
  • 中国三大金融监管机构上星期二突然联合召开记者会,公布了一系列救市措施,包括降准、降息、下调房地产贷款利率、将房贷首付比率下降至15%。这等于向市场释放1万亿元人民币的流动性。


    到了星期四,中共中央政治局再开会部署经济工作,要求保证必要的财政支出、实施有力度的降息、促进房地产市场止跌回稳。国际投资者为之振奋,著名对冲基金经理 David Tepper公开表示他已全面加仓。




    杨丹旭:中国央行放大招能否力挽狂澜? 陈婧:楼市终于要止跌了?

    China has surprised markets with a series of aggressive monetary easing measures aimed at reviving its flagging economy.

    The country's central bank announced a cut to the reserve requirement ratio for banks, injecting billions into the financial system. Additionally, lending and mortgage interest rates will be lowered, and further stimulus measures are on the horizon.

    This comes after China's post-pandemic recovery fell short of expectations, prompting calls for more decisive government action. The announcements led to significant gains in China's stock market, which also positively impacted the Hong Kong, Asia-Pacific, and European markets.

    While some investors are expressing renewed confidence, the long-term impact of these measures remains to be seen.

    In this episode of Global Heartbeat podcast, join host Han Yong Hong and guest Tommy Xie, Head of Greater China Research & Strategy at OCBC Bank, as they analyse these developments and discuss whether China has finally pulled the trigger on a large-scale economic rescue plan.

    Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Spotify and other podcast platforms.

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  • 马来西亚一家具规模的跨国商业机构“全球兄弟服务与商业控股”(简称全球兄弟)9月爆出惊人丑闻。





    回教福利院数百儿童证实被虐 马国元首促警彻查 马回教局将研究“全球兄弟”是否为异端

    In September, Malaysia's Global Ikhwan Services and Business (GISB) Holdings was thrust into the spotlight following a shocking scandal involving the abuse of children in their welfare homes. Malaysian police have rescued hundreds of children who were subjected to forced labor, sexual abuse, and physical mistreatment.

    Established in 2010, GISB is a Muslim conglomerate that has assets totalling around RM325 million (S$99.8 million) with operations spanning Asia and Europe. The company has been linked to the now-defunct Malaysia-based Al-Arqam religious sect, which was banned by the Malaysian government in 1994. The scandal has exposed systemic failures in child welfare oversight and highlighted the impact of societal norms that allowed such abuses to go unchecked for years.

    In this episode of Global Heartbeat, host Han Yonghong is joined by Lianhe Zaobao’s Second Foreign Editor, Ng Hon Kuan and Kuala Lumpur correspondent Seoow Juin Yee. They delve into the details of the scandal, and discuss its broader implications in Malaysia.

    Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Spotify and other podcast platforms.

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  • 世界四大会计事务所之一、总部设在英国的普华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers, PwC),因替中国房地产巨头恒大集团出具虚假审计报告,被中国财政部罚款人民币4.41亿元(8070万新元),并处以停业六个月的处罚,同时撤销了普华永道广州分所的执业资格。

    普华永道因对恒大集团的虚假账目“睁一只眼、闭一只眼” 而陷入危机。而在香港上市的恒大集团今年1月已被下令清盘,留下超过3000亿美元的债务、上百万套烂尾楼,以及数十亿美元的财富管理产品违约。




    中国财政部点名瑞幸恒大:财务造假成本过低 新会计法大幅提高处罚力度 普华永道被香港监管机构调查

    Chinese regulators hit the auditing unit of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in mainland China with a six-month business suspension and a record fine of 441 million yuan (S$81 million) over the firm’s audit of troubled property developer China Evergrande Group, which was ordered to liquidate earlier this year.

    The Big Four accounting firm is accused of failing to uncover accounting irregularities at the real estate giant, raising serious questions about auditing practices in China.

    In this episode of Global Heartbeat podcast, join host Han Yong Hong and Associate Professor of Finance from the Singapore Management University’s Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Fu Fangjian, as they delve into the broader implications of this incident for the auditing industry, financial accountability, and corporate governance in China.

    Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Spotify and other podcast platforms.

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  • 中国国家男子足球队上周四在客场对阵日本,以0比7惨败。这场比赛不仅创下了国足在国际正式比赛中的最大比分差距,还刷新了世界杯预选赛的历史分差纪录。虽然过去26年里,中国队从未战胜过日本队,但这次的惨败尤其让球迷倍感震惊。





    于泽远:中国国足输出了喜感 张田勘:0比7是一个苦涩的参照数字

    Chinese football fans are reeling after their national team suffered a record-breaking 7-0 defeat against arch-rivals Japan in a crucial World Cup qualifier. The match was China’s worst defeat in the team’s history as well as the biggest goal difference in World Cup qualifying history. It has sparked outrage and despair across the nation. This crushing defeat goes beyond a sporting disappointment; it touches upon national pride and reignites long-standing frustrations regarding China's struggle to establish itself as a football powerhouse. What does this loss mean for the future of Chinese football?

    In this episode of Global Heartbeat, host Han Yonghong and Lianhe Zaobao’s China News Copy Editor Yu Zeyuan examine the state of Chinese men's football.

    Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Spotify and other podcast platforms.

