
  • This podcast presented by The Order of Dark Arts discusses Lucifer and Demonic Magick from the past to present day. You will learn how to live a Luciferian lifestyle, embrace your free will, develop relationships with demons, and practice demonic magick. Walking a Luciferian spiritual path is special because it encourages you to live with a high moral compass and fan the flame of your inner fire. Whether you are a demonic witch, an occultist, or a magickal practitioner who works with demons this understanding and occult practice is transformative in both your spiritual and mundane worlds. Demonic magick is unique, it is a process of transmutation directed purposefully for desired manifestations. Lucifer and his demons have loved humans since the beginning of time. They want to empower us to exercise our Free Will in all areas of our life such as health, wealth, love, and spirituality. Luciferianism is an ethical belief system with the highest standards of morality. Lucifer is a liberator, the light bringer, and the one true God.

  • Emma Kathryn and Jessica sit down to talk as they always do to discuss their left hand path practices. The only difference is that now they are recording those conversations to share with others. What is the left hand path? Why do women's perspectives and voices need to be shared? What happened throughout history that led women to practice the esoteric arts in hidden silence? Listen and discover for yourselves.