The most popular show in Netflix's history returns for its second season. Does it carry the story along, and what does it say about culture now?
Richard and Marina also give us some of their recommendations for TV in 2025 but before that they tell us their heroes and villains of 2024.
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Producers: Neil Fearn + Joey McCarthy
Executive Producers: Tony Pastor + Jack Davenport
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What are the press back channels that made the Princess of Wales release the video of her health update, and are we all complicit? Will Aaron Taylor-Johnson be taking over the role of James Bond from Daniel Craig? Finally, Donald Trump... how he is leveraging 'Truth Social' to bolster his bank balance?
Join Richard Osman and Marina Hyde for the latest instalment of The Rest Is Entertainment.
Twitter: @restisents
Email: [email protected]
Producer: Neil Fearn
Executive Producers: Tony Pastor + Jack Davenport
Richard - The Trees Percival Everett (read)
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Richard reveals some juicy details about his forthcoming new book but before then he and Marina delve into the world of 'romantasy', the genre which is taking up space on bookshelves at great pace. Plus a dissection of Dakota Johnson's Madame Web press tour, the return of Formula 1's Drive To Survive and which Gladiator Richard would have on House of Games.
Twitter: @restisents
Email: [email protected]
Producer: Neil Fearn
Executive Producers: Tony Pastor + Jack Davenport
Richard: American Fiction (Cinema)
Marina: The Hills of California (Harold Pinter Theatre) and A Mirror (Trafalgar Theatre)
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Who and what is “cool”? Richard and Marina have their first disagreement of 2025.
We know there is a lot of fakery in TV - the secrets of The Apprentice, Gogglebox and Who Do You Think You Are? are revealed.
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Email: [email protected]
Producers: Neil Fearn + Joey McCarthy
Executive Producers: Tony Pastor + Jack Davenport
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After Richard & Marina asked if Bond was in crisis on last week’s show, longtime custodians of ‘brand Bond’ Barbara Broccoli and Michael G Wilson announced they are stepping down.
Who will next play the role of Bond, and the likelihood of future films or spinoffs, are now in Amazon’s hands. Following this bombshell announcement Marina takes us inside the bombshell story and why they’re stepping back now.
Meghan Markle has had yet another rebrand. Ahead of her Netflix lifestyle series drops on Netflix on March 4th - Marina and Richard ask if this is the final chance for the Duchess of Sussex to launch the next Goop?
Richard - Blatro (iPhone App)
Marina - Joan Rivers Fashion Police (YouTube)
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Producers: Neil Fearn + Joey McCarthy
Assistant Producer: Aaliyah Akude
Executive Producers: Tony Pastor + Jack Davenport
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Before we even think about taking care of another human, can we even take care of a pet? That's like being a parent... right?
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This week, Georgia covers the murder of Fahim Saleh and Karen tells the story of the 2005 Wendy’s severed finger panic.
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This week’s hometowns include an MFM origin story and a petty family.
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When it comes to reading books, Eliza and Liberty could not be further apart. Liberty loves reading books that make her feel emotional and Eliza.... doesn't read.
In Episode 4 of Try Before You Die, Eliza reads an adult fantasy novel and Liberty reads a spicy romance novel.
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Eliza and Liberty approach their lives and health in totally different ways. Lib treats her body like a temple, Eliza... not so much. She likes her food fried, fast and with lots and lots of condiments.
In Episode 3 of Try Before You Die, Eliza goes VEGAN for a week.
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It's no secret Eliza and Liberty are single and looking for love. The girls have tried meeting people in all the usual ways: On the apps, in person, at the gym, in bars. But there's one thing they haven't tried. SPEED DATING.
In Episode 2 of Try Before You Die, Eliza and Liberty give it a red hot crack...
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Eliza and Liberty Paschke, live together, travel together, work together, basically, they spend WAY too much time together - But they don't really know each other.
In Episode 1 of Try Before You Die, the sisters decide their first challenge should be to see how often they tell each other the truth or lie or what they're hiding from each other. What better way, than to do a REAL Lie Detector Test!See for privacy information.
Bonus episode! The Traitors comes to its conclusion this week. Richard and Marina give their rundown on the series so far, and who could be walking away victorious...
Twitter: @restisents
Email: [email protected]
Producer: Neil Fearn
Executive Producers: Tony Pastor + Jack Davenport
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The Simpsons has a long and varied history of celebrity cameos, but what are Marina's Top 3? Media Training - how are celebs, sports people and even business leaders coached in not slipping up? Why do we have encores, and what do bands do whilst we await their return? Plus the secrets behind Antiques Roadshow.
Richard Osman and Marina Hyde answer your questions.
Sign-up to The Rest Is Entertainment newsletter for recommendations -
Twitter: @restisents
Instagram: @restisentertainment
YouTube: @therestisentertainment
Email: [email protected]
Producers: Neil Fearn
Executive Producers: Tony Pastor + Jack Davenport
🌏 Get our exclusive NordVPN deal here ➼ It’s risk-free with Nord’s 30-day money-back guarantee! ✅
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(Opin þáttur ÁN auglýsinga)
Það lék allt í lyndi þegar útfaraþjónustan Return to Nature var að opna annað útbú sitt að nágrannar í grennd við bygginguna fengu sig fullsadda.
Ástæðan var ógeðfelld lykt sem hafði verið viðlogandi seinustu tvö árin á undan.
En nú var lyktin orðin óbærileg og sveif yfir öllum íbúum bæjarins, ef ekki öllu Colorado fyllkinu.
Þegar lögreglan bankaði uppá þennan örlagaríka dag áttu þeir ekki von á því sem beið þeim innandyra....
