經過我一番考慮,決定將《情形於聲》全新改版。之前都是把錄音剪輯好後,加上文字解說,但是估計沒幾個人會認真去讀,所以我想直接把解說直接念出來。而且以我目前的精力,無法做一個成規模的聲音庫,這樣無疑是最好的選擇。並且把時長加長到 30 分鐘,變成播客的形式,我稱之爲 soundlog。
- 為了不打擾聽眾的心思,我們先來坐纜車
- 剛從山腳進來,路沿著一條小溪往上走
- 這裏的水從石板上掛下來
- 正當我們錄的時候,一個小朋友跑來玩水,爸爸叫他
- 湊巧的是,一隻蜜蜂飛到了防風罩上
- 通身灰黑的山噪鶥不甘示弱
- 當然,還有柳鶯
- 經過一段陡峭的樓梯,遊客要歇歇腳
- 遊人遠去,遠處的普通鳾與微風交融在一起。
- 天色漸晚,餘暉灑下,遊人多半下山了,我們停在一口泉水旁邊。護林員催促快點下山,便走了,我們成了山中唯一的人。左邊泉水,右邊柳鶯,成群結隊,準備回家
- 纜車也終於停了,我們得以享受絕對寧靜,沒有人,沒有風,只有遙遠的鳥鳴,和山谷中迴盪的低頻共鳴
- 再走到山腳,天已經全黑,小溪給我們指引方向
- 蟋蟀也開始了一天的工作
- 晚上回到住處,刮起了五級大風。海拔八百多米,氣溫降至5度。大風讓松林顫抖,又捲起落葉,剮蹭著地面
- 第二天,我們去了龍門澗景區。這是一條悠長深邃的峽谷,一條小溪貫穿始終。峽谷效應形成的陣風讓人難以走動,更無論錄音。終於找到一處和緩的平地,小溪汩汩而下,葦草簌簌作響
- 景區的盡頭是一處小瀑布,周圍都是石壁,瀑布流下,聲音在石壁中迴盪,便錄出了濃厚的混響。左右两边是石壁,左邊青苔,一滴一滴落下來,甚是可愛。用全指向錄水聲真的是惡夢,比較含混,變化不明顯。唯一的用處是用來補充一下水破碎的聲音,比重要降到很低
- 《情形於聲》是一檔實地錄音節目,希望帶領聽者走進一個微眇的聲音王國。錄音、製作、配音:柯棋瀚。本節目在 Apple Podcast、網易雲音樂、喜馬拉雅、bilibili 上同步發布,更多內容見官網 。歡迎提出寶貴意見。背景音乐来源:, "GODDESS"
- Let's listen to the cableway first
- When I just came in from the foot of the mountain, the road went up along a stream
The water here hung from a stone slab
- While we were recording, a kid came to play. His father called him:
- Along the way, many people were curious about what we were holding. Most people said that we were recording Tiktok. A few people said that we were collecting sounds. There were two parents who told their children that they were recording, and whispered. Of course I don't want to disturb other people, but I still think it would be great if everyone was like them. On a scenetic platform, we recorded the breeze and the birdsong. Magpies have always been the overlord in the mountains
- Coincidentally, a bee flew onto the windshield
- The Pterorhinus davidi in gray-black was not to be outdone
- Of course, there were warblers
- After a steep staircase, visitors had to rest
- As the tourists went away, the common nuthatch in the distance blent with the breeze.
