Why is there such a trend towards former vegans, who say they embarked on that lifestyle out of love and compassion, turning back to eating animal products and bashing the values which they once espoused? Is there validity to their claims that a plant-based diet ruined their health, and eating the animals they once said they cared about is the only way to restore it?
Here to address these issues - and no strangers to the controversy and polarised opinions that this topic ALWAYS creates - are former guests Santos Bonacci and Charlie Freak, who come at the subject from a spiritual and metaphysical standpoint, as well as from a practical nutrition stance.
Charlie ends by observing that 'coronavirus' is a direct anagram of 'carnivorous.' This won't be a coincidence.
Santos’ website is here:
His YouTube channel, Mr. Astrotheology, is here:
Charlie’s YouTube channel is here:
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This episode is also available as a blog post:
Is there a dome of Earth? If you think this is impossible, listen to this and try to refute it. The Bible calls it the firmament, which means from the original language something that is sold and made.
Thank you for your emails! Today we discuss a 2019 article entitled "Why the Government & Media Conspire to Censor Flat Earth?" We discuss the censorship being pushed against flat earth and the correlation to "vaccine and climate change." We also discuss Canada's PM Justin Trudeau going after flat earthers and championing censorship.
Email us:
Show notes:
Trudeau pushing FE censorship:
Why the Government & Media Conspire to Censor Flat Earth?
Video clip of Trudeau -
Email us:
Thank you for your emails.
1958 Encyclopedia Britanica Documents a Dome of 13,000 Feet in Antarctica:
"Fact Hunter" weather manipulation/Stanley Meyer episode:
Aaron Salter, the security guard who was killed was a retired police officer who also came up with a water powered engine. Here he is:
Natural news Story:
Videos & books to engage people in the flat earth discussion: FLAT EARTH Clues Introduction:
And then this would be a good follow up video:
If they prefer to read books versus videos, I would recommend Willaim Carpenter's
"100 Proofs That Earth Is Not A Globe" Here's the link: -
We read listener emails, discuss the lies of heliocentrism, and we read "Flat Earth & Science's Top Ten Proof's of Flat Earth." Show notes:
Flat Earth Podcast with Crrow777Radio :
Flammarion engraving
FLAT EARTH Clues Introduction - Mark Sargent
Top Ten Undeniable Proofs of Flat Earth -
Welcome to the wonderful world of flat earth. On this journey, you will hear why "they" push the heliocentric model that goes against what the bible tells us. We just ask that you keep an open mind. If the last few years have taught you anything, it should be to "question everything", especially the fable of living on a spinning ball. Enjoy the ride.