Reading the mysteries of the past 100 years.
Books mentioned in this episode:
— 1925: The Paddington Mystery by John Rhode
— 1935: Gaudy Night by Dorothy L Sayers
— 1945: Coroner's Pidgin by Margery Allingham (also published as: Pearls Before Swine)
— 1955: Tour de Force by Christianna Brand
— 1965: At Bertram's Hotel by Agatha Christie
— 1975: Crocodile on the Sandbank by Elizabeth Peters
— 1985: B is for Burglar by Sue Grafton
— 1995: The Mermaids Singing by Val McDermid
— 2005: Still Life by Louise Penny
— 2015: The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
— 4.50 from Paddington by Agatha Christie
Related Shedunnit episodes:
— Whodunnit Centenary: 1924
— The Shedunnit Centenary
— A Century of Whodunnits
— A Second Century of Whodunnits
Support the podcast by joining the Shedunnit Book Club and get extra Shedunnit episodes every month plus access to the monthly reading discussions and community:
NB: Links to Blackwell's are affiliate links, meaning that the podcast receives a small commission when you purchase a book there (the price remains the same for you). Blackwell's is a UK bookselling chain that ships internationally at no extra charge.
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The podcast is on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram as @ShedunnitShow, and you can find it in all major podcast apps. Make sure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss the next episode. Click here to do that now in your app of choice.
Find a full transcript of this episode at
Music by Audioblocks and Blue Dot Sessions. See for more details.
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Trevor and Christiana chat with YouTuber Marques Brownlee, professionally known as MKBHD and famous for his incredibly popular videos reviewing technology devices. The trio discusses how to survive and thrive in this era of nichification, fake outrage on the internet and its impact on creators, and whether AI is experiencing a PR nightmare or if in fact it will actually be able to kill us in our sleep.
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A young woman notices a pattern in her life of frequently being ghosted. And the last time this happened, it really stung. Not only did she lose a lover but she lost an important friend. Did this friend with benefits ghost her or did she miss something?
For the month of January, Esther is offering 20% off to join her Office Hours on Apple Podcasts. It's a place to continue conversations on important topics like sexlessness, infidelity, or the perils of modern dating. It's also a place to follow up with couples and find out where their stories went. You'll also get an ad free version of all the episodes.
Esther Callings are a one time, 45-60 minute interventional phone call with Esther. They are edited for time, clarity, and anonymity. If you have a question you would like to talk through with Esther, send a voice memo to [email protected].
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In unserer letzten regulären Sendung in diesem Jahr bewerten wir beliebte Traditionen, die man in der Weihnachtszeit und am Jahresende macht. Es geht um Adventskalender haben, das sogenannte "Wichteln", die Bescherung an Heiligabend, Böllern und Bleigießen an Silvester und vieles mehr.
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Intro: Weihnachtspause 🎄Wir machen eine kleine Weihnachtspause. In der Zwischenzeit gibt es auch in diesem Jahr wieder einen "Easy German Jahresrückblick" in zwei Teilen: Teil 1 erscheint am 28.12.2024, Teil 2 am 04.01.2025. Ab dem 11.01.2025 hört ihr uns wieder wie gewohnt jeden Samstag und Dienstag.