It was getting late, the afterglow was falling, most of the tourists were down the mountain, we stopped by a spring. The forest ranger urged us to left. We became the only people in the mountain. The spring on the left, the warblers on the right, which were in groups, ready to go home
- The cableway finally stopped, we were able to enjoy absolute tranquility. No people, no wind, only distant birdsong, and low-frequency echoing in the valley
- Arrived at the foot of the mountain, the sky has already been dark, and the stream would guide us
- Cricket also started a day's work
- When we returned to our residence at night, there was a strong wind of scale five. At an altitude of more than 800 meters, the temperature dropped to 5 degrees. The strong wind made the forest tremble, and then rolled up the fallen leaves, scratching the ground
- The next day, we went to Longmenjian Scenic Area. This is a long and deep canyon, with a stream running through it. The gust formed by canyon effect made it difficult to move around, let alone recording. Finally we found a gentle flat land, the stream gurgled down, the reed rustled
- At the end of the scenic area is a small waterfall, surrounded by stone walls. The waterfall flows down, and the sound echoes in the stone walls. A strong reverberation was recorded. It is really a nightmare to record the sound of water with omnis. The sound is rather vague and the changes are not obvious. The only use is to supplement the sound of water breaking
- "The Faint" is a field recording program, hoping to lead our listeners into a singular kingdom of sound. Recording, production, and dubbing with Ku Jihhoe. This program is released on Apple Podcast, NetEase, Himalaya, and Bilibili. For more information, please see our website We welcome your valuable comments. background music:, "GODDESS"
外賣快遞都有,肯德基麥當勞CoCo一點點美團宅急送百事順豐天天極兔申通全都齊活。一箇小細節:念編號,比如 131,一般同學都是「一三一」,不過快遞員都念成「一百三十一」,可能是爲了清楚?快遞員著實不容易,一箇大叔送了八次,最後還是得罵著放門邊。一箇小哥腳腫了,還是得送。
During the epidemic, the university is half closed and people outside are not allowed to enter the campus. So everyone has to go to the gate to get their takeaway through the big iron gate. The small one can be passed through from below, and the large one must be thrown from above. There is no electric bicycle running through the campus, just like when I first went to college. But it seems that the work of couriers hasn't been reduced much. Maybe it's faster for them to ride inside than the students walk slowly to the gate.
There are takeaway and express delivery. KFC, McDonald's, CoCo, Yidiandian, Meituan, Home Delivery, Baishi, SF, Tiantian, jitu, Shentong…Everything's here. One small detail: When reciting the serial number, such as 131, most students say "one three one", but the couriers say "one hundred and thirty-one". Maybe it is for clarity? The couriers are really hard. An uncle delivered it eight times, and finally had to curse and leave it by the door. Another courier had swollen feet and still had to deliver it.
Talk about editing. This is my first three-channel recording. Two omni microphones are set as the left and right channels, and the short gun is used as the middle channel, aiming at the subject that you want to highlight. Still as before, after the first rough processing, put it into the multitrack editor, and then keep adjusting. In the final output, I found that no matter what to do, it can only output two channels. It's terrible. It means the third channel has no use. After thinking for a while, I overturn it and restart. Firstly, I separated the three channels of the source files, and then dragged the same channel of all files to the multi-track editor, occupying one track for each channel. When editing, three tracks are selected simultaneously. Then merge each track and edited separately to adjust details and deal with noise. Finally merge into two channels.
內容提要- 我的媽呀,系統給你派送了新任務,快點行動吧,注意安全喔。
- (汽車轟鳴而過)
- 0656!0805有沒有!極兔的快遞有嗎?
- ——17103,17113。——103還是113?——123。——123?
- 7033,8235,3197。
- 4007是吧。
- 我們今天不按電話號了,電話號找的太麻煩。
- 2736!5166!5166有嗎?
- 有一點點嗎?這拿不進去啊。這⋯⋯這⋯⋯我的腰啊。
- 接住了啊。
- 喔嚄,天哪。
- 是肯德基嗎?一箇桶,三箇嫩牛。嫩牛在裏邊?
- 喔靠!裏邊是箇箱子啊叔叔,你別給我弄壞了。
- 美女麻煩你幫我放在窗臺上行嗎?風吹不下來吧?來美女幫我把這箇也放那。
- ——我打了十一徧電話了。——我就打了一箇。——那就行,我怕耽誤你。
- 沒有啊?沒有我走了啊。
- 弄一箇研究一箇什麼APP,專門送大學的。
- 您自己分一下,我這來不及了。你得分開一箇一箇遞過去。
- 爲了這一箇餐我tm來了八回了!我來八回了那箇餐!不是,已經來不及了,我這還有好多餐呢!不是,太tm操蛋了。
- 他不想幹快遞員,但有箇過渡期吧,十天半箇月過渡期。
- 來,同學幫我接著放在臺階上吧,我腳腫了。
- My god, the system has sent you a new task, hurry up and be safe.
