
  • 终于在骄傲节前一天把节目剪出来了。

    00:00 打招呼 (关注马修的YouTube频道)

    01:35 泰国同婚立法新闻

    04:10 骄傲节的由来——Stonewall Riots

    12:00 马修聊上海骄傲节

    14:40 过去的成都骄傲月

    25:55 在成都市区里寻找同志空间变迁的痕迹

    34:33 在城市公共空间里举办的彩虹骑行活动

    37:55 我们集体见证了骄傲节和同志空间从中国消失

    40:47 巴黎和台北的同志游行

    44:10 未来有一天,我们一起在府南河上办一场骄傲游行

    52:40 片尾曲


    Place des Émeutes-de-Stonewall《美国大城市的死与生》by Jane Jacobs魏伟著《公开:当代成都“同志”空间的形成和变迁》**一个拉拉到了中年|人物访谈 文/秋凉**李老师不是你老师推特:”6月16日,上海著名的女同性恋酒吧ROXIE宣布因不可抗力因素关门停业”

    Music:《We are, We can be》Official Music Video

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  • 这期打脑壳的嘉宾麻仁青讲云南话,所以这期节目是一个四川话加云南话特辑。

    00:00:00 麻仁青介绍
    00:02:45 “语言没有标准性只有地方性”
    00:04:05 本期节目的由来
    00:06:01 「旷野歌声」介绍
    00:07:35 大花苗介绍
    00:14:05 麻仁青在大花苗村子里帮工的经历
    00:16:40 2021年First电影节空缺的最佳纪录片
    00:19:55 陈东楠短片「偷」
    00:22:00 建议先看胡杰再看陈东楠
    00:26:35 推荐观看人群
    00:30:20 花苗的自然崇拜
    00:35:30 苗人和诺苏人、汉人的关系
    00:39:50 ”民族是一个发明的概念“
    00:45:30 西方传教士如何进入花苗村庄
    00:51:05 文革中花苗的境遇
    00:54:05 去宗教化的小水井合唱团
    00:58:12 政府宣传副部长张晓明“淋漓尽致地展现如何最大程度不尊重少数民族”
    01:06:25 「旷野歌声」里的性别议题
    01:16:00 吐槽汉族中心主义的完美逻辑闭环
    01:20:07 推荐旧金山湾区最好吃的云南菜

    1. 柏格理等著《在未知的中国》
    2. 反派影评128期“空缺”
    3. 何雨 "偷心" (微信公众号“无论”)
    4. "纪录片不是永无止境的揭露" |采访《旷野歌声》导演陈东楠

    1. 我要向高山举目 - 胡杰「麦地冲的歌声」
    2. 结尾处苗语福音由麻仁青提供

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  • 引用:【五四運動一百周年】余英時談話

    线下活动目前确认联合放映的地点有旧金山湾区、洛杉矶Santa Monica和日本东京。


    其他场的信息确认以后我也会即时更新Show Notes。


  • 这期节目又回到单口的形式,我来聊两部纪录片,第一部叫《拆迁》,美国导演J.P. Sniadecki跟拍了成都省体育馆旁边的一个拆迁工地的日常,第二部叫《沿江而上》,加拿大华裔导演张侨勇跟拍了三峡大坝蓄水前后,在长江上一艘专门接待外国游客的豪华观光邮轮上打工的两个年轻人。聊《拆迁》涉及剧透的部分在22‘20’’-27’59’’,介意的朋友可以先看片子再听。

    In this episode, I'll be discussing two documentaries made in the early 2000s about Chinese migrant workers. The first one is called “Demolition”, directed by American filmmaker J.P. Sniadecki. It captures the daily life at a demolition site next to the Chengdu Provincial Stadium. The second one is “Up the Yangtze”, directed by Canadian-Chinese filmmaker Yang Chang. It follows two young workers on a luxury sightseeing cruise ship on the Yangtze River during the construction of the Three Gorges Dam.


    Chaiqian (Demolition)沿江而上 Up the Yangtze (注:这个版本只有英文字幕)"Chaiqian/Demolition: Reflections on Media Practice" in Visual Anthropology Review. Spring 2014. Volume 30, Issue 1.罗子渔,"购物中心有鬼?关于成都某商场的都市传说",发表于结绳志Manufactured Landscapedujuan & K,“鬼城”丰都如今是什么“鬼”样子,发表于Life and Arts集锦四川人民出版社2005年11月第一版《当代四川要事实录》书中廖伯康“历史长河里的一个漩涡”一文写到他冒风险向胡耀邦、杨尚昆汇报四川死人问题严重。他在文中写到“他们问究竟死了多少人?我说死了一千万以上啊!“。Up the Yangtze Q&A with Yung Chang at TIFF


