This episode I discuss the science and practice of fasting also called time-restricted feeding. I review the data on how limiting food intake to specific portions of every 24-hour cycle (or fasting longer) impacts weight loss, fat loss specifically, liver health, mental focus, muscle, longevity and more. I explain how "fasted" is contextual, and relates to blood glucose levels and their downstream effects, and how the depth of fasting can be adjusted with behaviors such as different types of exercise, or with glucose disposal agents. I also discuss the optimal fasting protocol: and both the absolute (non-negotiable) and variable (contextual) features of a fasting/time-restricted-feeding protocol that will allow you to get the most benefits. I also discuss what does and does not break a fast, the effects of fasting on hormones like testosterone and cortisol and on fertility. I also review how different feeding windows of 8 or 10 or 4 hours differentially impact the effects of fasting, and why the classic 8 hour feeding window came to be but also might be ideal. I discuss mechanisms and offer tools to discern the optimal fasting duration and timing for you. Read the full show notes for this episode at you to our sponsorsAG1: Up: Introduction, Blood Glucose & Mortality, Mice Vs. Humans 00:06:18 Sponsors: AG1, LMNT & Waking Up00:09:42 Neuroplasticity Protocols & Online Lecture 00:11:20 Feeding, Fasting, Performance 00:13:50 Calories-In, Calories-Out (CICO); Perfect Diets 00:19:48 Feeding-Induced Health Conditions 00:25:33 Time Restricted Eating: When We Eat Is Vital 00:29:45 The Eight Hour Feeding Window 00:31:26 Feeding Deep Into the Night Is Bad (In Humans) 00:36:33 Liver Health 00:39:45 Time Restricted Feeding Protocol: Rules 00:41:35 When to Start & Stop Eating 00:45:38 Gastric Clearance, Linking Fasting to Sleep 00:52:35 Effects of Specific Categories of Food 00:55:40 Precision In Fasting: Protocol Build 00:59:30 4-6 Hour Feeding Windows 01:03:08 Protein Consumption & Timing for Muscle 01:08:13 How to Shift Your Eating Window 01:13:20 Glucose Clearing, Exercise & Compounds 01:22:37 Blood Glucose: Monitoring, mTOR & Related Pathways 01:27:40 Gut Health: Fasting, Clock Genes and Microbiota 01:29:15 Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver 01:32:00 Effects of Fasting on Hormones: Testosterone, Cortisol 01:38:40 Fertility 01:41:50 8-Hour Feeding Window: Weight Loss Without Calorie Counting 01:43:20 Eating Every-Other-Day 01:45:29 Adherence 01:47:15 Mental Focus & Clarity 01:49:12 Enhancing Weight Loss from Body Fat: Hepatic Lipase 01:53:15 What Breaks a Fast? Rules & Context 01:58:50 Artificial Sweeteners, Plant-Based Sweeteners 02:01:42 Glucose Clearing II, Cinnamon, Acidity, Salt 02:06:42 My Circadian Clock, Zero-App 02:08:20 Odd (But Common) Questions 02:09:23 Effects of Sauna & Dehydration on Blood Glucose 02:11:12 The Ideal Fasting Protocol 02:24:00 More Resources, Ways to Support Us, Supplements Disclaimer & Disclosures
This episode I describe science-supported nutrients for brain and performance (cognition) and for nervous system health generally.I describe 10 tools for this purpose, including specific amounts and sources for Omega-3 fatty acids which make up the "structural fat" of neurons (nerve cells) and allow them to function across our lifespan. I also review data on creatine, phosphatidylserine, anthocyanins, choline, glutamine and how they each impact brain function in healthy people seeking to reinforce and improve their cognition and in those combatting cognitive decline. I describe both food-based and supplement-based sources for these compounds, and their effective dose ranges based on peer-reviewed literature.Then I review the 3 factors: gut-brain signaling, perceived taste, and learned associations that combine with the metabolic and blood-sugar-elevating effects of food to determine what foods we seek and prefer. Amazingly, it's not just about what tastes good to us. Next, I explore how we can leverage the neural circuits of learned food preference toward seeking and enjoying the right foods for brain health and performance. I also review new data on non-caloric sweeteners and why consuming them with glucose-elevating foods can be detrimental, in some cases rapidly leading to insulin dysregulation. This episode covers more than 10 actionable tools for those seeking to improve and/or maintain brain function, and it explains modern neuroscience underlying of our sense of taste, our food seeking preferences and brain metabolism.Read the full show notes for this episode at you to our sponsorsAG1: Up: Food & Brain Function Introduction 00:02:08 Summary: Critical Aspects of Time Restricted Feeding/Fasting 00:04:36 Sponsors: AG1, LMNT & Waking Up00:08:24 Neuroplasticity Super Protocol (Zero-Cost Tools) Online 00:09:22 Eating to Enhance Brain Function & Foundational Aspects of Brain Health 00:13:00 Eating Fats for Brain Health, EFAs Phospholipids (Tool 1: 1-3g EPA Omega-3/day) 00:20:35 Phosphatidylserine (Tool 2: 300mg/day) 00:22:15 Choline, Egg Yolks (Tool 3: 1-2g/day Threshold) 00:28:26 Hydration & Electrolytes (Tool 4) 00:29:50 Liquid Fish Oil/Capsules (2-3g EPA per day; 300mg Alpha GPC 2-4X/week) 00:32:22 Creatine for Cognition (Tool 5: 5g/day) 00:36:28 Anthocyanins, Dark Skin Berries (Tool 6: 10mg/day (Extract), 1-2 cups Berries) 00:41:19 L-Glutamine (Tool: 1-10g/day) & Offsetting Apnea & Inflammation 00:49:23 Neural Basis of Food Preference, Yum, Yuck, Meh; Taste, Guts, & Beliefs 00:55:25 Taste is 100% In Your Head 00:59:50 Gut Neurons Controlling Food Preference: Neuropod Cells; (Tool 7: Fermented Foods) 01:06:14 Capsule Probiotics, Brain Fog 01:07:16 Learning to Like Specific Tastes: Sweetness & Brain Metabolism 01:12:11 Hard-Wiring & Soft-Wiring 01:13:25 Artificial & Non-Caloric Sweeteners: Safe or Harmful Depends on (Glucose) Context 01:18:15 Non-Caloric Sweetener & Insulin; (Tool 8: Don’t Have w/Glucose Elevating Foods) 01:22:17 Beliefs & Thoughts; The Insula; (Tool 9: Pairing-Based Reshaping Food Preferences) 01:30:42 Liking Neuro-Healthy Foods & Bettering Brain Metabolism (Tool 10); Food Wars 01:36:05 Food Reward & Diabetes, Obesity; Important Review Article (See Caption) 01:38:28 Synthesis, Zero-Cost Support, Future Topic Suggestions, Sponsors, Supplements Disclaimer & Disclosures