- (The car roars past)
- 0656! Is there 0805? Is there any express delivery from Jitu?
- ——17103, 17113. ——103 or 113? ——123. ——123?
- 7033, 8235, 3197.
- 4007, right?
- We don't use the phone number today. Finding the phone number is too troublesome.
- 2736! 5166! Is there 5166?
- Yidiandian? I can't take it in. waist.
- I caught it.
- Oh my goodness.
- Is it KFC? One bucket, three hamburgers. Is the hamburger inside?
- Oops! A box inside, uncle, don't break it.
- Beauty, can you help me put it upon the windowsill? Can the wind blow it down?
- ——I have called eleven times. ——I just called once. ——That's fine, I'm afraid to delay you.
- Nobody? Or I'll go.
- They should develop an app for university students.
- You divide it yourself, it's too late for me. You can pass them one by one.
- I've come here eight times for the deal! No, it's too late, I still have a lot of deals! No, holy shit!
- He doesn't want to be a courier, but there is a transition period, ten days and a half months.
- Hey, can you help me put it on the steps, my feet are swollen.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
time: 08/11/2019
gear: Mixpre 6 II, mkh 8060非常有意思,聲音是全頻的,從最低頻一直到 20khz 以上都有。所以對於這些聲音,要用能錄超聲波的麥克風才能完整捕捉(如 Sony C100)。音量非常大,至少 80dB,在旁邊耳朵都快聾了。前面有一下聲音突然減小,是一個人走過。沒想到人對聲音的遮擋效果那麼強。
The piece has full frequency, from the lowest frequency up to more than 20khz. So for these sounds, you may use a microphone which can capture ultrasonic waves to record it completely (such as Sony C100). The volume is very high, at least 80dB, and my ears felt uncomfortable. There is a sudden decrease in the sound. A man was walking by at the moment. I didn't expect bodies to block the sound so effectively.
time: 01/11/2019
gear: Mixpre 6 II, AT 4022 pair with Iso-binaural
My first recording with omni microphones. I'm surprised by the wide image and rare coloured sounds of omni type. -
更多见 two days before the dissolution of our dormitory. This dormitory subculture seems to develop in junior year.
2015 级本科毕业生跳蚤市场,一共两天,我在两个上午各录了半小时。北京的天气惨无人道,虽然是九十点钟,依然被晒得要死。下午我们守摊,小风扇已经没有任何用处了。又发现只要铺子上一直有人,生意做着就会有意思,我妈说的没错。一个很艺术范的哥子:「同学你是学录音的吗」「啊,我学历史的」「哦哦,我学摄影的,我们加个微信吧,有什么好东西可以分享一下。」地上一只斑衣蜡蝉若虫,一直围着我,还爬脚上,吓死了,还能跳老远。
现在的处理流程:批处理削弱 125hz 以下低频、标准化到 -3db;然后挨个听每段材料,没用的剪掉或删掉;多轨混音,组织起大框架;调整每段之间的衔接方式;平均电平。这样一共至少要听四遍。关于音量,有些人远一些,说话声音很小,有些近一点音量很大,对于这种情况,一部分我会用「语音音量级别」平均到统一的水平,另一部分我会照旧不动,以体现空间关系。
更多见 graduates flea market. The weather in Beijing is inhuman. Although it was nine o'clock, it was still hot to die.
The process: weaken the low frequency below 125hz by batch processing, normalize to -3db; then listen to each piece of material, delete or cut the useless ones; multi-track mixing, organize a large frame; adjust the connection between each segment; average sond level. In this way, you have to listen at least four times. Regarding the volume, some people are farther away, the voice is very small, and some of them are very loud. In this case, I will use the "voice volume level" to average to a uniform level. The other part will remain the original to reflect the spatial relationship.
The original material of the flea market seems to have no logical connection. I still divide it into two parts. The first part is selling sound, and then the bargain. At the beginning and end are the bonus scenes.
有一些在路上,有一些下到田里面,距离声源大概 2 米。农村真是太安静了,一点嘈杂的声音都没有。远处有铁路桥,不时有火车开过,有些想去录。九点还有寺庙的钟声,但很远,不知从哪发出来的,下次去的时候一定要找到。
详见 a field in the border of Yizheng and Yangzhou. Some were on the road, some were down to the field, and the sound source is about 2 meters away. The countryside was too quiet, there was no any noise. There were railway bridges in the distance. From time to time, there were trains passing by, and I want to record, a little. There were temple bells at nine o'clock, but very far away.
Divided into four segments: 1, insects, 2, added high-frequency insects, 3, frog sound gradually reaching a climax, 4, separate frog sound
某日午睡醒了之后发现嘴皮能发出奇怪的口哨声,就用手机录下来了。有一个频率很高的片段,看了下频谱,基频是 3—4 khz,绝了。手机录的,原始格式是 22khz,音质很渣。详见
When I woke up one afternoon, I found that my mouth could make a strange whistle, and I recorded it on my mobile phone. There is a very high frequency segment. The spectrum shows the fundamental frequency is 3-4 khz. The original format of the mobile phone is 22khz, and the sound quality is terrible.
150 minutes of material. It indeed has a structure.
臺北跨年夜的熱鬧。這次比臺南的那箇滿意一些,素材收集得多了,用起來順手一點。一共翦了 4 箇小時。用了三處混音,把環境聲和要突出的聲音分開來錄,效果的確好一些。
The fun of Taipei’s New Year’s Eve. This is more satisfactory thanTainan, as the material was collected much more. I spent a total of 4 hours. I recorded the sound to be highlighted and the ambience separately, and used three remixes. The effect is definitely better.
30 minutes of material. Time: June 8th, 2018. Event: After the college entrance examination(English). location: the third affiliated secondary school. Time was up, more and more parents were coming. After the students came out, all the people were taking photos. Later, All have gone. The staff took off the door banner and the examination room map. A few parents were chatting.
45 minutes of material. Time: June 7th, 2018. Event: before the college entrance examination (Chinese). Location: the third affiliated secondary school. The best thing about sound is that you can't judge the time order, so I cut it out in a logical order, and many of them are disrupted. Greeting, seeing the test sites, reviewing, the parents' and teacher's last exhorting, and finally the chat between the teacher and the parents.
介紹 Introduction
這是從 80 分鐘中剪出來的。內容介紹:報警聲——拖車——喇叭——從大車上卸貨,火龍果一箱一箱扔下來——賣櫻桃的:「這箇給你八塊五」——「產地不一樣」——「微信一天只能轉一萬」——賣草莓的:「明天就好了不用挑了,幫一下忙好不好」「你留箇微信留箇電話,直接過來拿就行了」——「山竹什麼時候搞特價給我說,二百多的時候」——路邊,三輪和麵包湊在一起,兩箇男人在算帳:「昨天的事,我給你,成吧」「三千二百九十,二百七,加上榴槤,五百七,加上箇二百,總共是四千九」——賣芒果的:「水性特別好」「你放一百扼十箇心,扼十斤,沒有別的東西啊,多少斤就多少斤,少一兩都不要錢」──買山竹紅提的:「5A 的,兩百七」「這都一級果啊」「紅提,進口紅提,一百六,十四斤的」「是進口啊,必須是進口啊」「口感還甜,還硬氣」「這是智利的,口感特甜」──賣桃子的:「我能騙你嗎」──「太不實在了」「我還不實在?」「回來回來」──一箇很惡心的北京社會大漢:「我這不佔別人便宜心裏難受。无所謂,我立馬就走」──「說難聽點,你就是箇錘子」「你就是箇卵子」──「美食廣場前邊是吧」──賣菜區:「一塊錢一斤,哪三塊啊」「芹菜四塊五,成捆的四塊二」。
Sinfati is the biggest Agricultural wholesale market in Beijing.
