
  • You know I love talking about how to simplify and declutter your house. As a professional home organizer, I've dedicated my life to helping people let go of all the clutter laying around their homes... all the stuff that eventually sucks up their space, their time, and energy. I want to help people exchange all the unnecessary physical clutter in their homes for serenity, peace and happiness.

    But at times we need to consider a different kind of clutter. I'm talking about the non-physical type of clutter that we all have in our lives. Today, I talk about mind clutter. The clutter that we have complicating our brain. More specifically, the negative thoughts that fill up our minds and fog our vision.

    Unfortunately, for many of us, a cluttered mind can be a lot worse than a cluttered home or workspace. When your mind is cluttered with negative thoughts, you can easily feel stressed, anxious, restless, unfocused, and overwhelmed.

    And we all know that the process of decluttering our homes isn't always easy. But decluttering your mind, can seem almost impossible! It’s not as if thoughts are just laying around, waiting for you to tidy them up. It's not like you can just simply pick through them all, find the good ones that should be kept and then toss the unwanted ones in the donation box. I wish it were that easy. But the mind isn’t like an inbox that you can just sit down and sort through. It's more complicated than that. Or is it?

    Negative thinking patterns are something that I've struggled with many times throughout my life. Through my own experiences and with all the research that I've done over the years, I now want to share with you what I've learned when it comes to simplifying a mind that can easily be cluttered with negative thoughts.

    Links Mentioned in this Show:

    Episode #81: How To Simplify Your Brain When It Gets Complicated

    Episode #82: Ask CarlaRae: Can I Really Control My Thoughts?

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    Simplicity University:

    Free Guide: "9 Ways to Simplify Your Life"

    Or send a text to 44222 with the word 9SIMPLIFY

    Free Download: "5 Steps to Organizing Your Home"

    Or send a text to 44222 with the word ORGANIZE



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  • Have you ever noticed, whenever you go to a scheduled event, meeting, or party, that about 1 in 5 people show up late? If you're a punctual person, you've for sure noticed it... probably because you get a little annoyed by habitually late people.

    A study done at San Francisco State University found that about 20% of the U.S. population is chronically late. And while it does seem very rude and inconsiderate (especially to people who tend to always be on time), it’s not necessarily because they don’t value others’ time. It's a lot more complicated than that.

    I know this because, like I confessed way back in episode #19, I used to struggle with being on time. Yes, kind of ironic, since I am technically a time management specialist.

    Over the years, I've gotten much better. And now, I actually tend to be a little early to events. Considering being about 5-10 minutes late was an ingrained habit since I was in my teens, it took a lot for me to change my ways. Not only did I have to evaluate my mindsets and figure out WHY I was always late, but I also had to change my relationship with time.

    Just like chronically late people tend to baffle those who tend to be on time, punctual people tend to bewilder those that are always late. I remember I used to look at who are always on time to everything and I'd wonder, "how is it that they are always on time? How do I turn into someone like that? Someone who shows up early and finishes projects with time to spare?" Yes, to me, those people were mystifying.

    But if you ever want to be more successful in any area of life, you need to take a look at what other successful people are doing.

    So for today's episode of Life Made Simple, we look at exactly what punctual people do to be punctual. We look at 7 habits of people who are always on time.

    It’s never too late to stop being late.

    Links Mentioned in this Show:

    Free Download: "How To Be More Punctual"

    Or send a text to 44222 with the word ONTIME

    Episode #19: Always Late? Here's What To Do About It (CarlaRae Confesses)

    Episode #69: Wake Up, Sleepy-Head!

    Episode #63: You Need More Margin Time! (CarlaRae Confesses)

    Share this Episode:

    Share this Podcast:

    Simplicity University:

    Free Guide: "9 Ways to Simplify Your Life"

    Or send a text to 44222 with the word 9SIMPLIFY

    Free Download: "5 Steps to Organizing Your Home"

    Or send a text to 44222 with the word ORGANIZE



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  • Have you ever heard of Lewis Howes? The lifestyle entrepreneur and New York Times bestselling author? He recently published an amazing book called The School of Greatness: A Real-World Guide to Living Bigger, Loving Deeper, and Leaving a Legacy. I absolutely LOVE this book! So much so that you'll definitely hear me refer to it in future episodes.

    Today I share with you one powerful exercise that Lewis mentions in his book. And it's actually an exercise that I've practiced many times this past year in my own life. It's called a Perfect Day Itinerary. Yes, it's exactly what the name says it is... it's making an itinerary for a perfect day. In this episode I explain exactly how this works and how to apply it to your life.

    I have a free worksheet that you can download and fill out for this exercise. In the download I include an example of my Perfect Day Itinerary, so you can get a better idea of how to do it. Just go to You can also text the phrase PERFECTDAY to the number 44222.

    If you let it, this exercise can be such a powerful tool to help you stay focused and manage your time to finally fulfill your dreams and reach your goals. Just give it try!

    Links Mentioned in this Show:

    Free Worksheet: "The Perfect Day Itinerary Worksheet" (

    Or send a text to 44222 with the word PERFECTDAY

    Lewis Howes:

    His Bestselling Book: The School of Greatness

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    Free Guide: "9 Ways to Simplify Your Life" (

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