In this episode, I host Dr. Samer Hattar, Ph.D., Chief of the Section on Light and Circadian Rhythms at the National Institute of Mental Health. Dr. Hattar is a world-renowned expert on how viewing light at particular times adjusts our mood, ability to learn, stress and hormone levels, appetite, and mental health. We discuss how to determine and use your individual light sensitivity to determine the optimal sleep-wake cycle for you. We also discuss how to combine your light viewing and waking time with the timing of your food intake and exercise in order to maximize mental and physical functioning. Dr. Hattar is credited with co-discovering the neurons in the eye that set our circadian clocks and regulate mood and appetite. He explains why even a small shift in daylight savings leads to outsized effects on our biking because of the way that our cells and circadian clocks integrate across many days. And he offers precise tools to rapidly adjust to jet lag, shift work, and reset your clock after a late night of work or socializing. This episode is filled with cutting-edge data on the biological mechanisms of human physiology and practical tools for people of all ages. Read the full show notes for this episode at you to our sponsorsAG1: Up: Introducing Dr. Samer Hattar, Ph.D. 00:02:33 Sponsors: AG1, LMNT & Waking Up00:06:15 Light, Circadian (24-hour) & Circannual (365-day) “Photoentrainment” 00:14:30 Neurons in Our Eyes That Set Our Body Clocks: Similar to Frog Skin 00:18:55 What Blind People See 00:20:15 When, How & How Long to View Light for Optimal Sleep & Wakefulness 00:30:20 Sunlight Simulators, Afternoon Light Viewing, Naps 00:33:48 Are You Jet Lagged at Home? Chronotypes & Why Early Risers Succeed 00:38:33 How to Decide Your Best Sleep-Wake Schedule; Minimal Light Test 00:42:16 Viewing Light in Middle of Day: Mood & “Light Hunger” 00:44:55 Evening Sunlight; Blueblocker Warning 00:48:57 Blue Light Is Not the Issue; Samer’s Cave; Complete Darkness 00:53:58 Screens at Night 00:56:03 Dangers of Bright Light Between 10 pm and 4 am: Mood & Learning 01:01:05 The Tripartite Model: Circadian, Sleep Drive, Feeding Schedules 01:05:05 Using Light to Enhance Your Mood; & The Hattar-Hernandez Nucleus 01:07:19 Why Do We Sleep? 01:08:17 Effects of Light on Appetite; Regular Light & Meal Times 01:18:08 Samer’s Experience with Adjusting Meal Timing 01:22:51 Using Light to Align Sleep, Mood, Feeding, Exercise & Cognition 01:30:15 Age-Related Changes in Timing of Mental & Physical Vigor 01:31:44 “Chrono-Attraction” in Relationships; Social-Rhythms 01:33:40 Re-setting Our Clock Schedule; Screen Devices Revisited 01:37:50 How Samer Got into the Study of Light 01:39:33 Clock Gene mRNAs & More Accurate Biomarkers 01:41:08 Light as Medicine 01:42:48 ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) 01:43:35 How to Beat Jet Lag: Light, Temperature, Eating 01:50:44 Vigor: The Consequence of Proper Timing 01:52:15 Waking in the Middle of the Night: When Your Nightly Sleep Becomes a Nap 01:54:10 Melatonin, Pineal Calcification 01:55:25 Our Seasonal Rhythms: Mood, Depression, Lethargy & Reproduction 01:59:08 Daylight Savings: Much Worse Than It Might Seem 02:05:27 Eye Color & Sensitivity to Light, Bipolar Disorder 02:09:28 Spicy Food, Genetic Variations in Sensory Sensitivity 02:10:52 Synthesizing This Information, Samer on Twitter, Instagram 02:13:00 Conclusions, Ways To Support the Huberman Lab Podcast & Research Disclaimer & Disclosures
This episode discusses metabolism and how our thyroid hormone and growth hormone control our metabolism. I also clarify that metabolism isn't just about burning energy, it’s about converting energy from different sources into fuels for building and repairing our tissues such as muscle, brain, and tendons and mobilizing energy from body fat storage. I discuss the role of iodine, selenium, and salt for thyroid health, and how specific exercise protocols, amino acids and temperature can dramatically shift levels of growth hormone release in waking and in sleep. I also describe the current landscape of prescription compounds, peptides and other factors for changing levels of thyroid and growth hormone, and some of their risks. Throughout the episode, mechanisms and tools grounded in specific mechanisms are discussed.Supplements from Thorne Introduction(00:06:05) Thyroid & Growth Hormone(00:08:44) Food Shapes: Do They Matter?(00:11:43) Stevia: Naming & Impact(00:13:30) Metabolism 101: Your Brain the Furnace(00:17:33) Releasing Hormones From Your Brain, Stimulating Hormones from Your Pituitary(00:21:04) Thyroid Hormone’s Real Effects: Growth, Repair and Energy Consumption of Tissues(00:22:45) Iodine, L-Tyrosine & Selenium: The Trio Essential For Thyroid Function(00:26:05) How Much Iodine Do We Need? By Food, Supplement or Ocean Air(00:28:09) Selenium For Thyroid: Brazil Nuts & Other Valuable Sources(00:33:05) Selenium For Pregnancy, Prostate Cancer Risk, Acne(00:35:20) “Clean Eating” Downsides: Cruciferous Vegetables, Leeching Iodine(00:39:00) Other Benefits of Iodine: Reducing Inflammation(00:41:00) Why & How Increased Thyroid Increases Metabolism(00:42:12) What To Eat To Support Your Brain(00:43:00) Hyperthyroidism (Too Much) & Hypothyroidism (Too Little)(00:44:35) Menstruation: Thyroid Carbohydrate & Sugar Craving(00:45:33) Ketogenic Diet & Its Effects On Thyroid, Rebound Weight Gain(00:48:39) Growth Hormone: What, Why & How(00:51:18) Growth Hormone (GH) Changes Across The Lifespan & Risks of GH Therapy(00:53:40) How To Powerfully Increase Growth Hormone: Know The Natural Triggers(00:54:49) Not Eating Within 2hrs of Sleep: Keep Blood Glucose Low(ish) At Sleep(00:55:43) Delta Wave Brain Activity Is the Trigger For Growth Hormone Release(00:58:25) LOW Doses of Melatonin Supplementation For Increasing GH Release(01:01:00) Book: Altered Traits, Binaural Beats? Delta Waves Access(01:04:35) Specific Types & Duration of Exercise That Stimulate Growth Hormone & Warmups(01:08:40) Keeping Low Blood Glucose & Ensuring A Cool Down For Two Phase GH Release(01:10:36) Sex Differences For WHEN During Exercise Growth Hormone and IGF-1 Release Occurs: Males Have To Last Longer(01:14:10) Supplements That Increase Growth Hormone 100-400% (or more): Arginine, Ornithine(01:18:20) Arginine & Exercise Together Can Be Counter-Productive(01:19:50) L-Citrulline Better For Arginine Than Arginine Itself (?!); & Blood Pressure Caution(01:23:09) Growth Hormone Changes Across The Lifespan: No One Escapes(01:26:00) Heat (& Cold) for Triggering Extremely Large Increases In Growth Hormone(01:29:20) Specific Heat Protocols For Increasing Growth Hormone: Up To 16-Fold (?!)(01:34:30) 2021 (New) Study: Heat Increases GH, & Lowers Cortisol, No Effects On Testosterone, DHEA Or Prolactin(01:36:00) Prescription Growth Hormone, & Emerging Peptides Therapeutics, Secretagogues Etc.(01:42:25) Synthesis, Summary Of Actionable Steps For Increasing GH and Thyroid Hormone(01:44:00) Zero Cost & Other Ways to Support Our Podcast; & Thank You!
