Delgadillo Podcasts

  • Osame är tillbaka och vi pratar vidare utifrån de, kanske något dystra, forskningsfynden som vi går igenom i avsnitt 11. I detta avsnittet fokuserar vi på terapeutens bidrag till terapins effektivitet och vad som kännetecknar riktigt effektiva terapeuter.


    Anderson, T., McClintock, A. S., Himawan, L., Song, X., & Patterson, C. L. (2016). A Prospective Study of Therapist Facilitative Interpersonal Skills as a Predictor of Treatment Outcome. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 84(1), 57–66.

    Anderson, T., Ogles, B. M., Patterson, C. L., Lambert, M. J., & Vermeersch, D. A. (2009). Therapist effects: Facilitative interpersonal skills as a predictor of therapist success. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 65(7), 755–768.

    Delgadillo, J., Saxon, D., & Barkham, M. (2018). Associations between therapists’ occupational burnout and their patients’ depression and anxiety treatment outcomes. Depression and Anxiety, 35(9), 844–850.

    Fried, E. I., & Nesse, R. M. (2015). Depression is not a consistent syndrome: An investigation of unique symptom patterns in the STAR*D study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 172, 96–102.

    Goldberg, S. B., Babins-Wagner, R., Rousmaniere, T., Berzins, S., Hoyt, W. T., Whipple, J. L., Miller, S. D., & Wampold, B. E. (2016). Creating a climate for therapist improvement: A case study of an agency focused on outcomes and deliberate practice. Psychotherapy, 53(3), 367–375.

    Goldberg, S. B., Hoyt, W. T., Nissen-Lie, H. A., Nielsen, S. L., & Wampold, B. E. (2018). Unpacking the therapist effect: Impact of treatment length differs for high- and low-performing therapists. Psychotherapy Research, 28(4), 532–544.

    Goldberg, S. B., Rousmaniere, T., Miller, S. D., Whipple, J., Nielsen, S. L., Hoyt, W. T., & Wampold, B. E. (2016). Do psychotherapists improve with time and experience? A longitudinal analysis of outcomes in a clinical setting. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 63(1), 1–11.

    Heinonen, E., & Nissen-Lie, H. A. (2020). The professional and personal characteristics of effective psychotherapists: a systematic review. Psychotherapy Research, 30(4), 417–432.

    Johns, R. G., Barkham, M., Kellett, S., & Saxon, D. (2019). A systematic review of therapist effects: A critical narrative update and refinement to review. Clinical Psychology Review, 67, 78–93.

    Kobak, K. A., Wolitzky-Taylor, K., Craske, M. G., & Rose, R. D. (2017). Therapist Training on Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Anxiety Disorders Using Internet-Based Technologies. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 41(2), 252–265.

    Lutz, W., Schwartz, B., & Delgadillo, J. (2022). Measurement-Based and Data-Informed Psychological Therapy. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 18(1).

    Magnusson, K., Andersson, G., & Carlbring, P. (2018). The consequences of ignoring therapist effects in trials with longitudinal data: A simulation study. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 86(9), 711–725.

    Moe, F. D., & Thimm, J. (2021). Personal therapy and the personal therapist. Nordic Psychology, 73(1), 3–28.

    Nordahl, H. M., Borkovec, T. D., Hagen, R., Kennair, L. E. O., Hjemdal, O., Solem, S., Hansen, B., Haseth, S., & Wells, A. (2018). Metacognitive therapy versus cognitive–behavioural therapy in adults with generalised anxiety disorder. BJPsych Open, 4(5), 393–400.

    Nidich, S., Mills, P. J., Rainforth, M., Heppner, P., Schneider, R. H., Rosenthal, N. E., Salerno, J., Gaylord-King, C., & Rutledge, T. (2018). Non-trauma-focused meditation versus exposure therapy in veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder: a randomised controlled trial. The lancet. Psychiatry, 5(12), 975–986.

    Saxon, D., Firth, N., & Barkham, M. (2017). The Relationship Between Therapist Effects and Therapy Delivery Factors: Therapy Modality, Dosage, and Non-completion. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 44(5), 705–715.

    Schöttke, H., Flückiger, C., Goldberg, S. B., Eversmann, J., & Lange, J. (2017). Predicting psychotherapy outcome based on therapist interpersonal skills: A five-year longitudinal study of a therapist assessment protocol. Psychotherapy Research, 27(6), 642–652.

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