
  • These scammers sent me an email saying they saw an unauthorized charge on my credit card. The only way to cancel it was to allow them to connect to my computer.

    I went along with their script and logged into my fake bank account. They edited the HTML making it LOOK like they sent too much money and begged me to send the money back or they’d get fired. I told them I’d send the money back ONLY if they could cover my job at the doctor's office. Let’s just say our office asks patients some interesting questions.





    Call Synopsis: Kit (Nevaeh) calls a “McAfee Support” refund scam. Scammer Sean connects to the computer to issue Nevaeh (Abby) a refund. He transfers the call to Scammer Alex the financial manager/senior supervisor. Nevaeh is working from home (for a doctor’s office – Dr. Z. Oidberg) and takes calls from her boss which increasingly frustrates Alex. They refund her $3500 instead of $350 and demand she pay them back via debit or gift card and lock the computer. Abby is on the verge of losing her job and needs her computer so she proposes that the scammers do her job while she goes to get gift cards. After some convincing, Scammer Mark, the manager, agrees to it. This requires him to call 4 patients (Matilda Sweetwater (Edna), Dallas Smith (Jeb), Samantha Westport, and Geoff Hampton (cranky Edmund ) and give them a survey about their recent doctor appointments. When Abby comes home with the cards, she misinterprets something Matilda told the scammer, accidentally lies to her boss, and is fired. After discovering how the scam works and learning she got tricked, she taunts the scammers and tells them she could do their job better so they should give her a job since their trick made her lose hers. She spends a good part of the call quizzing them about how the scam works and then turns "dark sided" and proposes they should work together to steal from Matilda. The scammer says he will teach her if she gives him the gift cards but maintains that he is not a scammer but that Abby is. Abby hangs up when he won’t admit it but makes sure to thank him for teaching her everything.

  • Scammers were hoping that their trick would convince me to give them $5,000. Much to their dismay, grandma uses all the money to buy a mobility scooter right in front of their eyes.


    Call Synopsis:
    Scammers claim an IP address from Mexico ordered an iPhone using Edna’s account. The scammers caught them, but now they need to initiate a refund for the $529 purchase. After filling out a very realistic Google Amazon Refund form, she is told she typed in $5290 and Amazon has sent that to her bank account, thanks Amazon! The scammer insists that she must pay it back right now or he’ll lose his job. Edna has other plans with this gifted money and buys a top-of the-line mobility scooter. The scammer tries desperately to convince her to send him the money back or he’ll call the police and threatens to come to her house with his lawyer.

  • In this episode, I play Richard Johnson, an old grandpa on the phone with scammers who are pretending to be working as federal DEA agents investigating crimes connected to my SSN. What they’re really doing is phishing for my personal information and trying to get me to send them money to clear my name. Things start to get a little bit wild when this scammer demands I go to Target to buy gift cards…





    Call Synopsis: SSA Scam - Officer Charles Williams explains that there are illegal actions filed under Richard Johnson’s (Edmund) name for fraudulent activities and there is an arrest warrant out for him. There was a Toyota Corolla found in southern Texas with drugs inside, 10 bank accounts, and 15 credit cards opened using his SSN to launder money. They know Richard is innocent and his SSN has been compromised and are going to guide him through the steps to secure his assets without having to go through the process of freezing his bank accounts. The call is transferred to DEA Officer Ryan who proceeds to rush Richard to the bank to withdraw his money to purchase gift cards which they will exchange for a cashier's check he can deposit once he gets his new SSN tomorrow. Richard takes a while to get to the bank, exceeding speed limits and jamming out to some sick country bops. Once he gets to the bank, he goes through the drive thru to get his money and then proceeds directly into the neighboring McDonalds drive thru, all while Officer Ryan is urgently trying to get him to go to Target to buy gift cards with the withdrawn money. While at McDs, they forget the straw to his nacho smoothie.

    When Richard finally arrives at Target, he sits in the Target parking lot for a while and eats his food, getting a brain freeze and spilling the frozen nacho smoothie all over himself thanks to no straw. He battles a windstorm getting inside the store. He has trouble finding the gift card section so after taking a detour to get some straws, he asks a Target employee (Nevaeh voice) and lets it slip that he's buying cards for the government. She shows him where the cards are before walking away. Officer Ryan pleads with Richard to get Target gift cards, but he doesn’t understand because technically they’re all Target gift cards since they’re sold at Target. Once he figures out the right ones, Richard starts to be paged over the loudspeakers to come to the front desk since Nevaeh alerted someone to the situation. He asks what to do and is told by an increasingly frustrated Ryan to go through the self checkout and purchase the gift cards. Once he does, he sees the store security guard (Jebidiah) and assumes that he and the DEA are working together. The store security guard stops him, talks to Officer Ryan and offers to help with the investigation. Richard suddenly makes a break for it and Officer Ryan hangs up. Richard calls back from a store bathroom stall where he drops one card in the toilet. The Security officer busts in, detains Richard, and jumps on the call where Ryan tries to get him to read the gift card numbers. After getting frustrated, Ryan tells the security officer to take Richard to the station and hangs up. The security officer calls back and Ryan angrily cusses him out.