This episode I discuss the science and practice of learning physical skills: what it involves at a biological level, and what to focus on during skill learning at each stage to maximize learning speed and depth. I also describe what to do immediately after a training session (note: this is different than the optimal protocol for cognitive skill training) and as you progress to more advanced levels of performance. I also cover the science of skill-based visualization which does have benefits, but only if done correctly and at the correct times. I discuss auto-replay of skill learning in the brain during sleep and the value of adding in post-training ‘deliberately idle’ sessions. I cover how to immediately improve limb-range-of-motion by leveraging cerebellum function, error generation, optimal repetition numbers for learning and more. As always, scientific mechanism, peer-reviewed studies and science-based protocols are discussed.
Read the full show notes for this episode at
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AG1 :
Waking Up:
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:31 Sponsors: AG1, LMNT & Waking Up
00:06:28 Skill Acquisition: Mental & Physical
00:08:40 Clarification About Cold, Heat & Caffeine
00:12:45 Tool: How To Quickly Eliminate the Side-Stitch ‘Cramp’ & Boost HRV Entrainment
00:16:08 Physical Skills: Open-Loop Versus Closed-Loop
00:18:50 Three Key Components To Any Skill
00:21:00 Sources of Control for Movement: 1) CPGs Govern Rhythmic Learned Behavior
00:23:30 Upper Motor Neurons for Deliberate Movement & Learning
00:25:00 Lower Motor Neurons Control Action Execution
00:25:26 What To Focus On While Learning
00:27:10 The Reality of Skill Learning & the 10,000 Hours Myth
00:28:30 Repetitions & The Super Mario Effect: Error Signals vs. Error Signals + Punishment
00:34:00 Learning To Win, Every Time
00:39:26 Errors Solve the Problem of What To Focus On While Trying to Learn Skills
00:43:00 Why Increasing Baseline Levels of Dopamine Prior To Learning Is Bad
00:44:40 The Framing Effect (& Protocol Defined)
00:46:10 A Note & Warning To Coaches
00:48:30 What To Do Immediately After Your Physical Skill Learning Practice
00:53:48 Leveraging Uncertainty
00:56:59 What to Pay Attention To While Striving To Improve
01:04:45 Protocol Synthesis Part One
01:07:10 Super-Slow-Motion Learning Training: Only Useful After Some Proficiency Is Attained
01:11:06 How To Move From Intermediate To Advanced Skill Execution Faster: Metronomes
01:16:44 Increasing Speed Even If It Means More Errors: Training Central Pattern Generators
01:19:12 Integrated Learning: Leveraging Your Cerebellum (“Mini-Brain”)
01:22:02 Protocol For Increasing Limb Range of Motion, Immediately
01:28:30 Visualization/Mental Rehearsal: How To Do It Correctly
01:33:50 Results From 15 Minutes Per Day, 5 Days Per Week Visualization (vs. Actual Training)
01:35:34 Imagining Something Is Very Different Than Actually Experiencing It
01:37:58 Cadence Training & Learning “Carryover”
01:39:00 Ingestible Compounds That Support Skill Learning: Motivation, Repetitions, Alpha-GPC
01:43:39 Summary & Sequencing Tools: Reps, Fails, Idle Time, Sleep, Metronome, Visualization
01:46:20 Density Training: Comparing Ultradian- & Non-Ultradian Training Sessions
01:49:24 Cost-Free Ways to Support Us, Sponsors & Alternate Channels, Closing Remarks
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In this episode, I discuss how hormones such as testosterone and estrogen and their derivatives impact the early development of the brain and body and their maturation. I review published data on environmental factors shown to powerfully alter hormone pathways in animals and humans and the effects of cannabis, alcohol and cell phones on testes, sperm, ovaries and hormones. I describe the predictable relationship between genes, beard growth and balding patterns, and the importance of estrogen for brain development in people of all chromosomal sexes. Finally, I discuss how the hormones we are exposed to in the womb shape the relative length of our finger digits, the sounds our ears make (yes you read that correctly), and how those correlate with people's self-reports of their sexual preferences. As always, basic information and tools are discussed.Read the full show notes for this episode at you to our sponsorsAG1: Up: Introduction 00:00:30 AG1, LMNT & Waking Up 00:06:47 Announcement: Mood Meter App Works Again 00:08:00 Maximizing Learning from the Podcast 00:10:00 New Non-Sleep Deep Rest Protocol, Spanish Subtitles 00:11:35 Sexual Differentiation: Hormones, Neurons & Behavior 00:14:15 Hormones Basics 00:15:26 Sperm Meets Egg, Chromosomal Sex, Gonadal Sex 00:17:50 Y Chromosome Inhibition of Feminization 00:19:00 Placenta Is An Endocrine (Hormone-Producing) Organ, Adrenal Testosterone 00:19:45 Hormonal Sex, Morphological Sex 00:21:04 Hormones Fast & Slow, Sex Steroids Can Turn On Genes 00:23:06 Masculinization, Feminization, Demasculinization, Defeminization 00:23:42 Primary Sexual Characteristics: DHT Drives Penis Development 00:27:03 Secondary Sexual Characteristics 00:27:43 Penis Sprouting: Guevedoces 00:31:25 Estrogen, NOT Testosterone, Masculinizes The Brain 00:33:15 Breast Development In Males: Aromatase; Puberty, & Steroids in Athletes 00:34:50 Estrogen Powerfully Controls Brain Development In All Individuals 00:35:19 Avoiding Hormonal Disruption In Children & Adults: Specific Oils, Creams, Etc. 00:39:00 Environmental Endocrine Disruptors, Sperm Count Decline, Vincloziline 00:44:20 Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome: Hormones Need Receptors, SARMS 00:48:41 Estrogen Establishes “Masculine” Brain Circuits, Testosterone 00:49:42 Cannabis, Alcohol: In Babies, Puberty & Adults 00:56:25 Cell Phone Technology: Effects On Hormones, Ovaries, & Testicles 01:02:33 Beards & Baldness Patterns Around the World, DHT, 5-alpha-reductase 01:06:39 Creatine & DHT/Hair Loss 01:08:20 Predicting Aging Rates By Pubertal Rates 01:10:04 Hyenas, Baseball, & Jumbo Clitorises: Androstenedione 01:14:26 Intersex Moles 01:15:40 Marijuana Plants, Pollens: Plant-To-Animal “Warfare” 01:20:08 Finger Length Ratios, Prenatal Hormone Exposure & Sexual Orientation 01:29:13 Brain Dimorphisms with Sexual Orientation 01:32:00 “Older Brother Effects”: Male Fetuses Might Change Mothers & Subsequent Brothers 01:35:06 The Path Forward & A Warning 01:35:55 Support & Your Questions Disclaimer & Disclosures
In this episode, I discuss the biology of emotions and moods in the context of relationships. I focus on the science of how early infant-caregiver attachment, combined with adolescence and puberty shape our adult patterns of attachment. I explain the three universal aspects of emotions, the reality of right-brain versus left-brain personalities, and how the roots of adult attachment are also grounded in specific aspects of puberty. I review what factors determine when puberty starts and ends, and the role of oxytocin and other chemicals in controlling how we perceive and remember others. As always, I refer to various practical tools including new tools for understanding and predicting our emotions before they occur, and neurochemicals that shape human connection.