    Yu Shui - Olivier AlaryFlooding - Olivier Alary


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  • 内容如题。


    不好意思請問一下,S2EP100 最近看什麼|三個中國年輕人的模擬投票日記我的第一篇Substack Newsletter《我的圣丹斯电影节四年观影记》

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    📧 jinjiwords[at]

  • 这一期打脑壳我们继第五期“巴蜀喜剧兴衰考略”之后再谈喜剧,这次我邀请了王永梭的第二代谐剧表演学生也是我的朋友Fuyan来分享她的故事和观察。如果有哪个听众朋友不晓得谐剧是啥子,建议先听“巴蜀喜剧兴衰考略”那期节目,那期算是一个文献综述,我在里面梳理了现代巴蜀喜剧的历史,然后提到了王永梭作为谐剧创始人,从1939年开始创作四川话谐剧的故事。这期节目我和Fuyan聊了谐剧表演的基本功、男女谐剧演员的不同、方言喜剧演员的困境等等。我们在录制的过程中获得了很多快乐,希望大家听的时候也可以轻松一下。台湾大选节目的第二期我们会在二月初上线,到时候再见!

    In this episode of WordsMisunderstood, we're diving back into the world of Sichuan comedy. This time, I've invited my friend Fuyan, a third-generation performer of Sichuan solo sketch comedy (Xieju), to share her stories and insights. We discuss the fundamentals of Sichuanhua performance, the differences between male and female solo sketch performers, and the challenges faced by dialect comedy actors, among other topics. We had a blast putting this episode together, and we hope it brings a smile to your face as you tune in!


    《王文梭文集》听友 @TomBener 分享的王文虎,张一舟,周家筠著《四川方言词典》南都周刊2008年6月23日报道《羌寨离歌:地震对羌族文化造成不可复原的伤害》颜歌著《平乐县志》单读《当代剧作选——今天全部停止》汉诺赫•列文剧作《安魂曲》


    Subscribe to 打脑壳WordsMisunderstood on Apple Podcasts (outside of Mainland China), Spotify, Google Podcasts, or through our RSS Link (
    📧 jinjiwords[at]

  • 我上个月去了一趟台湾,马修现在人在台湾观选,我们俩个隔到太平洋在大选当即聊了一期台湾政治。我们从为啥子一个四川话播客要关注台湾政治议题开始谈,各自分享了在台湾的趣闻,聊到这次大选我们最关注的政客和政党,中间穿插了一些关于台湾社会运动的科普。台湾政治当然一期聊不完,大选之后我准备再做一期节目来采访马修观选的体验。大家如果有感兴趣的话题也可以在Spotify或者长毛象的NeoDB给我们留言,我每一条都会看。

    In this episode of WordsMisunderstood, Matthew and I decided to have a conversation about Taiwan politics during the election season. We start by discussing why we want to discuss Taiwan political issues on a Sichuanhua podcast. We then share some interesting anecdotes from our time in Taiwan and the politicians and political parties that have captured our attention during this election. We also try to provide some background information on Taiwan's social movement history.


    中央硏究院歷史語言硏究所楊時逢介绍崔榮昌著《四川境內的湘方言》楊時逢著《李莊方言記》播客“不好意思請問一下”《走進台灣禁書展 feat. 台灣文學館簡弘毅》舞鶴著《悲傷》陳列著《殘骸書》賴香吟著《白色畫像》萨泰尔【賀瓏夜夜秀】欸!蔣公銅像斐姨所思【阿姨想知道】 ft.台北市議員 苗博雅 @miaopoya


    1. 草東沒有派對 - 還願


    打脑壳WordsMisunderstood can now be found on Apple Podcasts (outside of Mainland China), Spotify, Google Podcasts, or through our RSS Link (

  • 这次又是和马修摆龙门阵系列,不晓得马修是哪个的朋友搞快去听第四期。这期打脑壳我们来聊闾丘露薇今年六月份出版的小说《浮世蔷薇》,因为是小说,我们还是分无剧透和有剧透两个部分,剧透部分从21分20秒开始,在剧透开始之前有提醒。这一期录制的时候主播感冒了,声音非常有磁性,大家见谅。

    In this episode of WordsMisunderstood, Matthew is back with us to discuss Luwei Rose Luqiu’s novel, 浮世蔷薇, published in June this year. The story is about three generations of women in modern China from 60s Shanghai to Hong Kong after the Reform and Opening Up and beyond. It's a tale of love, loss, and, most importantly, courage.
    For many people, the pandemic feels like a thing of the past. However, the identities of the victims of the Urumqi fire is still undisclosed to this day. Kamile Wayit, a Uyghur student who participated in commemorating the Urumqi fire victims and protesting their unjust treatment, has yet to be released.
    We chose to record this episode during Thanksgiving because the novel's ending unfolds during the Thanksgiving week in 2022, right in the heart of Shanghai. Reading this novel has made us feel like we’re not alone, and we hope you would feel the same after listening to this episode.


