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Millennials in China is a podcast hosted by two Millennial expats living in China, Chris and Hope. While Western developed nations appear to be stagnating in many ways, China has become a land of hustle and opportunity for young entrepreneurs wanting to try their luck. On this podcast we discuss all things related to living, working, and doing business in the Middle Kingdom.
每期对谈一个陌生行业。欢迎收听TIANYU2FM — 我们是天宇和天域,一名自由作者和一名创业者。我们是挚友,也是一起求知的伙伴。我们认为拓展未知领域最好的方法是与其从业者对谈。希望你与我们一起,通过与人对话来拓展自己对世界认知的新边界。
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力扬近期操作回顾: 1月15日尾盘提示的三超新材。截止目前1月18日涨幅达到了17.43%。 1月19日尾盘提示的汇金科技。截止目前1月25日涨幅达到了37.97%。 1月26日早盘提示的翔港科技。截止目前2月2日涨幅达到了38.49%。 2月7日尾盘提示的盈趣科技。截止目前2月14日涨幅达到了43%。 2月26日早盘提示的游族网络、截止目前2月28日涨幅达到了17.09%。 笔者每天都将给您带来最新的热点资讯和大盘分析以及个股操作建议,让我们赢在起跑线上,避开风险,直达盈利。笔者现在是公开直播,只为印证实力,笔者不屑弄虚作假,欢迎大家查证!本周笔者看好的三只潜力股已经发布,添加V信:cyjt26,即可免费领取!咱们一起探讨买卖点和选股的技巧!
欢迎添加~ 主播Q群:536352229 主播微信公众号:影子兵 微信公号有专属节目、笑笑的早安音乐、以及主播全网所有有声书链接 一些时间过于精彩,其他时间则相形失色。1911年1月之于中国,如同席卷天边的乌云,沉潜、淤积,静默地等待着云层相撞,旋即雷奔电厉: 盛宣怀开局气势昂扬,官拜一品,不料狼狈收尾; 昔日中国首富伍秉鉴离开人世已有67年,他一生经历与盛宣怀别无二致; 长沙,“抢米风潮”爆发,恶劣的商贩令少年毛泽东一生刻骨;熊希龄力推湖南工业总会,然而商业不是他的归宿; 黑帮商人张啸林落魄到一文不名,发誓东山再起; 日后金融巨子胡笔江阴差阳错结识李鸿章九少爷,进入交通银行;老字号内联升掌柜赵廷病入膏肓,生意大不如前; 一战蓄势爆发,西方各国忙于备战,“魁星”棉纱占领华中市场,张謇手舞足蹈。
Ladies, have you ever been called aggressive? Abrasive? A nasty woman? Have you been told you take up too much space, or are too smart for your own good? Have you been called a bitch simply for speaking your mind? You, my friend, are a Virago. Viragos are women who balance vulnerability with courage, wisdom, and passion despite the obstacles and judgment they face in their every day lives and careers. Read the Virago Manifesto at and listen in every week as I speak with amazing women making their way–imperfectly, authentically, strongly–through the world. They will share their stories of personal and professional success and struggle. Why? Because it helps to know none of us are truly alone.