Read the full show notes for this episode at
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AG1 (Athletic Greens):
Waking Up:
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:32 Sponsors: AG1, LMNT & Waking Up
00:05:10 Announcing New Cost-Free Resources: Captions, NSDR Link
00:07:40 Emotions: Subjective Yet Tractable
00:10:53 To Understand Your Emotions: Look At Infancy & Puberty
00:15:21 Your First Feeling Was Anxiety
00:17:36 What Are “Healthy Emotions”?
00:19:03 Digital Tool For Predicting Your Emotions: Mood Meter App
00:21:08 The Architecture Of A Feeling: (At Least) 3 Key Questions To Ask Yourself
00:24:00 You Are An Infant: Bonds & Predictions
00:27:57 Attachment Style Hinges On How You Handle Disappointment
00:32:40 “Glue Points” Of Emotional Bonds: Gaze, Voice, Affect, Touch, (& Written)
00:36:34 “Emotional Health”: Awareness of the Interoceptive-Exteroceptive Dynamic
00:37:50 An Exercise: Controlling Interoceptive-Exteroceptive Bias
00:42:19 Getting Out Of Your Head: The Attentional Aperture
00:46:59 Puberty: Biology & Emotions On Deliberate Overdrive
00:47:58 Bodyfat & Puberty: The Leptin Connection
00:50:34 Pheromones: Mates, Timing Puberty, Spontaneous Miscarriage
00:54:37 Kisspeptin: Robust Trigger Of Puberty & Performance Enhancing Agent
00:58:26 Neuroplasticity Of Emotions: Becoming Specialists & Testing Emotional Bonds
01:00:25 Testing Driving Brain Circuits For Emotion: Dispersal
01:07:48 Science-Based Recommendations for Adolescents and Teens: The Autonomy Buffet
01:11:05 “Right-Brain Versus Left-Brain People”: Facts Versus Lies
01:14:18 Left Brain = Language, Right Brain = Spatial Awareness
01:16:15 How To Recognize “Right Brain Activity” In Speech: Prosody
01:18:32 Oxytocin: The Molecule of Synchronizing States
01:20:09 Mirror Neurons: Are Not For “Empathy”, Maybe For Predicting Behavior
01:23:00 Promoting Trust & Monogamy
01:27:00 Ways To Increase Oxytocin
01:28:34 Vasopressin: Aphrodisiac, Non-Monogamy and Anti-Bed-Wetting Qualities
01:30:43 Bonding Bodies, Not Just Minds: Vagus Nerve, Depression Relief Via the Body
01:35:18 A Powerful Tool For Enhancing Range & Depth of Emotional Experience
01:36:43 MDMA and Other Psychedelic Compounds: Building A Framework
01:38:54 Roundup, Various Forms of Support
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This episode explains the science of motivation and drive. I describe how dopamine — a chemical we all make in our brain, underlies our desire for and pursuit of our goals, as well as our capacity to move and experience pleasure. I describe how we can leverage specific behaviors, reward schedules and dopamine-prolactin balance to help ensure we can maintain motivation and capacity for pleasure over the long term. I also discuss dopamine in the context of ADHD, craving and addiction, and some absolutely amazing results about specificity of drug effects based purely on belief.Read the full show notes for this episode at you to our sponsorsAG1: Up: Introduction 00:00:30 Sponsors: AG1, LMNT & Waking Up 00:04:22 Announcement: Spanish Subtitles 00:05:06 Emotions, Addiction & Mindset 00:06:22 Motivation & Movement: The Dopamine Connection 00:07:29 A Double-Edged Dopamine Blade 00:08:56 Dopamine Fundamentals: Precursor to Adrenalin 00:10:15 The Reward Pathway: An Accelerator & A Brake 00:12:10 Motivation = Pleasure Plus Pain 00:14:14 The Dopamine Staircase: Food, Sex, Nicotine, Cocaine, Amphetamine 00:16:15 Subjective Control of Dopamine Release 00:17:40 Social Media and Video Games 00:18:15 Addiction & Dopamine: Progressively Diminishing Returns 00:18:48 Novelty, Sensation-Seeking & Anticipation 00:20:15 Craving: Part Pain, Part Pleasure & Pain Always Prevails 00:23:11 Desire Scales With Pain: The Yearning Function 00:24:43 The Croissant Craving Circuit 00:25:45 “Here and Now” Molecules: Serotonin, Bliss & Raphe Nucleus 00:26:26 In Your Skin Or Out In the World 00:27:25 Cannabinoids Lethargy & Forgetfulness 00:28:15 The Almond Meditation 00:29:30 Drugs That Shift Exteroception Versus Interoception 00:30:36 Emotional Balance, Active & Passive Manipulation 00:32:36 Procrastination: Leveraging Stress, Breathing, Caffeine, L-Tyrosine, Prescription Drugs 00:37:04 When Enough Is Never Enough; How Dopamine Undermines Itself 00:38:58 Dopamine-Prolactin Dynamics: Sex, Reproduction & Refractory Periods 00:40:30 The Coolidge Effect: Novelty-Induced Suppression of Prolactin 00:42:22 Vitamin B6, Zinc As Mild Prolactin Inhibitors 00:43:25 Schizophrenia, Dopamine Hyperactivity and Side Effects of Anti-Dopaminergic Drugs 00:45:08 Prolactin, Post-Satisfaction “Lows” & Extending the Arc of Dopamine 00:48:00 The Chemistry of “I Won, But Now What?” 00:49:00 Healthy Emotional Development: Child and Parent 00:50:03 Never Say “Maybe” (Reward Prediction Error) 00:52:02 Surprise! 