
  • In this Christmas Day edition of the podcast, joining Hassan is one of (if not the) greatest all round anglers to ever wet a line Martin Bowler.

    Martin is more then just an angler with an incredible editorial career with the Angling Times through to huge tv series such as "Catching The Impossible" Martin is an extremely self driven, hard working man who has tirelessly pressed his passion for all fish species over the course of not only his professional career but his whole life.

    Martin talks about his love of carp and significant carp fishing chapters for him on Elstow, Cambridge, Oxfordshire as well as some foreign adventures.

    Martin has worked with and fished with the very best and he talks about the times he's spent with influential people such as John Wilson, Peter Drennan, Terry Hearn, Bernard Cribbins, Chris Yates and many more.

    Finally Martin speaks in-depth about his recent struggles with ill health as well a a huge decision to leave Drennan for another brand (look out for the exclusive announcement as to where he now calls home) He also give insight into his future as he moves into opening up a carp fishery in the UK amongst other things.

    Its an open, frank and hugely eye opening chat from a man who has been at the very top of his profession for a number of years. From all of us at Nash thank you for listening/watching and we wish you a very Merry Christmas!

  • This weeks’ podcast guest is quite simply a living legend of carp fishing, a true maverick, original and a man who is so timelessly unique in ever single way. We can’t quite believe that we managed to get him on the podcast but here he is, it’s the one and only Chris Yates.

    Chris talks in depth about his upbringing and what has shaped him, his lifestyle and his angling choices of vintage tackle and places off the beaten track. He talks about his love for wildlife and how he “feels” his way through life.

    On the infamous Redmire and Chris share his timeless experiences on the famous water including his friendship with Rod Hutchinson, his capture of the then British Record Carp “The Bishop” at 53lb+ and a host of other recollections about his time on there.

    Chris talks about his venture into filming including the famous series “A Passion For Angling”, filming for Sticky Baits “Reflections” and his recent work on a YouTube video for Adidas! He also shares his thoughts on his angling moving forward as well as talking about his writing projects that are currently keeping him busy.

    This podcast just like the man is both charismatic and enchanting, they certainly broke the mould when they made Chris, sit back and enjoy over two hours in the company of a living carp fishing legend.

  • This week on the podcast we have top carp angler, media guru and former TV star Pete Castle.

    Pete has been a carp angler for decades and he talks about his favourite chapters in his own angling around the UK over the years including fishing venues such as St Ives as well as many iconic venues around Norfolk and Suffolk. He talks about his style of angling and his opinions on rigs and bait and where he feels his strengths are.

    Pete has an incredible mind, and he shares how his insomnia coupled with his constantly idea filled brain have led him to develop and create amazing innovative products over the years, a lot of which he hasn’t received the credit for. He is incredibly gifted and a constant source of information which goes a long way into explaining how he can have such great results in his angling fishing short concentrated sessions as well as fishing longer session on big European waters.

    On the theme of Europe Pete talks about his foreign fishing including recent personal bests from Parco Del Brenta and his guided trips on the venue. He also shares his unique stance in not having any sponsors and his choice to concentrate on craving his own path and helping other anglers with his film and photography weekend courses.

    Finally, Pete talks about his amazing experience working in the industry for the likes of Korda, Free Spirit and Dynamite to name but a few. He talks about his TV career featuring on Matt Hayes Total Fishing and him winning “Kingfishers” a series which is still available to view to this very day.

    Pete is incredibly unique, down to earth and talented. This podcast jumps everywhere and is so varied it a real testament into how Pete has followed his passion and talent and forged his own path in the industry, a truly fascinating bloke.

  • Joining Hassan in the podcast studio this week is our first solo female carp angler, Ladies Carp Team England Captain, former Carp Talk & CarpWorld editor its non-other than Bev Clifford.

    Bev has achieved so much in her angling career from incredible carp captures both home and abroad, editing the iconic Carp Talk and CarpWorld magazines, captaining her country in international competition as well as being an all-round pioneer for female carp angling. In this podcast we delve into it all as well as get a real understand of the lady herself in terms of her mindset and ambition.

