
  • In the latest episode of Vienna Calling, host Petra Bayr discusses the dire situation in Haiti with guest Melissa Verpile, a lawyer and international law expert at the NGO Parliamentarians for Global Action. Melissa provides a comprehensive overview of Haiti's tumultuous history, highlighting factors such as political instability, natural disasters, corruption, and a lack of leadership that have contributed to the current crisis. She explains how historical events like the forced payment to France for independence and the brutal dictatorship of the Duvalier regime have left lasting scars on the country. Melissa delves into the recent events leading to the current situation in Haiti, including the assassination of former President Jovenel Moïse and the rise of gangs controlling significant parts of the capital, Port-au-Prince. She describes the rampant violence, kidnappings, and sexual assaults perpetrated by these gangs, causing immense fear and suffering among the population. The lack of functioning institutions and widespread impunity further exacerbate the humanitarian crisis in Haiti. The conversation shifts to international efforts to mediate the crisis, with organizations like CARICOM and the United States leading mediation efforts. Melissa discusses the challenges and uncertainties surrounding the formation of a transitional government and the potential for future elections in Haiti. Despite external interventions, Melissa emphasizes the importance of Haitians taking the lead in finding a sustainable solution to restore democracy and governance in the country. As the episode wraps up, Petra and Melissa express solidarity with the people of Haiti and underscore the urgent need to support efforts to bring stability and justice to the nation. The conversation serves as a poignant reminder of the hardships faced by the Haitian population and the collective responsibility to advocate for their rights and well-being.

  • Alice Ackermann, former board member of Le Planning Familial, is interviewed by Petra Bayr on the podcast Vienna Calling. They discuss the recent decision by the French parliament to enshrine the right to abortion in the French constitution. Alice explains the importance of this move in protecting women's rights, especially in the face of potential attacks by far-right extremists. She outlines the advocacy campaign led by feminist organizations to raise awareness and garner support for this constitutional change.

    Alice details the obstacles faced in convincing politicians and society of the necessity of enshrining abortion rights in the constitution. The campaign involved showcasing the increase in attacks on abortion rights in France and highlighting the support of the majority of the French population for this change. Collaboration among stakeholders, including politicians and feminist organizations, was key to the success of the campaign.

    The podcast delves into the strategies employed, such as sharing personal stories of abortion, engaging politicians and celebrities, and conducting a widespread digital campaign. Alice emphasizes the importance of building strong partnerships and developing a compelling argumentative framework to advocate for similar changes in other countries. She shares a touching moment where female politicians from opposing parties united to support the cause, showcasing the power of collaboration in advancing women's rights.

    Alice shares a humorous anecdote about how elderly male senators were swayed by pressure from their young female relatives to support the bill. This underscores the influence of women in shaping political decisions. Petra congratulates Alice on the success of the campaign in France and expresses hope that other countries will follow suit in safeguarding women's right to abortion. The interview ends with mutual appreciation and well wishes, highlighting the importance of sharing experiences and knowledge to effect positive change.

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  • In der ersten Folge von "Vienna Calling" entführt uns Petra Bayr nach Ramat Gan, einem Vorort von Tel Aviv, wo die Friedrich Ebert Stiftung ihren Standort in Israel hat. Als Leiter des Regionalbüros empfängt Dr. Ralf Melzer die Zuschauer und teilt seine Einsichten zu den aktuellen Entwicklungen in Israel, Gaza und der umliegenden Region. Durch seine langjährige Erfahrung und sein tiefes Verständnis für die politischen und gesellschaftlichen Dynamiken bietet Dr. Melzer einen faszinierenden Einblick in die komplexe Realität vor Ort. Von den Herausforderungen des Nahost-Konflikts bis hin zu den Hoffnungen auf Frieden und Versöhnung diskutiert er Themen von großer globaler Bedeutung und lässt die Zuschauer an seinen Erkenntnissen teilhaben. Diese fesselnde Episode eröffnet einen Blick hinter die Schlagzeilen und ermöglicht es, die Region aus einer differenzierteren Perspektive zu betrachten.