A verse-by-verse study of Doctrine and Covenants 111-114, revelations about a trip to Salem, Massachusetts, the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, questions from the book of Isaiah, and filling vacancies in Church leadership. This lesson focuses on the best of times and the worst of times, trust vs. cynicism, divinity vs. humanity, bringing faith out of folly, the heads and tails of individual attributes, treasures of many kinds, screenwriter vs. coach, filling shoes, asking questions, scriptural flexibility, and more.
Time stamps:
- Historical Background - 0:41
- Study of D&C 111 - 14:40
- Study of D&C 112 - 55:08
- Study of D&C 114 - 1:45:36
- Study of D&C 113 - 1:53:15
A verse-by-verse study of Doctrine and Covenants 121-123, excerpts from a letter written by Joseph Smith while imprisoned in Liberty Jail. This lesson focuses on faith through affliction, enduring it well, false accusations, the knowledge of God, unrighteous dominion, confidence before God, hitting Rock bottom, the chains of hell, remaining workways, and more.
Time stamps:
- Historical Background - 3:19
- Study of D&C 121 - 19:09
- Study of D&C 122 - 1:53:56
- Study of D&C 123 - 2:12:33
A verse-by-verse study of Doctrine and Covenants 106-108, revelations given to Warren Cowdery and Lyman Sherman and a revelation on priesthood and priesthood organization. This lesson focuses on peer pressure, types of priesthood, the significance of Melchizedek, presiding quorums, balancing equality and hierarchy, decision making, leaving people better than you found them, and more. Time stamps:
- Historical Context - 2:59
- Study of D&C 106 - 12:22
- Study of D&C 107 - 22:13
- Study of D&C 108 - 2:16:10
Link to video of press conference with President Eyring:
A verse-by-verse study of Doctrine and Covenants 109-110, the dedicatory prayer of the Kirtland Temple and an account of the visitation of heavenly beings there. This lesson focuses on the temple and personal sacrifice, growing up in God, repentance, holding a name and standing, the face of Christ, priesthood keys, leaving different, and more. Time stamps:
- Historical Background - 3:00
- Study of D&C 109 - 27:42
- Study of D&C 110 - 2:21:52
A verse-by-verse study of Doctrine and Covenants 102-105, revelations organizing a high council in Kirtland, providing for the poor and needy, and calling and later disbanding Zion's Camp. This lesson focuses on delegation, worthiness and competence, Church discipline, advance notice, redemption through power, providing in the Lord's own way, stewardship vs. ownership, dealing with debt, transcendent vs. transactional sacrifice, and more.
Time stamps:
- Historical Context - 2:16
- Study of D&C 102 - 7:45
- Study of D&C 103 - 52:54
- Study of D&C 104 - 1:39:43
- Study of D&C 105 - 2:55:15
A verse-by-verse study of Doctrine and Covenants 84, a revelation on priesthood, the word of God, and missionary work. This lesson focuses on restoring God's people, priesthood ordinances and ordination, the differences between the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods, member missionary work, homing beacons and tuning forks, the Book of Mormon, and more.
Time stamps:
- Background of D&C 84 - 4:43
- Priesthood - 7:17
- The Word of God - 1:26:04
- Missionary Work - 2:11:09
A verse-by-verse study of Doctrine and Covenants 98-101, revelations regarding the persecution the Saints were facing in Missouri, as well as several missions various Saints were serving. This lesson focuses on attitude in adversity, the law of the land, passing our proving grounds, just war theory, maintaining the moral high ground, entrusting your family to God, science and creation, watchmen on the tower, the U.S. Constitution, the flip side of freedom, and more. Time stamps:
- Historical Context - 1:16
- Study of D&C 98 - 13:07
- Study of D&C 99 - 1:25:36
- Study of D&C 100 - 1:36:13
- Study of D&C 101 - 1:52:09
A verse-by-verse study of Doctrine and Covenants 94-97, revelations regarding the construction of temples in Kirtland and Independence. This lesson focuses on the 3 Ss of gospel teaching, cedar and gold, following the Lord's patterns, darkness at noon day, balancing dominion and delegation, removing incumbrances, observing our covenants by sacrifice, building or becoming, and more.
Time stamps:
- Principles of Gospel Teaching - 2:30
- Making Scripture Relevant - 7:21
- Study of D&C 94 - 20:28
- Study of D&C 95 - 48:35
- Study of D&C 96 - 1:33:47
- Study of D&C 97 - 1:44:35
A verse-by-verse study of Doctrine and Covenants 89-92, revelations regarding the Word of Wisdom, the First Presidency, and the Apocrypha. This lesson focuses on body, mind, and spirit, "weak" Saints, commercialism and consumerism, physical and spiritual health, the oracles of God, balancing limits and love, welcoming new members, judging potential sources of truth, and more.
Time stamps:
- Study of D&C 89 - 2:45
- Study of D&C 90 - 1:28:54
- Study of D&C 92 - 2:40:27
- Study of D&C 91 - 2:47:11
A verse-by-verse study of Doctrine and Covenants 76, the vision of the degrees of glory. This lesson focuses on peeking into heaven, taking off the blinders, balancing Calvinism and Universalism, foregrounding Jesus in the Plan, marveling and meditating, worlds without number, Sons of Perdition, the Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial Kingdoms, and more.