    Starting with Carp Talk Bev shares stories about her father Kev Clifford (who founded the magazine which she later took over editorship) Simon Crow and various other “great and good” anglers that were part of this immensely popular weekly carp publication. She divulges the story behind the end of the magazine as well as various humorous stories about the carp scene at the time and her dealings working in a very male dominated world.

    Bev then talks about her mindset and how she overcame her “party days” to find direction and meaning through running. She is frank about her time spent burning the candle at both ends working and partying hard and how drugs and alcohol were a part of this time for her. She now competes in ultra-marathons and has very much taken a huge positive step in her life with an incredible mindset for success and bettering herself. She talks about a recent SAS weekend and her continued quest to push herself to her very limits in whatever she chooses to do.

    When it comes to fishing Bev is incredibly modest as she shares her success over the years fishing abroad on venues such as The Ebro and French public lakes. She also talks about a large variety of UK waters that she’s had success including RH fisheries Western park, Acton Burnell and our very own Church Lake.

    Bev talks about the formation of the Ladies Carp Team England and how representing her country and captaining the first ever Ladies World Carp Cup in France two years ago was such an honour despite a disappointing bronze medal place finish. She is open about how the match didn’t go to plan and talks about the future of ladies’ international carp fishing.

    Finally, Bev talks about the realities good and bad of being a lady involved in carp fishing. She talks about her work with the Ladies Carp Academy (which she founded and runs) getting more new female anglers into the sport as well as a fair few stories and options on how things can improve further in terms of women and carp fishing. This is a great insight from a leading female anglers’ perspective into how incredible carp angling is and how its appeal knows no boundaries, it’s really a sport for all.

    If you are looking for a podcast that will not only fill you with admiration, humour and make you think a little deeper about the sport we love then look no further and a huge thanks to Bev for sharing all her wealth of information and stories with us.

  • This week on the podcast the boss is back, Kevin Nash is in the podcast studio to talk about his history owning and developing his own fisheries both home and abroad.

    Starting with his own lakes dug from scratch on the same sight as Nash HQ. Kev talks about his vision, struggles and triumph in creating both the famous Nash Copse and Church lakes. There’s an incredible insight into his fish selection and also how he selectively cultivated the flora and fauna around each lake to maximise the biodiversity and thus increase the overall natural bounty for the carp to reach their maximum potential (which they certainly did and still do to this day)

    Kevin shares a very honest account of the fish kill on The Church Lake and the potential British Records that were unfortunately lost. He also recalls significant captures on the lake at the time the fish and fishing was at its peak.

    Kevin talks about developing both lakes and his overall vision for the sight. He goes in depth about his success and failure as well as the various tests he’s faced. The Church currently really is the lake of dreams and has account for more PB’s then Kevin can keep track of. Kevin also shares a choice bit of information about The Copse and its further as well as his new very exclusive lake on sight.

    In between the development of Nash Lakes in the UK Kevin also managed to own a fishery Lac Cavagnac in France. There’s some incredible tales about the difficulties of being a British citizen owning a French lake including a scrape or two with the French police, not to mention the madness of anglers fishing the lake week in week out with everything from near drownings to opening day dramas. Kevin talks through the fishing how the lake took shape and how eventually reached the decision to wrap it up.

    As ever the podcast is colourful, humour filled but an incredible insight into an incredible man who has not only changed carp fishing but has created an equally incredible legacy with his own lakes.

  • Nash Tackle's carp fishing podcast invites James Armstrong to join new host Hassan and Alfie for this episode.

    James needs no introduction having worked in the industry for a number of high profile brands in media and marketing. James cut his teeth fishing for some of the finest carp the country has to offer and recalls two particularly special campaigns, one of which led to the capture of a 48lb+ common carp from a park lake. James currently works freelance for a number of different brands as well owning his own online business "My Gilly". He is a truly talented all-round angler with an abundance of charisma and more than one or two incredible stories to tell. Sit back and enjoy this entertaining dive into the world of "Jimmy".

  • This week joining Hassan is a true big carp target angler, former Nash angler and now Proper Carp Baits boss it's Sean Leverett.