00:52:59 Are You Suppressing Your Drive and Motivation By Working Too Late? 00:54:50 Disambiguating Pleasure and Drive: Dopamine Makes Us Anti-Lazy 00:58:00 Beta-Phenylethylamine (PEA), & Acetyl L-Carnitine 01:00:00 Attention Deficit Disorders, Cal Newport Books, Impulsivity & Obesity 01:03:55 Leveraging Dopamine Schedules 01:05:22 Subjective Control of Dopamine and Drug Effects: The “Adderall” Experiment 01:09:03 Caffeine May Protect Dopamine Neurons, Methamphetamine Kills Them 01:10:57 Nicotine: Dopamine, Possible Neuroprotection, Prolactin Increase 01:11:53 Gambling, Intermittent Reinforcement, & Persistent Goal Seeking (Bad and Good) 01:14:14 Intermittent Halting of Celebration; Enjoy Your Wins, But Not All of Them 01:18:38 A Story Example of Intermittent Reward to Maintain Long-Term Drive and Motivation 01:21:25 Corrections & Notes About Spanish Captions & Other Languages Soon 01:24:00 Synthesis & Framework, Zero-Cost Support & A Note About SponsorsDisclaimer & Disclosures
This episode explains the brain-body connections that allow the specific foods we eat to control our moods and motivation. I discuss the vagus nerve and its role in dopamine and serotonin release in the brain. I review Omega-3 fatty acids and the key role of the gut microbiome in supporting (or hindering) our mental and emotional states. Many actionable tools are reviewed and discussed related to fasting, ketogenic and plant-based diets, probiotics, fermented foods, fish oils, artificial sweeteners, specific supplements that promote dopamine and serotonin, and some remarkable behavioral (and belief) effects.Read the full show notes for this episode at you to our sponsorsAG1: Up: Introduction 00:00:31 Sponsors: AG1, LMNT & Waking Up 00:05:00 Emotions: Aligning Mind & Body 00:06:41 Nutrients, Neurochemicals and Mood 00:08:39 Primitive Expressions and Actions 00:12:30 The Vagus Nerve: Truth, Fiction, Function 00:15:45 “Vagus Stimulation”: A Terrible Concept 00:16:35 Polyvagal Theory 00:18:27 Vagus Senses Many Things, & Moves Our Organs 00:19:35 Sugar Sensing Without Perception of Sweetness 00:23:00 Eating-Induced Anxiety 00:27:30 We Eat Until Our Brain Perceives “Amino Acid Threshold” 00:29:45 Reward Prediction Error: Buildup, Letdown and Wanting More 00:32:01 L-Tyrosine, Dopamine, Motivation, Mood, & Movement 00:34:04 Supplementing L-Tyrosine, Drugs of Abuse, Wellbutrin 00:38:29 Serotonin: Gut, Brain, Satiety and Prozac 00:43:38 Eating to Promote Dopamine (Daytime) & Serotonin (Night Time) 00:44:30 Supplementing Serotonin: Sleep, & Caution About Sleep Disruptions 00:46:40 An Amazing Cost-Free Resource with Links to Science Papers 00:48:05 Mucuna Pruriens: The Dopamine Bean with a Serotonin Outer Shell 00:51:00 Emotional Context and Book Recommendation: “How Emotions Are Made” 00:54:55 Exercise: Powerful Mood Enhancer, But Lacks Specificity 00:56:45 Omega-3: Omega-6 Ratios, Fish Oil and Alleviating Depression 01:01:00 Fish Oil as Antidepressant 01:02:40 EPAs May Improve Mood via Heart Rate Variability: Gut-Heart-Brain 01:07:24 Alternatives to Fish Oil to Obtain Sufficient Omega-3/EPAs 01:09:05 L-Carnitine for Mood, Sperm and Ovary Quality, Autism, Fibromyalgia, Migraine 01:16:29 Gut-Microbiome: Myths, Truths & the Tubes Within Us 01:21:55 Probiotics, Brain Fog, Autism, Fermentation 01:25:20 Artificial Sweeteners & the Gut Microbiome: NOT All Bad; It Depends! 01:28:00 Ketogenic, Vegan, & Processed Food Effects, Individual Differences 01:33:20 Fasting-Based Depletion of Our Microbiome 01:35:20 How Mindset Effects Our Responses to Foods: Amazing (Ghrelin) Effects! 01:38:30 How Mindset Controls Our Metabolism 01:41:03 Closing Comments, Thanks, Support & Resources Disclaimer & Disclosures
This episode explains what stress is, and how it recruits our brain and body to react in specific ways. I describe the three main types of stress, and how two of them actually enhance the function of our immune system making us less vulnerable to infections. I review tools that allow us to control our stress in real-time, as well as tools to prevent long-term stress, burnout and stress-induced illness and anxiety. As always, we cover behavioral tools and supplements that can assist or hinder stress control.