    闾丘露薇著《浮世蔷薇》高行健著《一个人的圣经》《去现场》7月9号的节目“与闾丘露薇聊天”《不明白播客》2022年7月的节目 “闾丘露薇:我在波兰做义工&中国战狼外交是如何崛起的”08年闾丘露薇在汶川采访温家宝提问了豆腐渣工程,但是现在在网络上已经没有相关资料江泽民自传《他改变了中国 》江泽民英文背诵林肯葛底斯堡演说化解八六学潮


    my little airport - 每次你走的時分谢安琪 - 家明


    打脑壳WordsMisunderstood can now be found on Apple Podcasts (outside of Mainland China), Spotify, Google Podcasts, or through our RSS Link (

  • 这一期打脑壳我想来聊一个轻松点儿的话题——巴蜀方言喜剧的兴衰史。这一期虽然还是单口,但是加入了很多音频资料,算是在audio essay这个方向上的一次尝试。巴蜀喜剧可以聊的内容很多,当然不可能在一集播客里面聊完,如果大家感兴趣,也可以再继续聊具体的方言电视剧。
    In this episode of WordsMisunderstood, I want to discuss a topic that is very dear to my heart - comedy in the Sichuan dialect. There's a lot to cover when it comes to Sichuan dialect comedy. This episode is my attempt to lay out a timeline, highlighting its peak in 1998 and its gradual decline on the Chinese comedy stage due to regulations targeting comedy shows delivered in dialects starting from 2004.
    It may come as a surprise to young people nowadays that there was once a sketch comedy entirely in Sichuan Dialect on the Spring Festival Gala in 1986. However, after listening to this episode, you should understand that this was not just a mere coincidence, but rather an embodiment of the untapped potential of Sichuan dialect comedy that was never fully realized in modern China.


    《王永梭文集》《卖膏药》音频:年央视春节联欢晚会沈伐谐剧《零点七》:年巴蜀笑星擂台赛(李伯清、沈伐、中江表妹等):李伯清坐客《鲁豫有约》:四川方言版《猫和老鼠》: Times报道方言版猫和老鼠风波泰晤士相关报道中国新闻报2004年10月4日报道《广电总局“叫停”用方言译制的境外广播电视节目》广电总局关于进一步重申电视剧使用规范语言的通知纽约时报关于卫视停播方言节目的报道




    打脑壳WordsMisunderstood can now be found on Apple Podcast (outside of Mainland China), Spotify, and Google Podcast!
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  • 这一期打脑壳我邀请了我的好朋友马修一起录制,马修从2013年开始在成都做LGBTQ相关的社会工作,今年他搬到了巴黎,时隔几年我们第一次在线上连线聊天。


    《我们要红到日本去了,连 NHK 都来做了成都米尔克的专访!/ 中英字幕》GaySpot乐点杂志,《凌晨四点的太升南路》《封面新闻:马修和他的 Speak Out》LieYun News, 《为LGBT群体Speak Out、提供心理咨询,成都米尔克希望打造同志综合服务中心》

    In this episode of WordsMisunderstood, I’ve invited my friend Matthew to share his story with us in Sichuanhua. Matthew is a social worker who has been involved in the LGBTQ+ movement in China since 2013. I got to know Matthew when I worked at the Chengdu LGBT Center as a volunteer. Last month, Matthew saw me promoting my podcast on social media and mentioned that he has moved to Paris earlier this year. We reconnected and decided to make this episode. To read more about Matthew and the Chengdu LGBT Center:

    The Korea Times, Chengdu: China's permissive 'gay capital' refusing to foldSixth Tone, Chengdu, the Questionable Queer Capital of China


    电影《每分钟120击/120 BPM》 电影《米尔克/Milk》魏伟著《公开:当代成都“同志”空间的形成和变迁》谢晓珊电影《粉色药丸》杜海滨电影《人面桃花》TV Show, Pose杜海滨电影《少年小赵/A Young Patriot》(豆瓣无条目)崔荣昌著《四川方言与巴蜀文化》刘绍华著《我的凉山兄弟:毒品、艾滋与流动青年》端传媒报道《成都49中门口,那些手举菊花、高喊“真相”的人们》NGOCN报道去年11月的望平街,《我在成都:抗议日,长夜无需一个人》RFA报道《成都一初中生用红领巾上吊,家长指校方封锁消息》(播客录制过程中误说成高中生,应该是初一学生,特此订正)【蔡依林PLAY世界巡迴演唱會- 臺北站】「不一樣又怎樣」紀錄片-葉永鋕篇


    Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 - Womxnly 玫瑰少年 / THE FIRST TAKE

    打脑壳WordsMisunderstood can now be found on Apple Podcast (outside of Mainland China), Spotify, and Google Podcast!
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  • 贵州大巴事件一周年到现在为止已经过去三周了,非常惭愧,因为前两周加班,再加上中间几次录制都不满意,断断续续到今天才剪出来,发出来也是为了给自己一个交代。2022年对于我来说是很不寻常的一年,时隔一年我开始觉得自己可以去做一个记录,希望接下来几个月也可以继续创作出我觉得有意义的内容。

    In this episode of WordsMisunderstood, we start the discussion with Zhang Zanbo’s documentary, Falling From the Sky. The film delves into a little-known place, Suining County, situated directly in the path of falling debris from the Xichang Satellite Launching Base, one of China's three satellite launching bases. Though the movie was filmed in 2008, it eerily foreshadows events in China between 2020 and 2022. Rewatching this documentary during the one year commemoration of the Guizhou bus crash has made me realize that at the core of these repeating tragic events, it’s the same lack of accountability from the government.

    Another disaster that happened in 2008 was the Sichuan Earthquake. After the earthquake, there were a series of allegations of corruption against officials involved in the construction of schools in regions affected by the quake. Despite initial openness to independent reporting and foreign media, the Chinese government attempted to downplay the issue and suppress criticism. During a crackdown on social activism, Tan Zuoren faced charges due to his research and questioning about student casualties and corruption leading to substandard school buildings. He was later sentenced to five years in prison. Towards the end of this episode, we also discuss Ai Weiwei's documentary, 'Disturbing the Peace,' which is an attempt to document Tan Zuoren's trial on August 12, 2009.


    端傳媒报道《台湾八旗文化总编辑富察返中被捕:各界舆论如何回应?哪些台人在中国被消失?》:张赞波纪录片"天降/Falling from the Sky":艾未未纪录片“老妈蹄花/Disturbing the Peace“:


    打脑壳WordsMisunderstood can now be found on Apple Podcast (outside of Mainland China), Spotify, and Google Podcast! Here's the RSS Link for those who prefer RSS Reader:

  • 打脑壳第二期还是继续聊严歌苓新书《米拉蒂》。因为考虑到大部分听播客的朋友应该都还没有读这本书,我觉得与其介绍所有角色剧情不如介绍一个我个人很喜欢也很有共鸣的角色:米拉爸爸米潇,他的特点是他一辈子都在过渡。至于我一个二十多岁的年轻人为啥子跟这个文革幸存者有共鸣,大家听完就晓得了。

    In the second episode of WordsMisunderstood, we continue discussing Yan Geling's new book, Milati. Since I assume that most of our podcast listeners haven't had a chance to read the book yet, I thought it would be better to introduce a character I personally admire and resonate with, rather than delving into all the characters and plotlines. Let me introduce you to Mi Xiao, or Milati’s dad. As for why a young person in their twenties like me would resonate with this Cultural Revolution survivor, you'll find out after you give this episode a listen.


    New York Times, Witnessing China's 1989 Protests, 1,000 Miles from Tiananmen Square:

    打脑壳WordsMisunderstood can now be found on Apple Podcast (outside of Mainland China), Spotify, Google Podcast, and more! Here's the RSS Link for those who prefer RSS Reader:

  • 打脑壳的第一期想要给大家分享严歌苓在海外出版的新书《米拉蒂》。严歌苓2022年2月为铁链女发声批评中国人口拐卖问题,随即在大陆被封禁,做这一期节目主要有两个原因,第一是因为严老师的勇敢不应该没有回声,第二是因为这本书最适合用成都话来聊,所以也适合作为打脑壳这个四川话播客的第一期节目。


    In the first episode of WordsMisunderstood, we share Yan Geling's new novel, Milati. In February 2022, Yan Geling spoke out about the issue of human trafficking in China, specifically addressing the Xuzhou chained woman incident. Following this, Yan‘s books were banned in mainland China. Hence the reason why Yan’s new novel can only be published overseas. We chose to discuss this book in the first episode of WordsMisunderstood for too reasons: firstly, because we believe that Yan Geling's bravery should not go unheard, and secondly, because this book is best discussed in Chengdu dialect, making it a perfect fit for the inaugural episode of WordsMisunderstood, a Sichuanese podcast.



    打脑壳WordsMisunderstood can now be found on Apple Podcast (outside of Mainland China), Spotify, Google Podcast, and more! Here's the RSS Link for those who prefer RSS Reader: