
  • Isaiah 11:1-10

    Today’s symbol is a tree stump, with a little shoot growing out of the top. This tree stump is a Jesse Tree: it reminds us of Jesus’ family tree, and the family tree of all God’s people.

    I wonder what needs to be made right today? In my heart? In my family? In my world?

    I wonder how my heart is like a dead tree stump? What in me needs some water, some air, some love?

    I wonder how Jesus can grow new things in my heart? In my family? In my friendships? In my world?

    I wonder what it will be like, when Jesus’ kingdom comes. Can I imagine a world where a wolf will live with a lamb, and no one will hurt or destroy? Can I imagine a time when everyone knows and trusts God’s love for them? What can I say to God about that time?

    I wonder how I can wait for Jesus during Advent? How can I make space for Jesus, and for his kingdom, in my heart? In my life? How can I invite Jesus into my world?

    Faithful God, thank you for keeping your promises. Help us see the ways that you are faithful, even when your people are not. Thank you that you are bringing a world where the weak and the strong will live together in peace. Help us wait for your coming, and we pray that these stories of Jesus’ family tree will teach us to be faithful and prayerful as we wait for you to make all things new.

    In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.