Read the full show notes for this episode at
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00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:31 Sponsors: AG1, LMNT & Waking Up
00:04:41 Emotions: A Logical Framework of Brain-Body Loops
00:10:29 Stress: The (Falsely Narrow) Animal Attack Narrative
00:14:31 The Stress RESPONSE: Generic, Channels blood, Biases Action
00:21:08 Tools to Actually Control Stress: Reduce Alertness or Increase Calm
00:24:15 The Fastest Way to Reduce Stress In Real Time: “Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia”
00:29:45 The Fastlane to Calm
00:34:53 Important Notes About Heart Rate Deceleration: Vaso-vagal Lag
00:36:50 Cyclic Sighing For Calm and Sleep Induction
00:37:57 Nasal Breathing For Cosmetic, Immune and Performance Enhancement
00:38:46 Two Breathing Centers In The Brain
00:39:45 Breathing For Speaking Clearly
00:40:39 The 3 Types of Stress: Short, Medium and Long-Term
00:42:10 Positive Effects of Short-Term Stress: Immunity and Focus
00:45:32 Adrenalin (Epinephrine) Deploys Killer Immune Cells
00:46:40 Cyclic Deep Breathing IS Stress: Wim Hof, Tummo & Super-Oxygenation
00:50:58 Inflammation Is Useful and Good, In the Short Term
00:52:02 Procrastination and Self-Manufactured Nootropics
00:53:00 Relaxation Can Cause Illness
00:54:30 Immune Activation Protocol
00:55:20 Medium Term Stress: A Clear Definition
00:56:07 Stress Threshold
00:57:10 Stress Inoculation Tools: Separating Mind & Body, On Purpose
00:59:50 Use Vision to Calm the Mind When the Body Is Agitated
01:02:36 Beyond NSDR
01:04:36 Long Term Stress: Definition, Measurement, Cardiovascular Risks
01:06:30 Tools for Dealing With Long Term Stress
01:08:20 The Oxytocin Myth
01:09:15 Serotonin: Satiety, Safety
01:12:00 Delight and Flexibility
01:13:30 Chemical Irritants We Make But Can Control: Tackykinin
01:15:40 Impactful Gratitude
01:16:25 Non-Prescription Chemical Compounds For Additional Anti-Stress Support
01:18:04 Melatonin: Cautionary Note About Adrenal Suppression
01:19:15 Adrenal Burnout Is A Myth… But Why You Need to Know About It Anyway
01:21:10 L-Theanine For Stress Reduction and Task Completion Anxiety
01:23:00 Beware Taurine and Energy Drinks With Taurine
01:23:30 Ashwagandha: Can Powerfully Lower Anxiety And Cortisol
01:25:50 Is An Amazing Free Resource
01:26:20 How This All Relates to Emotions: State Versus Demand = Valence
01:32:00 Modulating Reactivity, Mindfulness, & Functionality With Objective Tools
01:34:00 Next Steps
01:35:40 Topic Suggestions, Subscriptions and Reviews Please
01:37:40 Additional Resources, Synthesis
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In this episode, I describe the science of how and why pain arises in the body and brain, and how we can actively control our experience of pain. I discuss inflammation, stress, acupuncture, limb damage and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). I review protocols that leverage the lymphatic and nervous system to accelerate pain relief and healing in a variety of situations. Other topics discussed include how heat versus cold impacts neurons and wounds, red-light, sunlight, stem cells and more. Read the full show notes for this episode at you to our sponsorsAG1: Up: Introduction/Avenues for Support 00:00:31 Sponsors: AG1, LMNT & Waking Up 00:04:58 Deliberate Unlearning 00:06:43 Pain, Injury and Regeneration 00:09:17 A System of Touch (Somatosensation) 00:11:42 Pain and Injury are Dissociable 00:15:19 Objective versus Subjective Control of Experience 00:16:15 Plasticity of Perception 00:16:41 Lack of Pain Is Self-Destructive; So Is Excessive Pain 00:18:42 Homoculous, Ratonculous, Dogunculus 00:19:05 “Sensitivity” explained 00:21:30 Inflammation 00:22:24 Phantom Limb Pain 00:24:00 Top-down Relief of Pain by Vision 00:26:41 From Deaf to Hearing Sounds 00:28:10 Pain Is In The Mind & Body 00:29:44 Recovering Movement Faster After Injury 00:35:00 Don’t Over Compensate 00:37:34 Concussion, TBI & Brain Ageing 00:40:49 The Brain’s Sewage Treatment System: Glymphatic Clearance 00:43:05 Body Position & Angle During Sleep 00:44:30 Types of Exercise For Restoring & Maintaining Brain Health 00:47:33 Ambulance Cells in The Brain 00:49:20 True Pain Control by Belief and Context 00:51:45 Romantic Love and Pain 00:55:05 Dopaminergic Control of Pain 00:57:15 Acupuncture: Rigorous Scientific Assessment 01:07:32 Vagus Activation and Autonomic Control of Pain 01:08:30 Inflammation, Turmeric, Lead and DHT 01:11:40 Adrenalin: Wim Hof, Tummo, “Super-Oxygenation” Breathing 01:14:53 Protocols For Accelerating Tissue Repair & Managing Pain 01:17:55 Ice Is Not Always Nice (For Pain and Injury): Sludging, Fascia, Etc. 01:22:02 Chronic and/or Whole Body Pain; Red-Light Therapy, Sunlight 01:26:10 Glymphatics and Sleep 01:26:29 Stem Cells, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP): Shams, Shoulds and Should Nots 01:31:38 Young Blood: Actual Science 01:35:44 Synthesis, Support & ResourcesDisclaimer & Disclosures
In this episode, I describe how to access focused learning bouts, creative states, and the underlying neural circuitry involved. I frame this in the context of our daily 24-hour cycle in order to make it practical, clear and precise about timing. I review the role of fasting, meal timing and specific types of nutrients for promoting certain states of mind. I also review various other tools and biological factors that directly or indirectly gate brain function and that we can control. I answer commonly asked questions about the science of psychedelics, binaural beats, and visualization. Thank you for your interest in science!Read the full show notes for this episode at you to our sponsorsAG1: Introduction 00:00:30 Sponsors: AG1 & LMNT 00:04:53 The Daily (Learning) Routine 00:07:13 Plasticity Is NOT the Goal 00:09:26 No Obligation To Change 00:09:59 Practical Plasticity Language 00:13:37 Pillars of Neuroplasticity 00:15:16 My Daily Routine: Chronotype Management 00:17:20 Plasticity of the Wake-Sleep Circuit: Morning Light 00:19:09 Delay Caffeine! 00:21:19 Light, Black Coffee, Hydrate 00:22:57 High Alertness, Linear Tasks/Learning 00:25:12 Background Music/Noise: Yay or Nay? 00:26:52 “GO” versus “NO-GO”: The Basal Ganglia & Dopamine 00:28:37 Leveraging GO, NO-GO 00:30:08 Non-Specific Action 00:32:06 Clear, Calm, Focused: The GO, NO-GO Sweet Spot 00:33:48 When Very Alert, Work In Silence; When Tired, Include Background Noise 00:35:28 Temperaments Vary: And So Should This 00:36:01 The 3 Hour-Long Post Waking Block 00:36:20 Early Morning Exercise and GO Networks 00:38:05 Fasting, Ketogenic Diets, & Food Volume 00:39:41 Sodium/Electrolytes 00:40:57 Avoiding Hot Lunch, Food Pre-Occupation 00:42:01 Post Lunch Low/No Cognitive Load 00:42:56 Hydration, NSDR, Nap 00:44:54 Creativity Work 00:46:26 Creativity Is A Two-Part Phenomenon 00:51:15 Psychedelics 00:58:20 Afternoon Light As Insurance 01:00:26 Evening Nutrition 01:01:21 Repacking Glycogen: Hormonal Factors 01:04:11 Pre-Sleep Anxiety: Normal and Easy To Solve 01:07:08 The Power of Objective Tools 01:08:14 Visualization 01:11:34 Mini-Synthesis 01:13:31 Resetting Your Clock 01:15:55 Don’t Trust the Mind Now 01:16:59 Two, (Maybe 3) Optimization Bouts Per Day 01:18:33 Organizational Logic 01:20:22 Wim Hof Breathing, Binaural Beats, Ice Baths, Etc. 01:24:42 Variation Among People, and Dogs 01:25:49 Accurate Versus Exhaustive 01:27:57 Familiar and New Ways To Support Disclaimer & Disclosures
In this episode, I discuss how we can use specific types of behavior to change our brain, both for sake of learning the movements themselves and for allowing us to learn non-movement-based information as well. I describe the key role that errors play in triggering our brains to change and how the vestibular (balance) system can activate and amplify neuroplasticity. As always, I cover science and science-based practical tools. Thank you in advance for your questions and for your interest in science!