Time stamps:
- Historical Background of the Vision - 6:59
- Promises - 16:06
- Processes - 30:43
- Vision of the Father and the Son - 51:55
- Vision of Lucifer's Fall - 1:07:27
- Vision of the Sons of Perdition - 1:18:37
- Near-Universal Salvation - 1:35:18
- Vision of the Celestial Kingdom - 1:51:08
- Vision of the Terrestrial Kingdom - 2:09:55
- Vision of the Telestial Kingdom - 2:20:10
Poetic Version of D&C 76 -
Side-by-side comparison of D&C 76 and Poetic Version -
A verse-by-verse study of Doctrine and Covenants 88, a revelation known as "the Olive Leaf," the Lord's message of peace to us. This lesson focuses on the Savior's peace, the Second Comforter, the Light of Christ, the relationship of law and glory, like attracting like, finding God in nature, worlds without number, the purposes of education, a mini Book of Revelation, building the Temple, the School of the Prophets, and more.
A verse-by-verse study of Doctrine and Covenants 81-83, revelations concerning the calling of a counselor to Joseph Smith, the organization of the United Firm, and caring for widows and orphans. This lesson focuses on filling leadership holes, being faithful in counsel, balancing initiative and deference, falling back into former sins, spiritual musical chairs, binding God, spiritual border wars, learning from Babylon, regular maintenance, and more.
Time stamps:
- Study of D&C 81 - 6:45
- Study of D&C 82 - 35:39
- Study of D&C 83 - 1:40:20
A verse-by-verse study of Doctrine and Covenants 85-87, a revelation clarifying consecration in Zion, an explanation of the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares, and a prophecy on war. This lesson focuses on discerning differences, record keeping, enrolling in Sainthood 101, "the one mighty and strong," steadying the ark, scripture study, working across the soil spectrum, wars and rumors of wars, running to "home base," and more. Time stamps:
- Study of D&C 85 - 6:16
- Study of D&C 86 - 1:08:19
- Study of D&C 87 - 1:49:22
A verse-by-verse study of Doctrine and Covenants 77-80, an explanation of parts of the Book of Revelation, a revelation organizing the United Firm, and the calling of several missionaries. This lesson focuses on struggles with symbolism, asking questions, life on a sea of glass, opening the 7 seals, programs vs. principles, becoming independent above, the gift of companions, and more. Time stamps:
- Study of D&C 77 - 3:31
- Study of D&C 78 - 1:23:03
- Study of D&C 79 - 1:55:02
- Study of D&C 80 - 2:07:35
A verse-by-verse study of Doctrine and Covenants 71-75, revelations regarding work on the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible, an explanation of 1 Corinthians 7:14, and the callings of bishops and missionaries. This lesson focuses on defending the faith, combatting falsehood, knowing our carrying capacity, being wise stewards, judging our rejectors, mixed-faith marriages, scriptural interpretation, and more. The discussion of D&C 71 is particularly relevant for those in faith crisis, and the study of D&C 74 is intended primarily for any whose spouse has lost their faith.
Time stamps:
- Historical background of D&C 71 - 2:34
- Study of D&C 71 - 6:35
- Study of D&C 73 - 56:48
- Study of D&C 72 - 1:07:12
- Study of D&C 75 - 1:43:04
- Study of D&C 74 - 2:09:37
A verse-by-verse study of Doctrine and Covenants 67-70, revelations regarding the canonization and publication of the Book of Commandments. This lesson focuses on scripture study, canonization, gaining a testimony, parting the veil, speaking by the Spirit, intentional parenting, and more.
Time stamps:
- Principles of Scripture Study - 1:06
- Canonization of the Book of Commandments - 13:24
- Study of D&C 67 - 29:56
- Study of D&C 68 - 1:24:35
- Study of D&C 69 - 2:20:59
- Study of D&C 70 - 2:32:12
A verse-by-verse study of Doctrine and Covenants 64-66, revelations Joseph Smith received after returning to Ohio from Missouri. This lesson focuses on proving contraries, constant course correction (including the Church's recent LGBTQ+ policies), overcoming the world, forgiveness without double victimization, justifying justice, fire insurance, giving God our hearts, and more. Time stamps:
- An explanation of "Proving Contraries" - 1:31
- Historical background of D&C 64 - 7:34
- Constant adjustments (discussion of Church's LGBTQIA+ policies) - 13:48
- Study of D&C 64 - 26:48
- Study of D&C 66 - 2:07:17
- Study of D&C 65 - 2:31:48
A verse-by-verse study of Doctrine and Covenants 41-44, revelations about the office of Bishop, the Law of Consecration (and other laws of the gospel), the Second Coming, and the need for conferences of the Church. This lesson focuses on unity and diversity, purity of heart, the Lord's perspective on economics, capitalism and communism, faith to be healed, the Lord's "snooze bar," and more. Time stamps:
- Study of D&C 41 - 2:25
- Historical background of D&C 42
- 39:26 - Study of D&C 42 - 45:37
- Study of the Law of Consecration - 1:15:29
- Study of D&C 43 - 2:25:20
- Study of D&C 44 - 2:52:25
A verse-by-verse study of Doctrine and Covenants 63, a revelation concerning the settlement of Kirtland and Independence. This lesson focuses on jumping the gun, the Lord's chastisement, power vs. permission, sign-seeking, guilt by association, the transfiguration, agency and inspiration, how vs. how much, possessive pronouns, and more. Time stamps:
- Historical background of D&C 63 - 6:07
- Study of D&C 63 - 14:01
A verse-by-verse study of Doctrine and Covenants 58-59, revelations received shortly after the Saints' arrival in Missouri. This lesson focuses on dealing with disappointment, the "feast of fat things," optimistic testimony, "residing" in our responsibilities, agents and objects, confessing and forsaking, being crowned with commandments, the Sabbath Day, God's pet peeves, and more. Time stamps: - Study of D&C 58 - 10:02 - Study of D&C 59 - 2:06:14
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