    Sean has caught an awful lot of the most iconic carp to have ever swam in our waters over the 90’s and early 2000’s. He has always thrown himself one hundred percent into his work and his angling but has very much tried to stay out of the limelight. In this podcast he discusses some incredible captures as well as how carp angling and the sacrifices he’s made to pursue the very best carp in the land.

    Starting in the early 90’s Sean talks through his captures on the infamous Essex waters of Star Lane, The Essex manor and Cleverly Mere. His captures of fish such as The Annie, Northern Lin, Spike and Hendrix from these waters were a prelude to how his natural ability as an angler and his mindset would lead to more incredible results in the future.

    Sean talks about how his work has changed over the course of his life. From setting up his own successful plumbing business through to starting up Proper carp baits with friend and partner Jon Mac. In the interim period Sean took a year to go full time and concentrate on his fishing after selling his plumbing business, let’s just say he may have been too successful in this time as he captured his target fish such as The fat lady from St Ives in record time. This led to his obsession with carp angling growing so strong that it cost him a marriage and ultimately five years of his life in full time pursuit of big carp.

    Reminiscing about his time with Nash, Sean talks about how much faith he had in Scopex Squid and also his relationship with Kevin Nash. Over thirteen years with Nash he had seen a lot of the developments over that time including Alan Blairs arrival to Nash. He talks about a particular session on Church where he was very successful and due to his camera shy nature had to tell a few tales to ensure Kevin didn’t sound a camera crew down to film him.

    Moving on from Nash Sean talks about his more recent angling with Sticky baits from 2011-2016. In this time, he set his sights on the ultimate prize of The Black Mirror from the Mere only to discover it dead on his very first session. Sean talks about success he had on various RK leisure waters until ultimately on Cassein he realised he wanted to take his future a different way and came out of full time angling to pursue his bait business.

    Sean talks about his health and future goals as ultimately, he hasn’t been fishing for over three years, but the desire, drive and mindset is there for a return in the not too distant future hopefully. Sean is an incredible example of how ability is nothing without mindset and hard work. He is brutally honest and understanded in this podcast and there’s one thing for sure, if I were a carp, I would want him to set his sights on catching me as time has shown it will only end up one way!

  • This week joining host Hassan is former Nash Tackle sponsored angler, now RidgeMonkey & Mainline Baits carp catching machine Dave Levy.

    There’s a reason this podcast is over four hours long and that is due to Dave’s relentless lifelong pursuit of carp! We look back at Dave’s formative years which where eventful to say the least. During these early years Dave (being from a military family) had to move a lot as his father was posted to different parts of the country, he discovered his love for boxing, he went through his struggles at school and later was kicked out of his family home by his dad when he was 16 years old. During this whole time carp fishing was a constant in his life and was always in his blood. From his very early visits to Yateley where he was well out of his depth, through to him honing his craft on local Essex waters and establishing himself as a carp angler on the likes of Walthamstow and Sutton, it’s fair to say this early success and hunger was only the tip of the carp fishing iceberg for Dave.

    His passion for carp fishing has to this day never wavered and he has never had a break in over 30 years. It has cost him marriages as well as much more, but by Dave’s own admission he wouldn’t change it for anything. Dave’s mind set and drive for carp fishing is highlighted by his awesome captures on Tol Pits, The Essex Manor, Collingbrooke, Horton, Wraysbury, Kingsmead, Northwich and a 485 acre “Unkown” Essex Reservoir. The earlier of these captures came whilst Dave was still serving in the Parachute Regiment of the Army and the later campaigns he only had one night a week fishing at his disposal.

    Dave also talks about his recent carp fishing history with him writing his book “Fallen Kings” and his success on Essex Carp Syndicates “The Rise” which was tipped off by the capture of a 50lb+ carp known as Brick Top. He also shares his opinions on the modern carp fishing scene, social media and imported carp. It’s a truly jaw dropping, enlightening and thorough look into one of the very best carp anglers out there and shows exactly what it takes to be successful, warts and all!

  • This week host Hassan welcomes an incredible carp angler with over 50 years experience, former British Carp Record holder, former World Carp Fishing Champion and a man who has caught both a 60lb+ mirror and common in the UK, it’s none other than Lee “Jacko” Jackson.