At two o'clock, there were still enough taxis, no need to make an appointment. At three o'clock, the bosses who came to make a purchase shaked their flashlights. At Four o'clock, dawn broke, and a new day has arrived. At five o'clock, the cleaner started working, and it was still midnight in the eyes of the students.
This is cut out from 80 minutes of material. Content introduction: alarm sound - trailer - horn - unloading from the truck, dragon fruit is thrown down a box by a box - selling cherries: "This is 8.5 yuan" - "the origin is different" - "Only 10,000 yuan can be transferred on WeChat a day." - Selling strawberries: "Tomorrow will be finished, don't pick it up, lend me a hand please." "Just leave your WeChat or phone number, come over and fetch it." - "Call me When mangosteen is at a special price, when it's two hundred yuan." - On the roadside, two men were calculating: "What happened yesterday, I will give you, OK?" "Three thousand and two hundred Ninety, two hundred and seventy, plus durian, five hundred and seventy, plus two hundred, a total of four thousand and nine hundred" - Selling mango: "Particularly juicy." "You put a hundred and twenty hearts (completely at ease), twenty jin (10kg), there is nothing else, how many jin is how many jin (won't be less), don't need money if one or two less." - selling mangosteens and grapes: "5A, two hundred and seventy." "This is a first-class fruit." "Grapes, imported ……" - Selling peaches: "Can I lie to you?" - "Too bad." "Am I not honest?" "Come back" - A disgusting Beijing social man: "I'm uncomfortable if not taking advantage of others. It doesn't matter, I just leave." - "Say ugly, you are a hammer." "You are an egg." (the two words have special meaning) - "Before the food court?" - Selling vegetables: "One yuan per jin, not three." "The celery is 4.5, and the bundles are 4.2."
記錄 Note
難度最大的是實在太擁擠,每家每戶都挨著,各種三輪車板車往來不停,我幾乎沒有能好好站的地方,更无論錄音。或許以後應該厚著臉皮問能不能站到他們棚子裏面錄。另外,這種情況下眞想用槍型話筒,可惜沒錢,不用立體聲也可以,主要是說話,除了車就沒太多運動的東西。也只敢用 AB 式的,要是張開的話收音範圍更大更嘈雜。
The day before, I finished my paper and was free. Two o'clock alarm clock, sitting in bed for a quarter of an hour. Sinfati was very different from my imagination, at least much bigger. Divided into several sections, from the most south, the first was the fruit area, constructed by sheds, and later the shipping department, and then it was vegetable area, but it was dawn, I felt there was no mystery, I didn't want to record, withdraw.
Maybe I have never seen so many eyes in my life. As soon as I walked in, the traders on both sides looked at me as if a monkey, and it was really uncomfortable to be grazing. At this time, my body would find something to ease the embarrassment, such as touching the hair, talking to myself, watching here and there, pretending to think. Most people would ask what is the rig for, and even one pinched the wind shield. If someone was holding a camera, no one would ask. I also heard one saying "China Central Television, China Central Television"……
The biggest difficult I encountered was the heavy crowd. Shops were squatting, all kinds of tricycles were constantly going. I had almost no place to stand, let alone recording. In this case, I wanted to use a shotgun, but unfortunately, I had no money. I only dared to use the A-B type. If using ORTF, the radio range would be bigger, and the record would be more noisy.
The South Second Ring Road is quite desolate. Beijing is all developing to the north. When I read a webpage saying that the open-air trade would disappear in the next five years in Sinfati, I thought the fun would be greatly reduced.
Aunt playing table tennis under my dormitory. Later, the table tennis tables were gone for a night, and we finally got peace.