For the full show notes, visit
Thank you to our sponsors
Waking Up:
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:29 Sponsors: AG1, LMNT & Waking Up
00:06:20 Nerves and Muscles
00:12:00 Exercise alone won’t change your brain
00:12:58 Behavior will change your brain
00:13:30 Remembering the wrong things
00:15:00 Behavior as the gate to plasticity
00:15:45 Types of Plasticity
00:17:32 Errors Not Flow Trigger Plasticity
00:21:30 Mechanisms of Plasticity
00:22:30 What to learn when you are young
00:23:50 Alignment of your brain maps: neuron sandwiches
00:26:00 Wearing Prisms On Your Face
00:29:10 The KEY Trigger Plasticity
00:32:20 Frustration Is the Feeling to Follow (Further into Learning)
00:33:10 Incremental Learning
00:35:30 Huberman Free Throws
00:38:50 Failure Specificity Triggers Specific Plastic Changes
00:40:20 Triggering Rapid, Massive Plasticity Made Possible
00:43:25 Addiction
00:45:25 An Example of Ultradian-Incremental Learning
00:49:42 Bad Events
00:51:55 Surprise!
00:52:00 Making Dopamine Work For You (Not The Other Way Around)
00:53:20 HOW to release dopamine
00:55:00 (Mental) Performance Enhancing Drugs
00:56:00 Timing Your Learning
00:57:36 (Chem)Trails of Neuroplasticity
00:58:57 The Three Key Levers To Accelerate Plasticity
00:59:15 Limbic Friction: Finding Clear, Calm and Focused
01:04:25 The First Question To Ask Yourself Before Learning
01:05:00 Balance
01:07:45 Cerebellum
01:10:00 Flow States Are Not The Path To Learning
01:11:18 Novelty and Instability Are Key
01:14:55 How to Arrive At Learning
01:15:45 The Other Reason Kids Learn Faster Than Adults
01:19:25 Learning French and Other Things Faster
01:22:00 Yoga versus Science
01:32:00 Closing Remarks
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This episode introduces neuroplasticity—which is how our brain and nervous system learn and acquire new capabilities. I describe the differences between childhood and adult neuroplasticity, the chemicals involved and how anyone can increase their rate and depth of learning by leveraging the science of focus. I describe specific tools for increasing focus and learning. The next two episodes will cover the ideal protocols for specific types of learning and how to make learning new information more reflexive.
For the full show notes, visit
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AG1 (Athletic Greens):
Waking Up:
(00:00:00) Introduction
(00:00:32) Sponsors: AG1, LMNT, Waking Up
(00:03:50) Plasticity: What Is it, & What Is It For?
(00:06:30) Babies and Potato Bugs
(00:08:00) Customizing Your Brain
(00:08:50) Hard-Wired Versus Plastic Brains
(00:10:25) Everything Changes At 25
(00:12:29) Costello and Your Hearing
(00:13:10) The New Neuron Myth
(00:14:10) Anosmia: Losing Smell
(00:15:13) Neuronal Birthdays Near Our Death Day
(00:16:45) Circumstances for Brain Change
(00:17:21) Brain Space
(00:18:30) No Nose, Eyes, Or Ears
(00:19:30) Enhanced Hearing and Touch In The Blind
(00:20:20) Brain Maps of The Body Plan
(00:21:00) The Kennard Principle (Margaret Kennard)
(00:21:36) Maps of Meaning
(00:23:00) Awareness Cues Brain Change
(00:25:20) The Chemistry of Change
(00:26:15) A Giant Lie In The Universe
00:27:10) Fathers of Neuroplasticity/Critical Periods
00:29:30) Competition Is The Route to Plasticity
00:32:30) Correcting The Errors of History
00:33:29) Adult Brain Change: Bumps and Beeps
(00:36:25) What It Takes to Learn
(00:38:15) Adrenalin and Alertness
(00:40:18) The Acetylcholine Spotlight
(00:42:26) The Chemical Trio For Massive Brain Change
(00:44:10) Ways To Change Your Brain
(00:46:16) Love, Hate, & Shame: all the same chemical
(00:47:30) The Dopamine Trap
(00:49:40) Nicotine for Focus
(00:52:30) Sprinting
(00:53:30) How to Focus
(00:55:22) Adderall: Use & Abuse
(00:56:40) Seeing Your Way To Mental Focus
(01:02:59) Blinking
(01:05:30) And Ear Toward Learning
(01:06:14) The Best Listeners In The World
(01:07:20) Agitation is Key
(01:07:40) ADHD & ADD: Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder
(01:12:00) Ultra(dian) Focus
(01:13:30) When Real Change Occurs
(01:16:20) How Much Learning Is Enough?
(01:16:50) Learning In (Optic) Flow/Mind Drift
(01:18:16) Synthesis/Summary
(01:25:15) Learning With Repetition, Forming Habits
As always, thank you for your interest in science!
Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac
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This episode is all about the two major kinds of dreams and the sorts of learning and unlearning they are used for. I discuss REM-associated dreams that control emotional learning and their similarity to various trauma treatments such as ketamine and EMDR. I also discuss Non-REM dreams and their role in motor learning and learning of detailed, non-emotionally-laden information. I relate this to science-backed tools for accessing more of the types of sleep and learning people may want. Other topics are listed in the time stamps below.