Þetta er dularfulla málið um Útfararstofuna
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Mystík Podacst á Samfélagsmiðlum:
Draugasögur Podcast
Sannar Íslenskar Draugasögur
In 2021, we set out to cover the case of Rhys Pocan, a 35-year-old indigenous woman who was murdered in Wisconsin in the ‘80s. But while we were in the field, we uncovered a disturbing pattern of murders with similarities to Rhys’ that were just too blatant to ignore. So, we spent the next three years working with local and federal law enforcement to try and get to the bottom of it.
In Part 1, when Rhys Pocan, a young mother of four, goes missing one summer night in Milwaukee, it sends shockwaves through her community. When her dismembered remains are found on a public hunting ground less than a month later, everyone hopes they might finally get some answers. But investigators struggle to unravel the case … and things don’t heat up until we step in.
If you have any information about the murder of Rhys Pocan, please contact Det. Nathan Hatch at the Sheboygan County Sheriff’s Office at 920-459-3135, or email him at [email protected]. You can also reach out to us at [email protected].Charlee Pocan Russ has started a GoFundMe to raise money to help solve her mother’s murder. If you would like to donate or learn more, please visit this link.Can’t wait for Part 2? You can listen to WANTED: Justice for Rhys Pocan & MMIW Part 2 in the Fan Club right now!
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Crime Junkie is hosted by Ashley Flowers and Brit Prawat.
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Það sem við erum ótrúlega glöð og þakklát að ÞÚ sért akkurat hér, í þessu litla (svolítið stóra reyndar) drauga-samfélagi sem við öll erum búin að skapa hérna 🤎
Í dag fáið þið tvöfaldan þátt í boði samstarfsaðila okkar :)
Svo þessi þáttur er því extra langur og extra spooky... alveg eins og við viljum hafa það.
Haldið áfram að senda okkur frásagnir á [email protected] 📧
SAGA 1: MIÐSTRÆTI Í REYKJAVÍK(sendandi: nafnleynd)
,,Stuttu eftir að þetta byrjar þá vakna ég eina nóttina og það situr maður á rúminu mínu, eiginlega alveg upp við mig. Það fyrsta sem hann segir er að ég þurfi ekki að vera hrædd, hvorki við hann né annað sem ég sjái...."SAGA 2: DYRAGÆTTIN(sendandi: nafnleynd)
,,En svo vandist ég að sjá hann þarna. Hann gerði mér aldrei neitt, bara leyfði mér að sjá sig. Ég held að honum hafi fundist þægilegt að vera í kringum okkur í fjölskyldunni..."SAGA 3: KLÓSETTDRAUGURINN(sendandi: Brynja)
,,Ég býst við að hin manneskjan sem var á hinu klósettinu komi fram af því ég hafði ekki heyrt hana fara. Ekkert gerist þó og ég furða mig á þögninni. Ég staldra við og tek eftir að hurðin er ekki alveg lokuð..."SAGA 4: LJÓSMYNDIN(sendandi: Arnþór)
,,Þarna var ég samt með einhverja þörf til þess að loka henni. Nokkrum klukkutímum seinna þá vakna ég við að reykskynjarinn er að pípa á fullu. Ég lít fram á gang og hann er fullur af reyk..."SAGA 5: HÚSIÐ Í HVÖMMUNUM(sendandi: nafnleynd)
,,...og svo var það þannig að þegar gengið er niður á neðstu hæðina þá heyrðist ákveðið brak og ég heyrði það alveg nokkrum sinnum en aldrei kom neinn niður...."SAGA 6: FRÆNDI MINN Á SELFOSSI(sendandi: Maríanna)
,,Ég hef áður fengið þörf og tilfinningu fyrir því að hafa samband við fólk eða heimsækja það áður en það hefur dáið og ég hef ekki alltaf hlustað á það. Sá svo eftir því þegar manneskjan dó...."SAGA 7: MAÐURINN MEÐ VINDILINN(sendandi: nafnleynd)
,,Við búum í gamalli blokk í Reykjavík og er ég handviss um að það sé reimt heima hjá okkur. Við eigum tvö börn og þessi eldri sem er um tveggja ára er alltaf að babla við einhvern inní hjónaherberginu okkar..."Frábæru samstarfsfélagar okkar eru:
Happy Hydrate
Við viljum þakka höfundum dagsins kærlega fyrir að leyfa okkur að segja sögurnar þeirra og ykkur hinum fyrir að hlusta!
Haldið áfram að vera dugleg að senda okkur sögur á [email protected] 📧
This week’s hometowns include faking an injury and an important hometown festival.
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What are the unassuming every day items that foley artists, those who create sound fx, use to create iconic moments of sound?
Spotify Wrapped has become a cultural moment, how does it work?
Eating scenes on screen. Do actors really eat a load of food and how do they deliver their lines clearly with their mouths full?
Another peeks behind the curtain with Richard Osman and Marina Hyde on this Q&A episode of The Rest Is Entertainment.
Join The Rest Is Entertainment Club for ad free listening and access to bonus episodes:
Sign up to our newsletter:
Twitter: @restisents
Instagram: @restisentertainment
YouTube: @therestisentertainment
Email: [email protected]
Producers: Neil Fearn + Joey McCarthy
Executive Producers: Tony Pastor + Jack Davenport
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One the BBC’s programming jewels, The Traitors has returned. What has changed? Who is playing the game well? What is in store for us?
Marina has looked into her crystal ball and shares her movie predictions for 2025. What is going to boom and what might flop at the box office?
Join The Rest Is Entertainment Club for ad free listening and access to bonus episodes:
Sign up to our newsletter:
Twitter: @restisents
Instagram: @restisentertainment
YouTube: @therestisentertainment
Email: [email protected]
Producers: Neil Fearn + Joey McCarthy
Executive Producers: Tony Pastor + Jack Davenport
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