    Starting back in the 1970s through to the late 1980’s Lee talks through his time fishing his local Kent waters including Darenth, Brooklands and Horton Kirby to name a few. On such places he rub shoulders with angling legends, founding fathers such as Peter Springate, Kevin Maddocks, Martin Locke and Paul Forward. Lee goes on to talk about how he discovered the game changing hair rig and how carp fishing was both very secretive but also very social at the same time.

    Moving on a Lee talks about a captures which trust him into the lime light when his managed to land a 40lb unkown fish from the Colne Valley. This capture along with his quest for Favershams “She” which would be the first big carp he would choose to target lead him to find himself on the historic Conningbrooke in search of the biggest carp in the country at the time, the mighty “Two Tone”

    Lee talks about how his time progressed on Conningbrook and how the rock hard fishing made him almost give up when at his lowest moment the bite he’d been working so hard for finally came. He talks about a technical/tactical edge using bread which also led to the capture of his Brtish Record 60lb+ mirror in the shape of Two Tone.

    Lee talks about his big carp match fishing including why he has been so incredibly successful and consistent. He talks about his BCAC win in 2001 and his subsequent wins on the St Lawrence river with Ian Chilcott in the World Carp Championship 2011 and his most recent World Carp Classic win on the mighty Madine with Tim Paisley in 2017.

    Lee talks about his involvement over the years in carp fishing media. From writing articles and his book to working on Sky Sports Tight Lines show and his legendary Tel & Jacko Go Carp Fishing videos fishing with the legend that is Terry Hearn. He goes onto talk about his 30+ years working at The Tackle Box in Dartford and how this came to an end for him.

    In a final section lee talks about his recent fishing including the capture of a 60lb+ common and subsequent very recent repeat capture of the fish on his Kent venue. He also talks about his opinions on the modern carp fishing scene and the cost of big carp fishing to him personally in the form of his alcoholism which he has manages to very inspirationally over come being sober for 9 years now.

    When you talk about anglers who will be forever remembered in carp fishing history Lee is very much up there on that list. His lifetime dedication to carp fishing has seen him influence a huge amount of angler, catch incredible fish, win huge international competitions and still to this very day his passion and drive for it all hasn’t remotely subsided. The man is an inspirational force.

  • Nash Tackle's carp fishing podcast invites Rob Hughes to join new host Hassan for this episode.

    All round incredible angler, TV presenter, angling ambassador and Carp Team England manager (plus many more credentials) Rob Hughes shares his stories about his early days fishing in Shropshire/Cheshire through to his modern day angling.

    Theres a huge amount of information and entertainment in this episode including Rob meeting/fishing with good friend Simon Crow , an incredible Cassein capture, injuries/illness along with spooky stories and pioneering trips abroad to fish the likes of Lake Raduta and South Africa.

    There's so much crammed into this episode we are sure to get Rob back in to discuss more of the shear wealth of fishing information and experience he has. Sit back and enjoy!

  • We have a Christmas Day present for all of you in the shape of one of the finest ever big carp anglers ever, it’s the return of none other than Jim Shelley.

    In this podcast Jim talks in depth and openly about his rigs. Jim has caught endless amounts of incredible, special and tricky carp over the course of his angling and he now shares details of his experience and how that has shaped his rig choice.

    We all know how Jim has torn venues apart using his version of the chod rig. Jim talks and shows (on YouTube version of the podcast) you exactly how he ties his hugely successful version of the rig. He talks also about how he arrived at the presentation, his memorable captures using it and the scenarios in which he uses it. Regardless of if you are new to carp fishing or a seasoned campaigner everyone can take away something to add to their armoury from “The Chod Farther” himself.

    Moving onto fishing bottom baits (or the darkside as Jim terms it) Jim reveals his presentation which has been incredible successful for him over the past two seasons. The rig is known as his “Bungee Darkside Rig” and features and elasticated element via Nash Trigger Link which is something that helps trip up those clued up old carp which often pick up and eject our rigs. Jim talks and once again demonstrates (on the YouTube version of this podcast) how to tie this rig and offers his opinion on bottom bait fishing and baiting scenarios.

