Michi erzählt von einer turbulenten Woche, nach der etwas Self Care dringend notwendig war. Außerdem: Michis Meinung zu "A Star is Born!".
Die Spenden-Aktion:
Das Self Care Wheel: -
Michi offenbart pikante Details aus der mysteriösen Welt der Influencer. Wie viel verdienen Influencer, was bedeutet #Werbung genau was hat es eigentlich mit PR Samples auf sich? Schickt mir eure Fragen gerne per DM auf Instagram:
Erfolgs-Podcaster Michael "Die Klinge" Buchinger ist wieder da und spricht über den inspirierenden, aber suboptimal betitelten Netflix-Film "Alte Zöpfe / Nappily Ever After", sowie seine neueste Verletzung: Den Handy-Daumen! Keine Sorge, auch für eine Hass-Tirade gegen Instagrammer, die in Vans wohnen, ist reichlich Zeit.
Meditation for a Light Filled Body. Feel the miracle of meditation with this beautifully guided meditation by spiritual teacher, Marianne Williamson. Relax as an electrified elixir washes over your mind and body. Open your heart and receive divine light through every organ, tissue and cell and be soothed into a deep state of relaxation and peace. You’ll feel a warm sensation as your body is restored. This is a wonderful meditation to use every evening for healing just before going to sleep.
Let your heart be heard during this beautiful visualization meditation by Barbara De Angelis, Ph.D., esteemed spiritual teacher and New York Times best-selling author. Slide down into your heart and experience the infinite wisdom and your deepest longings for a true shift in your vibrational energy. This short guided meditation will help you discover your purpose and give you the power to make the real lasting changes necessary to live your truth with confidence and security. Dr. Barbara De Angelis has helped millions find their spiritual way to vibrational shifts that come from within versus without. Her newest book coming soon, Soul Shifts, is a journey to discovering real and lasting shifts in your life. More than a book, Soul Shifts is a spiritual guidance manual for the true spiritual seekers.