Top oder Flop: Traditionen am Jahresende Dinner for One (Wikipedia) Dinner for One – Das Original (ARD Mediathek) Wichtige Vokabeln in dieser Episode die Tradition: eine Gewohnheit, ein Brauch oder eine Praxis, die oft von Generation zu Generation weitergegeben wird der Adventskalender: ein spezieller Kalender, der die Tage im Dezember bis Weihnachten zählt und ein Türchen oder eine Tüte mit einer Überraschung für jeden Tag hat wichteln: ein Spiel, bei dem jeder Teilnehmer ein Geschenk kauft und diese dann zufällig verteilt oder ausgetauscht werden die Bescherung: der Moment, in dem an Weihnachten die Geschenke ausgepackt werden böllern: das Zünden von Feuerwerkskörpern der Blindgänger: ein Feuerwerkskörper oder eine Bombe, die nicht explodiert ist, obwohl sie gezündet wurde der Vorsatz: ein Ziel oder eine Absicht für die ZukunftSupport Easy German and get interactive transcripts, live vocabulary and bonus content:
Wir wünschen euch ein frohes neues Jahr! Nachdem wir in der letzten Episode unsere Lieblingsmomente aus dem Jahr 2024 geteilt haben, schauen wir uns heute unsere Vorsätze aus dem letzten Jahr an: Hat Cari es geschafft, weniger Meetings zu machen? Ist Manuel ein Schwimmprofi geworden? Und hat Janusz es geschafft, "weiter diszipliniert zu leben"? Zum Abschluss verraten wir unsere Ziele für das Jahr 2025.
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Show Notes Der Easy German Jahresrückblick 2023 (Easy German Podcast 445) Everyone Is Moving To Berlin (Podcast) Wichtige Vokabeln in dieser Episode jemandem etwas vorhalten: jemandem einen Fehler oder ein Versäumnis zeigen oder daran erinnern der Vorsatz: eine feste Absicht oder ein Plan, etwas Bestimmtes zu tun oder zu erreichen scheitern: nicht erfolgreich sein, ein Ziel oder eine Aufgabe nicht erreichen etwas priorisieren: etwas als besonders wichtig oder dringend einstufen jemanden schmieren: jemandem Geld oder Geschenke geben, um einen Vorteil zu erlangen das Naturtalent: eine Person, die eine besondere Fähigkeit oder Begabung in einem bestimmten Bereich hat, ohne dass sie dafür viel üben oder lernen muss sich gehen lassen: sich selbst nicht mehr so gut pflegen oder sich nicht mehr so gut um seine Aufgaben oder Verantwortlichkeiten kümmern auf Trab sein: sehr beschäftigt sein, ständig in Bewegung oder aktiv seinSupport Easy German and get interactive transcripts, live vocabulary and bonus content:
Happy New Year! To get the year started off right, we’re re-publishing one of our favorite episodes from 2024. Trevor and Christiana chatted with Jia Tolentino in May of last year; 8 months later, and Ozempic is still a hot topic.
Ozempic. It started with a lizard, and then transformed into a drug that, depending on who you ask, is either a miracle or the downfall of society. New Yorker writer and cultural critic Jia Tolentino joins Trevor and Christiana to give context on the media circus surrounding weight loss drugs, and how Ozempic is changing the conversation around fatness in America.
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Michael & Hilary get into what it takes to keep them on an even keel on a day to day basis. We all have down days from time to time, so here are some Whitehall tips on how to bring yourself back up again!
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Don't forget! How To Survive Family Holidays by Jack Whitehall (with Hilary & Michael Whitehall!) is now available in paperback, at all good book shops!
You can email your questions, thoughts or problems to [email protected] -
Auf Wiedersehen 2024! Heute befinden wir uns zwischen den Jahren und stoßen mit euch auf das neue Jahr an. Dafür lassen wir noch einmal unsere Lieblingsmomente aus einem Jahr Easy German Revue passieren und erzählen euch, was wir für das neue Jahr geplant haben.
