Zoe and Claire ask Professor Goodare why did Scotland have 5 times as many witchcraft trials as anywhere else in Europe? Find out why quarrels and curses became the background to the Witchcraft Act 1563, how the reformation and counter-reformation added to the search for witches and why the devil was always cold....
Professor Julian Goodare is an expert on witches -Author of The European Witch Hunt - as well as many other witch related titles - Director of the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft along with co-director Louise Yeoman - this is part 1 of our interview with him - learn with Zoe and Claire why the history of witches is thought by some to be the history of pagans; about how the modern idea of “witch” came about - what is has to do with 18th century cartoonists and why our “witch” Hallowe’en outfit could have looked very different from the broomstick, black hat and black cat construct we use today. Also hear about how many people in Scotland were affected by witchcraft compared to Europe.