Read the full show notes for this episode at
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Waking Up:
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:30 Sponsors: AG1, LMNT & Waking Up
00:03:00 The Dream Mask
00:06:00 Cycling Sleep
00:08:10 Chemical Cocktails of Sleep
00:13:00 Motor Learning
00:16:30 High Performance with Less Sleep
00:17:45 Rapid Eye Movement Sleep
00:20:30 Paralysis & Hallucinations
00:23:35 Nightmares
00:24:45 When REM & Waking Collide
00:25:00 Sleeping While Awake
00:26:45 Alien Abductions
00:29:00 Irritability
00:30:00 Sleep to Delete
00:32:25 Creating Meaning
00:34:10 Adults Acting Like Children
00:36:20 Trauma & REM
00:37:15 EMDR
00:39:10 Demo
00:44:25 Ketamine / PCP
00:45:45 Soup, Explosions, & NMDA
00:48:55 Self Therapy
00:50:30 Note About Hormones
00:51:40 Measuring REM / SWS
00:53:15 Sleep Consistency
00:56:00 Bed Wetting
00:58:00 Serotonin
00:59:00 Increasing SWS
00:59:50 Lucidity
01:02:15 Booze / Weed
01:03:50 Scripting Dreams
01:04:35 Theory of Mind
01:07:55 Synthesis
01:10:00 Intermittent Sleep Deprivation
01:11:10 Snoring Disclaimer
01:11:40 New Topic
01:15:50 Corrections
01:17:25 Closing Remarks
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In this episode, I discuss a simple and reliable measurement called your "temperature minimum" that you can use to rapidly adjust to new time zones when traveling and to offset the bad effects of nocturnal shift work. I also discuss tools for adjusting sleep and waking rhythms in babies, teens, new parents and the elderly.
Read the full show notes for this episode at
Thank you to our sponsors
Waking Up:
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:30 Sponsors: AG1, LMNT & Waking Up
00:04:15 The bedrock of sleep-rest cycles
00:07:05 Night owls and morning larks
00:08:22 “The perfect schedule”
00:11:04 The 100K Lux per morning goal
00:15:15 Keeping your biological clock set
00:16:15 Reset your cortisol
00:21:22 Jet Lag, death and lifespan
00:23:00 Going East versus West
00:28:45 The key to clock control
00:31:01 Your Temperature Minimum
00:36:30 Temperature and Exercise
00:41:20 Eating
00:42:50 Go West
00:44:15 Pineal myths and realities
00:51:13 The Heat-Cold Paradox
00:53:45 Staying on track
00:55:30 Nightshades
00:57:00 Emergency resets
00:57:30 Psychosis by light
00:58:05 Shift work
01:02:40 The Temperature-Light Rule
01:04:20 Up all night: watch the sunrise?
01:06:45 Error correction is good
01:08:20 NSDR protocols/implementation
01:10:44 The frog skin in your eye (not a joke)
01:16:39 Why stress turns your hair white
01:17:24 Ovaries or testes?
01:18:25 Babies and bright light
01:21:40 Polyphasic sleep
01:25:25 Ultradian cycles in children
01:27:38 Teens and puberty
01:29:50 Light before waking for better sleep
01:31:20 Older people and circadian rhythms
01:33:48 Sleepy Supplements
01:42:00 Red Pills & Acupuncture
01:43:50 Highlights
01:48:30 Feedback and Support
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“Office Hours” — In this episode, I answer your most commonly asked questions about science-supported tools for accessing more alertness, better learning, and quality sleep. I also cover when to exercise, time meals, and how to systematically vary your temperature to achieve specific effects on your nervous system.
Read the full show notes for this episode at
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00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:31 Sponsors: AG1 & LMNT
00:05:50 Moonlight & Fire
09:25:00 Red Light: Good & Bad
00:15:45 Why Blue-Blockers Are Unscientific
00:19:20 Eyeglasses, Contact Lenses & Windows
00:22:05 Adding Up Your Lights
00:24:30 “Netflix Inoculation” With Light
00:25:25 How The Planet Controls Your Energy
00:27:00 A Season For Breeding (?)
00:31:15 Melatonin / Serotonin
00:33:50 Epinephrine vs Adrenaline: Same? Different?
00:35:00 Exercise & Your Sleep
00:40:30 Neuroplasticity & Food/Chemicals/NSDR
00:44:10 Using Sound & Smell To Learn Faster
00:46:45 Dream Meaning & Remembering
00:48:15 Waking Up Paralyzed
00:49:40 Nap/Focus Ratios For Accelerated Learning
00:52:45 Hypnotizing Yourself
00:54:05 Smart Drugs
01:01:10 Magnesium: Yay, Nay, or Meh?
01:02:10 How Apigenin Works
01:04:30 Serotonin: Slippery Slope
01:05:35 The Frog Experiment
01:08:35 Temperature
01:10:30 Morning Chills
01:28:00 Eating For Heating
01:30:30 Vagal Pathways For Gut-Brain Dialogue
01:31:50 Sex Differences
01:33:50 Self Experimentation
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Today’s episode provides an introduction to how the nervous system works to create sensations, perceptions, emotions, thoughts and behaviors, as well as how we can change our nervous system—a phenomenon known as neuroplasticity. The information sets the stage for all Huberman Lab podcast episodes that follow by covering neurons, synapses, brain chemicals and the rhythms that control our ability to focus, learn and sleep… and more. Thank you for your interest in science. We'll see you next week!
Read the full show notes for this episode at
Use Ask Huberman Lab, our new AI-powered platform, for a summary, clips, and insights from this episode.
Thank you to our sponsors
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:25 Sponsors: AG1 & LMNT
00:07:57 What is the Nervous System
00:07:25 Deja Vu
00:08:09 How War, Guns & Soap Shaped Our Understanding of the Brain
00:10:47 Jennifer Aniston Neurons
00:11:58 Sensations
00:13:30 Magnetic Sensing & Mating
00:14:51 Perceptions & The Spotlight of Attention
00:16:33 Multi-Tasking Is Real
00:17:45 Bottom-Up vs. Top-Down Control of Behavior
00:18:38 Focusing the Mind
00:21:47 Antidepressants
00:25:01 Thoughts & Thought Control
00:25:56 Actions
00:30:40 How We Control Our Impulses
00:33:44 Neuroplasticity: The Holy Grail of Neuroscience
00:38:34 The Portal to Neuroplasticity
00:43:53 Accelerating Learning in Sleep
00:47:29 The Pillar of Plasticity
00:52:22 Leveraging Ultradian Cycles & Self Experimentation
00:57:17 Summary
00:58:03 Zero-Cost Support, Feedback, Reviews
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