Transkript und VokabelhilfeWerde ein Easy German Mitglied und du bekommst unsere Vokabelhilfe, ein interaktives Transkript und Bonusmaterial zu jeder Episode:
Unsere Easy German-Lieblingsmomente Ein Monat durch die USA (Easy German 582) Deutsche beantworten 6 Persönliche Fragen (Easy German 570) We Moved to Poland For a Month Weihnachtsmarkt Walk (Super Easy German 268) Vater und Sohn (Easy German Podcast 484) Was haben wir dieses Jahr geplant?Startet mit uns in das neue Jahr und übt 30 Tage lang jeden Tag ein bisschen Deutsch: Unsere 30-Day-Challenge geht los am 6. Januar. Alle Infos findet ihr hier:
Wichtige Vokabeln in dieser Episode zwischen den Jahren: der Zeitraum zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr auf etwas zurückschauen: sich an Vergangenes erinnern oder es reflektieren das Orchester: eine große Gruppe von Musikern, die gemeinsam spielen kurzweilig: unterhaltsam, nicht langweilig anstoßen: die Gläser aneinander schlagen, um auf etwas zu trinken der Vorsatz: ein Ziel oder eine Absicht, die man sich für die Zukunft vornimmtSupport Easy German and get interactive transcripts, live vocabulary and bonus content:
aka "The Accordion Legs Episode" Listen to Amber, Paul, James Simpson and me as we play a light-hearted speaking game called "Would you rather...?" and hear about having accordions for legs, being stuck in a lift with a pair of wet dogs and living on a desert island with a mermaid (or merman). You'll also hear the results of the interactive lying game from episode 343. There are notes and some transcriptions below. Share your comments on the page for this episode. How would you answer these 'would you rather' questions? Notes and transcriptions here
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
After becoming a mother for the first time, a young woman reflects on the complicated relationship with her own mother. Esther guides her through establishing boundaries with grace, breaking generational cycles, and the importance of self-acceptance.
If you have an individual question you would like to talk through with Esther, please send a voice memo to [email protected]. If you would like to apply for a couples session with Esther, please click here:
Want to learn more? Receive monthly insights, musings, and recommendations to improve your relational intelligence via email from Esther:"
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There’s always more to say about detective fiction.
Books mentioned in this episode:
— The Man in the Brown Suit by Agatha Christie
— The Secret Place by Tana French
— The Crozier Pharaohs by Gladys Mitchell
— Postern of Fate by Agatha Christie
— The Examiner by Janice Hallett
— The Appeal by Janice Hallett
— The Documents in the Case by Dorothy L Sayers and Robert Eustace
— Three-A-Penny by Lucy Beatrice Malleson
— Portrait of a Murderer by Portrait of a Murderer
— Death in Fancy Dress by Anthony Gilbert
— The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club by Dorothy L Sayers
— The Murder on the Links by Agatha Christie
— The Body in the Library by Agatha Christie
— The Thin Man by Dashiell Hammett
— Murder's A Swine by Nap Lombard
— The Case of the Gilded Fly by Edmund Crispin
— The Organ Speaks by E.C.R. Lorac
— Death in Dwelly Lane by Frank Vigor Morley
— Agatha Christie: Mistress of Mystery by Gordon C. Ramsey
— "The Adventure of the Cardboard Box" by Arthur Conan Doyle
— His Last Bow by Arthur Conan Doyle
— A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle
— Hard Liver by Anthony Weymouth
— “Death Sits in the Dentist’s Chair” by Cornell Woolrich, collected in Darkness at Dawn: Early Suspense Classics
— Mr Fortune, Please by H.C. Bailey
— Black Land, White Land by H.C. Bailey
Shedunnit episodes mentioned in this episode:
— Whodunnit Centenary: 1924
— A Reading Life
— Lucy, Anthony, and Anne
— The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club (Green Penguin Book Club 1)
— The Murder on the Links (Green Penguin Book Club 2)
— The Thin Man (Green Penguin Book Club 3)
— Instrument of Death
— Edmund Crispin's Inside Jokes
— Death at the Speakeasy
— In The Dentist's Chair
— Mr Fortune, Please (Green Penguin Book Club 4)
— Mysterious Knitting
Support the podcast by joining the Shedunnit Book Club and get extra Shedunnit episodes every month plus access to the monthly reading discussions and community:
NB: Links to Blackwell's are affiliate links, meaning that the podcast receives a small commission when you purchase a book there (the price remains the same for you). Blackwell's is a UK bookselling chain that ships internationally at no extra charge.
