitnesscoach voran bringst! -
Are you looking for a job or writing a resume? Do you know what employers are looking for in college graduates? If you’re determined to align yourself with the best career for you after graduation, join us in Career Cafe, a podcast from Southern Utah University’s Career Center that teaches you how to thrive in the professional world! Podcast host McKinley Hatch, along with co-hosts Brandon Street, Jerry Ross, and special guests share their career expertise with you from job search, resume, and cover letter tips to salary negotiation and more. What are you waiting for? Grab some food from your favorite cafe and dive in!
In dem Podcast unseres Unternehmens Pro Personal behandeln wir interessante Themen rund um Jobs, Ausbildung und Bewerbung, aber auch Fragestellungen zu unserem Unternehmen.
Mach dich auf Special Guests und Experten aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen gefasst, welche dir hilfreiche Tipps und Tricks verraten werden!
Viel Spaß bei unserem Procast! :) -
Job Interview est l'émission qui vous permet de découvrir un métier ou même une formation.
Au cours d'une interview, l'intervenant se livrera sur son parcours, les débouchés, les points positifs/négatifs de son travail, ... -
Welcome to STELLAR SUCCESS: Leveling Up For Medical Pro’s with Dr. Tudor Francu, the go-to podcast for medical professionals aiming to achieve excellence in their careers, personal lives, and financial well-being.
Join Dr. Francu as he sits down with industry leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs in the medical field to uncover their secrets to success. From mastering medical practice to navigating the complexities of healthcare investments and building wealth, this podcast is your ultimate guide to leveling up in every aspect of life.
Tune in for actionable insights, inspiring stories, and expert strategies that will help you thrive as a medical -
Lost nach dem Abi? Wir sind Studentinnen der DHBW Mannheim im Studiengang Digitale Medien und standen vor einem Jahr noch vor dem selben Problem. Mit unserem Podcast „Plan?Los! - Medien studieren, Praxis integrieren” möchten wir dir dabei helfen, Zukunft zu planen!
Real conversations with badass women professionals in Tech. We dive into the challenges they’ve conquered, the unique energy they bring, and the power of soft skills in a fast-paced industry. Inspiring, empowering, and redefining success — one story at a time.
Join us as we get to know the business, the team, and the industry through candid, fireside-style chats packed with insights, advice, and a few laughs along the way. Whether you’re an employer or a job seeker, this series is designed to inform, entertain, and give you a fresh perspective on the recruitment landscape.
This monthly series isn’t your typical scripted podcast. Each episode is recorded or streamed live, creating a relaxed and engaging atmosphere with genuine, unscripted conversations. If you’re watching live, you’ll have the chance to get involved by asking questions or sharing your thoughts in the comments on YouTube, Facebook, or LinkedIn – and we may even feature your input on screen!
Watch live or catch up later:
This is a Visual PR Productions broadcast – who blend public relations philosophies with high-quality video content to create authentic, engaging experiences that connect with your audience. From marketing and video podcasts to panel shows, live events, and training videos – we bring brands to life through compelling storytelling in conversational video content.
[email protected] -
"Diversity is THE GAME CHANGER" explores how embracing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) shapes a sustainable and compassionate future. Hosted by Mrs. Valeriya Hjertenaes—Mrs. World Congeniality, PhD researcher, and NeuroDiversity advocate—each episode examines the impact of diverse perspectives, mental wellness, and sustainable practices in driving positive change. From overcoming OCD stigma to pioneering responsible fashion, Valeriya shows how beauty, intellect, and empathy can make a difference. Join us to discover how DEI unlocks a more inclusive world.
"Diversity is THE GAME CHANGER -
Launching your own company in the financial tech industry is a lot of work! You start with this crazy idea. Maybe it’s a passion project, or something that gives you purpose. Maybe you're building a business based on necessity by creating software or solutions that don’t currently exist. The concept is as exciting as it is terrifying, but it doesn’t have to be. In Alpha Beta Launch we talk to founders and CEO who all started from the exact same place, an idea.
If you are a woman who desires a Peaceful Home and a Profitable Business based on Biblical Principles, The Rhythm Reset Podcast is for you.
Join your host, Alexis Greco, Christ Follower, Wife, Mother, & Entrepreneur as she takes you through the practical strategies of how to run your home and business successfully. Whether you're an online coach generating 5-6 figures per month, a homeschool mom who just started a side hustle, or somewhere in between, this podcast is your go-to resource for all things "meat and potatoes" on how to "do it all", without the overwhelm.
Join us each week for encouraging and practical conversations that will remind you that yes, you have what it takes to do what you're called to - and, the step by step of how to do just that.
Connect with Alexis via Instagram:
or via email: [email protected] -
Podcast o tym, jak sprzedawać wiedzę, produkty i usługi w świecie online i jednocześnie odzyskiwać czas, wolność i niezależność w swoim biznesie.
Dla osób, które prowadzą lub wciąż jeszcze myślą o własnej firmie.
Dzielimy się tu wskazówkami dotyczącymi biznesu online i łącząc swoje moce sprawiamy, że sprzedaż staje się przyjemnością.
Zarówno dla Ciebie jak i Twoich Klientów.
Prowadzą: Jola Ambrożewicz - trenerka biznesu i strateżka komunikacji marki oraz Kasia Janoska - projektantka użyteczności i specka od technikaliów. -
Discover the 3 marketing secrets for your products to STAND out and SELL out on Etsy!
- How to get your products to appear in the first page search results AND actually catch the attention of the Etsy shopper
- How to confirm the customer's expectations so they have NO doubts about your product and are READY to purchase now!
- How to build trust with BOTH customers and with Etsy to show up higher on the search results for the long run for even more views and sales
- What getting seen on Etsy is REALLY about... with 3 marketing secrets that most aren't using (hint: it's NOT SEO, titles or tags)
- Laat meer zien