First came the seizures and sleep paralysis. Then came the hallucinations and violent behaviour.
Anneliese Michel made endless visits to doctor’s and specialists only to be either referred to another doctor or placed on medication that wasn’t helping her. Her condition became so bad that at times she started to growl and speak in a horrific deep voice…
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He was implicated in a case of missing money from a courthouse evidence vault. He was facing allegations of misconduct and illegal handling of a witness in a major drug trafficking trial, which lead to the judge ordering a federal investigation.
One way to stop that federal investigation would be to come up with a quick plea deal to end the case. One problem, there was no way to do the plea deal without violating federal law.
And unfortunately, for US assistant attorney Jonathan Luna things were about to get worse. Much, much worse.
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On the 4th of August 2002, best friends Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman disappeared from the small town of Sohom in England.
One of England’s biggest ever manhunts followed. The media became critical of the lack of progress police were making on the case….but they did have a suspect.
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On the 4th of March 2008, Julian Buchwald and his girlfriend Carolynne Watson went for a romantic picnic lunch in country Victoria. They didn't return home.
It wasn't long before a terrifying, threatening note was located. Was this really the work of a satanic cult? Or was there something even more sinister going on…
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
"You won't believe it, but it was like, satan saying to me that it's the right thing to do."
In the early hours of the 18th of November 2011 a fire was deliberately lit at the Quakers Hill Nursing Home. The nursing home housed 89 residents, a lot of whom were highly dependent patients who were immobile, suffering dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
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On Tuesday the 2nd of November 1999 Donna Wheeler was found murdered in her home in Berala, Western Sydney. There were several suspects.
Was it her ex-husband John who found her body and called the police? Was it her violent ex-boyfriend Keith who was recently arrested for assaulting Donna. Keith wasn't happy that Donna was spending a lot of time with his brother Colin since they separated…
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
On the 29th of January 1999, best friends Lauria Bible and Ashley Freeman had a sleepover at Ashley’s house to celebrate her 16th birthday.
Ashley’s parents Danny and Kathy Freeman were also home. It was a quiet uneventful evening, nothing seemed out of the ordinary until 6 am the next morning when a neighbour reported the Freeman house was on fire.
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Huorapuutarhan seitsemännessä jaksossa Justiina kertoo Annie Len murhasta Yalessa ja Pauliina puhuu Jessica Chambersin selvittämättömästä murhasta.
Tässä jaksossa Pauliina kertoo 12-vuotiaiden tyttöjen suorittamasta Slenderman -puukotuksesta ja Justiina puhuu Hagley Woods Bellan mysteeristä.
Huorapuutarhan viidennessä jaksossa Justiina puhuu Briteissä tapahtuneesta Snäppimurhasta ja Pauliina kertoo Venäjän ihmissudesta, Mihail Popkovista.
Huorapuutarhan neljännessä jaksossa Pauliina kertoo Diana Robertsonin mysteerisestä murhatapauksesta ja Justiina puhuu sisar Abhayan kuolemasta ja sen kyseenalaisesta tutkinnasta.
Huorapuutarhan kolmannessa jaksossa Justiina kertoo kahden hollantilaistytön mystisestä kuolemasta ja Pauliina puhuu Staynerin veljesten traagisesta elämästä.
Huorapuutarha toivottaa hyvää joulua! Tässä jaksossa Pauliina kertoo Kuopion nailonsukkamurhista ja Justiina Jyväskylän laukkusurmasta.
Koska me muutenkin vaan juodaan kaljaa ja puhutaan murhista, päätettiin nauhoittaa se muidenkin kuultavaksi. Huorapuutarhan ensimmäisessä jaksossa ikinä Justiina kertoo Paul Bernardosta ja Pauliina australialaisesta Tinder -kuolemasta.
Huorapuutarhan kahdeksannessa jaksossa Pauliina kertoo Shakkilautamurhaaja Aleksandr Pitšuškinista ja Justiina puhuu McStayn perheen katoamisesta ja kohtalosta.
Tässä jaksossa Justiina puhuu italialaisesta sarjamurhaajasta Leonarda Cianciullista ja Pauliina kertoo Bridget Clearyn kuolemasta.
Huorapuutarhan kymmenes jakso on täällä! Tässä jaksossa Pauliina puhuu aina yhtä karmivasta Elisa Lamin tapauksesta ja Justiina kertoo Mary Vincentin painajaismaisen tarinan.
Huorapuutarhan yhdennessätoista jaksossa Justiina puhuu Snake River Killeristä ja Pauliina kertoo kuuluisasta sarjamurhaajasta Ed Kemperistä.
Tässä jaksossa Pauliina kertoo 8-vuotiaan April Tinsleyn murhasta ja Justiina Clevelandin torsomurhaajasta.
Huorapuutarhan reunion-jaksossa Justiina puhuu Bryan Kocisin murhaan johtaneista tapahtumista ja Pauliina kertoo Grigori Rasputinin murhasta.
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