To be the first to know about future developments with the podcast, sign up for the newsletter at
The podcast is on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram as @ShedunnitShow, and you can find it in all major podcast apps. Make sure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss the next episode. Click here to do that now in your app of choice.
Find a full transcript of this episode at
Music by Audioblocks and Blue Dot Sessions. See for more details.
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The magical spirit of Christmas is the perfect cover for a murder mystery.
Mentioned in this episode:
— "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle" by Arthur Conan Doyle, collected in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
— "The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding" by Agatha Christie, collected in The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding and a Selection of Entrées
— "The Necklace of Pearls" by Dorothy L Sayers, collected in Silent Nights
— Hercule Poirot's Christmas by Agatha Christie
— Crime at Christmas by C.H.B. Kitchin
— Portrait of a Murderer by Anne Meredith
— An English Murder by Cyril Hare
— Groaning Spinney by Gladys Mitchell
— The Case of the Abominable Snowman by Nicholas Blake
— Mystery in White by J. Jefferson Farjeon
— “A Present from Santa Claus” by Julian Symons, collected in Murder on a Winter's Night
— L'Assassinat du Père Noël Pierre Véry [English trans. The Murder of Father Christmas]
— Murder After Christmas by Rupert Latimer
— Murder for Christmas by Francis Duncan
— “Who Killed Father Christmas?” by Patricia Moyes, collected in Who Killed Father Christmas?
— “The Santa Claus Club” by Julian Symons, collected in Crimson Snow
— The Santa Claus Murder by Mavis Doriel Hay
— "‘Twixt the Cup and the Lip” by Julian Symons, collected in The Christmas Card Crime and Other Stories
— "The Case of the Man with the Sack” by Margery Allingham, collected in Crimson Snow
— The White Priory Murders by John Dickson Carr
— "The Snapdragon and the C.I.D." by Margery Allingham, collected in Murder at Christmas
— “The Case is Altered” by Margery Allingham, collected in Silent Nights
— “Among Those Present was Santa Claus” by Vincent Cornier, collected in Who Killed Father Christmas?
More Festive Shedunnit episodes:
— Crime at Christmas
— Let It Snow
— A Christie for Christmas
— The Murderless Christmas Mystery
Support the podcast by joining the Shedunnit Book Club and get extra Shedunnit episodes every month plus access to the monthly reading discussions and community:
NB: Links to Blackwell's are affiliate links, meaning that the podcast receives a small commission when you purchase a book there (the price remains the same for you). Blackwell's is a UK bookselling chain that ships internationally at no extra charge.
To be the first to know about future developments with the podcast, sign up for the newsletter at
The podcast is on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram as @ShedunnitShow, and you can find it in all major podcast apps. Make sure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss the next episode. Click here to do that now in your app of choice.
Find a full transcript of this episode at
Music by Audioblocks and Blue Dot Sessions. See for more details.
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Caroline and Guy discuss The Box of Delights by John Masefield, a beloved children's book from 1935 that might actually be a golden age detective novel too.
They also consider the beloved 1984 TV adaptation, which is returning to the BBC on 7th December 2024 for a special 40th anniversary showing.
This episode was originally released in December 2023 as an exclusive bonus for the Shedunnit Book Club. If you'd like to hear more bonus episodes like this in the future, join the Shedunnit Book Club now at
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Come and join Michael & Hilary for a Boxing Day life lesson, born out of a legendary nativity performance from DL Wendy's son...
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Trevor chats with actor, adventurer, and producer Orlando Bloom, who takes Trevor behind the scenes of his thrill-seeking new documentary series, To the Edge. Orlando also talks about his early career, discusses why one terrifying fall from a balcony changed his life, and reveals why Katy Perry talks to him about “the sandcastle of life.”
