《聲與故事的裁縫手:The Sound and Story Stitcher》是台師大大傳所推出的第一人稱原創敘事Podcast節目,由大傳所成員與協同伙伴製作,自2018年開播,是音聲內容實作的實驗基地。歡迎大傳所成員投入灌溉。“The Sound and Story Stitcher” features first-person audio stories produced by members and friends of The Graduate Institute of Mass Communication, National Taiwan Normal University. Please join to make compelling and colorful audio stories on subjects that matter to you.| Contact |有任何疑問或指教,請聯絡ssstitcher2020@gmail.comSend questions or comments to ssstitcher2020@gmail.com--Hosting provided by SoundOn