
  • Proselytise: to convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another.

    Why are Christians such god-botherers? Is it possible to share your belief system with someone who doesn’t accept without being a jerk?

    Many people today would have you believe that there is no context in which proselytising could be considered a good thing.

    This episode is supported by Zondervan's MasterLecture Series.


    Find out more about our guest, Dr Sam Chan And check out his latest book, How to talk about Jesus (without being THAT guy) And here's a rather extensive review of Sam’s book here.Sam's book Evangelism in a Skeptical World: How to Make the Unbelievable News About Jesus More Believable won Christianity Today's Book of the Year in evangelism and apologetics. PS -- How to Talk about Jesus (without being THAT guy) is the popular-level version of the more textbook-style Evangelism in a Skeptical World.​​​​​​​Sam quoted Mark Sayers, co-host of the podcast This Cultural Moment.

    Want to send John Dickson a question? He loves them. Just click here to provide a query for our next Q and A show!

    Undeceptions is part of the Eternity Podcast Network, an audio collection showcasing the seriously good news of faith today.

  • "I'm all for technology being used in a good sense. I often say to people, AI is like a knife, a very sharp knife. You can use it to operate with, or you can use it to kill people." -- Professor John Lennox

    Artificial Intelligence is the buzz phrase of the 21st century.

    For some, it’s a welcome step into a future that promises all manner of good. For others, AI is damaging at best and, at worst, a step towards our own destruction.

    This episode, with the help of the great John Lennox, we ask the question: is Artificial Intelligence an under-estimated threat… or the saviour we’ve been waiting for?

    This episode is brought to you by series sponsor Zondervan Academic, publishers of Telling a better story: how to talk about God in a skeptical age by Josh Chatraw.


    Meet Professor John LennoxGet Professor Lennox’s book 2084: Artificial intelligence and the future of humanityRead more about how China is using surveillance technology to keep tabs on its citizens in this article from The Atlantic: 'The Panopticon Is Already Here'Check out George Orwell’s masterpiece 1984 Learn more about the Singularity with this article from Futurism: 'Singularity: Explain it to me like I’m 5 years old' Why Elon Musk fears artificial intelligence, Vox Lennox called Google’s Chief Futurist, Ray Kurzweil, “one of the great gurus in this field”. Read more about him here.Find out more about Yuval Noah Harari, author of Sapiens and Homo Deus Watch the Astronomer Royal, Lord Martin Rees, talk about the potential dangers of science and technology over the next 50 yearsRead more about science fiction author Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics and why they’re a little out of dateSay hi to episode guests Dr Grenville Kent and Dr Vicky LorrimarRead a recent ABC opinion piece by Dr Lorrimar, What hope? Dreams of immortality in the time of a pandemicMore on Beowulf, the longest epic poem in Old English.Here's some ancient ‘technology’ to find out more on (as mentioned in this episode's Five Minute Jesus)Trojan HorseThe Roman battering ramStuff designed by Roman architect and engineer VitruviusRead the whole story of the Tower of Babel from the Book of GenesisMore on deus ex machina (not the Australian motorcycles)Read the Asilomar Ethical PrinciplesWatch Rosalind Picard’s TedTalk about the smartwatch she has developed that can detect seizures. Then, watch her story of how she became a Christian

    All the movies referenced in this episode:

    2001: A Space OdysseyStar Wars ... all of them.Terminator (the original!)Bladerunner (1982)Interstellar Wall-EHerAvengers: Age of Ultron

    Want to send John Dickson a question? He loves them. Just click here to provide a query for our next Q and A show!

    Undeceptions is part of the Eternity Podcast Network, an audio collection showcasing the seriously good news of faith today.

  • Rachel Gilson says she grew up knowing two things instinctively: she was romantically attracted to women and Christians were NOT ok with that.

    Smart, sophisticated, with a love for big ideas not small minds … Rachel Gilson sounds like she’s the poster girl for that common critique of Christianity - that it’s unhelpful and unhealthy for those with lesbian, gay, or bisexual orientations. But that is not her story.

    Rachel discovered that it was possible to walk a round that led between her same-sex attraction and a love of God. Her conclusions, including her life choices will surprise you.

    Yet Rachel’s quest to understand God and His opinion of her desires provide one of the most provocative, interesting and inspiring stories Undeceptions has had privilege to present.


    For more on Rachel Gilson, check out her web site.And while you're clicking, have a look at the Undeceptions web site for all sorts of cool stuff related to undeceiving the worldSpecial thanks to Zondervan Academic, our show sponsorUndeceptions would like to encourage you to check out Zondervan Academic's latest publication, Collected Essays of N.T. Wright, 3: volumes: Interpreting Scripture, Interpreting Jesus, and Interpreting PaulRidley College, where John lectures in Public ChristianityYou can click here to sign up for the Life In Wartime podcast with David Robertson and Stephen McAlpine.Want to send John Dickson a question? He loves them. Just click here to provide a query for our next Q and A show!Undeceptions is part of the Eternity Podcast Network, an audio collection showcasing the seriously good news of faith today.