    On top of all this Jim also talks about a few more of his edges when it comes to carp fishing including hook sharpening as well as a few other thoughts that he probably wish he didn’t make public!

    This podcast is an incredible detailed exploration into the mind of a man who is at the very top of the big carp game. He has over forty years’ experience catching the very crème del la crème of old English carp and there’s simply is no substitute what he has experienced and learnt over the years. As ever with Jim there is an incredible about of honesty, humour and no shying away from what he believes in, we wouldn’t want it any other way! Get your note pad at the ready and learn from the master.

  • Gaz needs no introduction to the carp fishing scene. Not only has he caught some of the countries finest carp over the years, but he's also the man behind the incredibly successful Subsurface Journal series. We dive into it all in this huge episode of the Off The Hook podcast!

  • This week joining host Hassan is the one and only Adam Penning!

    Adam is highly regarded as one of the finest carp anglers in the country. His relentless pursuit of big, special carp on tricky, pressured venues competing against both the fish and the highest calibre of anglers set him apart from the crowd and in his own words defines him as a “Piscatorial Masochist”

    Adam talks through his early years, how he got started in fishing, how he got involved in the industry through Peter Drennan and E.S.P and recalls some amazingly successful chapters in his angling on Linear Fisheries Manor Farm and The Quarry in Essex. He also covers in detail his time on Bayswater which culminated, after some seriously good angling in the capture of “The Coconut Common” one of the finest commons in the land at the time and a real Essex history fish.

    The later part of the podcast is dedicated to two more recent campaigns where Adam has caught some of the finest looking carp that swim in our waters. His tale of his success on “Lapem” (as he calls the venue to protect its true identity in respect of those anglers still on there) where he captured two mirrors which can only be described as breath taking. He also talks about Grendon Lakes, a venue which he has torn apart and is still fishing despite catching forty-seven fish out of a stock of only forty-five fish (there’s been some repeats) as he searches for the one he wants, which I’m sure isn’t too far away.

    Finally, we delve into Adams foreign fishing exploits including his epic capture of his Cassein “snark” back in 2018. On wider issues, he talks in depth about his mentality, drive, fishing on limited time with a family and on the importance of how to maximise your time and value each capture. It’s a truly incredible glimpse into the mind of a man with incredible depth, intelligence and carp catching ability, that’s not to mention how good he is at telling a story!

  • This week joining Hassan is a proper all round specimen hunter who has achieved so much in and around fishing over the course of his life. Its none other then author, TV star, angling guide, photographer, radio host and all round fishing oracle John Bailey.

    John has a caught everything you could possibly dream of both home and abroad and has an incredible hugely envious set of PB’s however he describes his love of carp and how his carp fishing progressed from 1970’s/80’s when he started fishing for them by design. The words magic and mystery are what drew John to target carp and his angling progressed along with such advancements as the development of the hair rig. He share stories about notable captures of significant carp around the Norfolk area and how he like to target and pursue carp in this modern age. He also shares his opinions on the modern carp scene and why he doesn’t choose to fish a lot of modern venues.

    John reminisces about his time in Norfolk including his relationship with legendary angler John Wilson. He talks about the influence of John and how it made him a true multispecies specimen hunter. In the 1990’s he was obsessed with the unbelievable big roach fishing on the Norfolk river system especially the Wensum valley. He shares his opinions on why this is no more as well as how this resulted in him moving away from his beloved Norfolk home. He also talks about his experiences with otters and the changes in the river via predation.

    When it comes to foreign adventures John has been fortunate to have many pioneering trips for exotic species choosing to travel a path pre internet where information was very limited. He talks about his Mahseer fishing in India as well as his Taimen Mongolian adventures, these adventures also coincided with his TV career starting as these trips where documented.

    Finally, John talks about his career book writing with over 50 books to his name and accounting as well as his work on Mortimer and Whitehouse Gone Fishing. He also hints to future projects and what keeps him motivated in fishing including his guiding and his own sense of ambition. Being a clearly intelligent man John talks about despite more financially better directions he was always destined to pursue a career in fishing.

    John is an incredible, articulate and talented man who has lived an incredible life within fishing. He has such a burning passion for the sport which has always driven him and continues to be as prominent as ever despite him achieving so much.