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It's a great big Christmas special mash up in the podcast universe this week, as Jordan & William from Help I Sexted My Boss join Mr & Mrs Whitehall for a spot of yuletide larks. So, how old should the 'children' of the family be, before Santa stops bringing them presents and is it acceptable to do your own thing when your a guest at somebody else's house for Christmas?
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We can all agree that the stories you hear on The Wittering Whitehalls are very interesting and thoroughly amusing, but are they consistent? Luckily, there is always a keen-eared DL on hand to do a bit of fact-checking!
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Wir sprechen noch einmal über den Fall des Assad-Regimes in Syrien. Wir erklären, was deutsche Politiker schon am Tag nach dieser Nachricht gefordert haben... Dann geht es um fairen Wahlkampf in Deutschland und kleine Sprachfehler bei großen Firmen. Zum Schluss beantwortet Manuel, warum er vegan lebt.
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Darüber redet Deutschland: Syrien Spahn will Syrer mit 1000 Euro heimschicken – jetzt schlägt die Wirtschaft Alarm (Focus) Merz zu Syrern ohne Arbeit: "Von denen können und müssen viele zurück" (tagesschau) Scholz über Syrer in Deutschland: "Wer gut integriert ist, bleibt willkommen" (tagesschau) BAMF stoppt vorerst Asyl-Entscheidungen von Syrern (tagesschau) Ausdruck der Woche: Hart im Nehmen sein hart im Nehmen sein (Wiktionary) Das ist schön: Joko und Klaas bringen Habeck, Scholz und Merz für politisches Statement zusammen Joko & Klaas 15 Minuten: Robert Habeck, Friedrich Merz und Olaf Scholz über... (YouTube) MrWissen2go: Alle Kanzlerkandidaten erklärt | Bundestagswahl 2025 (YouTube) Das nervt: Falsches Deutsch bei den größten Unternehmen der Welt "Lese" oder "Lies" - Wie Loriot dabei hilft, den Imperativ richtig zu bilden (Susemihl Texte) Eure Fragen Ibrahim fragt: Warum ist Manuel vegan? Peter Singer: Animal Liberation (Goodreads) Ed Winters: This is Vegan Propaganda (Goodreads) Cowspiracy Hast du eine Frage an uns? Auf kannst du uns eine Sprachnachricht schicken. Wichtige Vokabeln in dieser Episode fragwürdig: zweifelhaft, unsicher oder nicht vertrauenswürdig das Machtvakuum: eine Situation, in der es an einer klaren und anerkannten Autorität oder Führung fehlt der Vielvölkerstaat: ein Staat, der aus vielen verschiedenen ethnischen, kulturellen oder sprachlichen Gruppen besteht hart im Nehmen sein (ugs): belastbar oder widerstandsfähig sein bedingungslos: ohne Einschränkungen; vollständig der Spitzenkandidat: die Person, die an erster Stelle einer Liste von Kandidaten für eine Wahl steht Murks machen: etwas falsch oder schlecht machen; einen Fehler machen oder schlechte Arbeit leisten vegan: ein Lebensstil oder eine Ernährungsweise, die alle Produkte und Substanzen, die von Tieren stammen, einschließlich Fleisch, Milchprodukte und Eier, ausschließtSupport Easy German and get interactive transcripts, live vocabulary and bonus content:
What would happen if for whatever reason, Mrs Whitehall was unable to produce the wonderful Christmas lunch that she has done so many times before? What if Mr Whitehall had to step in? Plus, how do you turn down an invitation that you don't really want and does Nigel Havers remember a job he did in the late 1970's?
You can email your questions, thoughts or problems to [email protected]
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So, what can you do if you've got a moth problem? Well.... Not much, but also not nothing. As always, Mrs Whitehall is here with some pearls of wisdom and Mr Whitehall is ready and waiting with a moderate, to gale-force rant.
You can email your questions, thoughts or problems to [email protected]
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This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.
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