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  • 8月31日,台湾政坛第三势力领袖、民众党主席柯文哲被戴上手铐,并被指涉嫌收贿图利罪,震惊四方。经过两天的讯问后,柯文哲被台北市地方法院裁定无须支付保证金就能直接回家。

    柯文哲形容自己 “在这两天当中,可以说是极尽压迫和凌虐”。




    韩咏红:柯文哲案对两岸关系的影响 【视频】柯文哲无保请回 法院:检方无法明确举证犯罪嫌疑重大

    After a marathon interrogation in a graft probe, Taiwan People's Party (TPP) leader Ko Wen-je, was released without bail, vehemently denying any wrongdoing in the case, which involves approvals given for the Jinghua City project during his time as Taipei mayor from 2014 to 2022. Upon his release, Ko addressed supporters, claiming he was subjected to extreme oppression and bullying. While the court determined that the changes to the Jinghua City project were unlawful, prosecutors failed to present sufficient evidence to prove Ko's direct involvement in illegal activities.

    In this episode of Global Heartbeat podcast, host Han Yong Hong speaks with Niu Tse-hsun, professor and chair of the Chinese Culture University's advertising department to explore whether TPP has dodged a bullet or if a larger storm is brewing.

    Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Spotify and other podcast platforms.

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  • 美国民主党一连四天的全国代表大会在当地时间8月22日落下帷幕。美国副总统哈里斯在五万名现场观众的欢呼声中,正式接受民主党提名,竞选美国总统。





    韩咏红:与谣言共舞的时代 伟达:美国大选走向与政治设计

    The recent Democratic National Convention marked a significant milestone for Vice President Kamala Harris as she accepted the nomination to run for President of the United States. This historic moment was met with enthusiasm, setting the stage for a potentially transformative election.

    Harris, once perceived as an underperforming Vice President, has seen a remarkable turnaround in just one month. She has raised an unprecedented US$540 million (S$702.2 million) in campaign funds, signalling a strong wave of support and rekindling the Democratic Party's hopes for victory.

    If elected, Harris would break multiple barriers as the first female President and the first President of Asian descent. Her candidacy brings forth numerous questions about the challenges she will face and the policies she intends to implement. The path to the presidency is fraught with obstacles, and her ability to govern effectively will be under intense scrutiny.

    In this episode of Global Heartbeat podcast, host Han Yong Hong invites Bao Chengke, assistant director at the Institute for East Asian Studies in Shanghai to examine Harris‘ challenges ahead, and unpack what a Harris presidency could mean for the United States and the world.

    Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Spotify and other podcast platforms.

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  • 台湾民众党主席、前台北市长柯文哲近期陷入从政以来最大的危机。

    此前,柯文哲因台北市长任内涉及的京华城案和北士科案被列为被告。如今,他在去年竞选总统时的竞选总部又爆出一系列假账丑闻,其中包括漏报 2,000万新台币的政治献金以及96万元新台币的素食便当费用。





    民众党称政治献金假账是因会计师漏报 新闻人间:四面楚歌柯文哲

    Ko Wen-je, chairman of the Taiwan People's Party (TPP), is facing the biggest political crisis of his career, grappling with serious allegations of corruption and financial impropriety. These accusations stem from his time as Mayor of Taipei and his recent unsuccessful presidential bid, casting a shadow over his political future and potentially impacting Taiwan’s "white force" (also known as “third force”) movement - a political force seeking an alternative to the entrenched dominance of the two main parties.

    In this episode of Global Heartbeat podcast, host Han Yong Hong invites Niu Tse-hsun, professor and chair of the Chinese Culture University's advertising department to dissect this unfolding scandal as well as what it means for Ko and the future of the “white force”.

    Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Spotify and other podcast platforms.

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  • 经历了一番纷纷扰扰,2024年巴黎奥运在当地时间星期天落下帷幕。






    【奥运会】中美金牌数持平 中国多点开花美国游泳优势削弱 杨丹旭:政治阴云笼罩巴黎奥运

    The 2024 Paris Olympics concluded amid a whirlwind of excitement and controversy. Athletes worldwide gathered in France for 16 days of intense competition.

    In an unprecedented outcome, both China and the United States tied for the most gold medals, each winning 40. However, the United States led the overall medal count with 126, far ahead of China’s 91.

    Harvard University’s Professor Graham Allison, who is the author of “Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap”, noted that China's rise to become the leading rival of the United States in the Olympics mirrors its broader geopolitical ascent.

    In this episode of Global Heartbeat, host Han Yong Hong and Lianhe Zaobao’s China News Copy Editor Yu Zeyuan explore the implications of the Paris Olympics on global geopolitics, the doping disputes, and what to expect as the world turns its attention to the next Olympic Games in Los Angeles.

    Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Spotify and other podcast platforms.

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  • 中国今年第二季度的经济增长只有4.7%,不但低于预期,也是五个季度以来的最低水平。





    陈婧:政治局会议也谈“防内卷” 中国出台20条促消费 分析:电商、游戏、教培重获重视

    China’s economic growth slowed to a mere 4.7% in the second quarter of 2024, falling short of projections and marking the weakest performance in five consecutive quarters. To stabilise the economy, the Chinese Communist Party’s Politburo convened on July 30 to formulate economic strategies for the second half of the year. The meeting underscored the importance of stimulating domestic demand and nurturing the expansion of emerging and future industries.

    Interestingly, the meeting also issued an uncommon directive, urging for greater industry self-discipline to curb what is termed as “involution-style” vicious competition.

    "Involution," in this context, describes a pattern of excessive, often unproductive competition that traps businesses in a cycle of diminishing returns. This can manifest as a culture of extreme work with minimal gains in productivity and innovation.

    How prevalent is this issue among Chinese enterprises, and can a top-down directive from the Politburo effectively mitigate this behaviour?

    In this episode of Global Heartbeat podcast, host Han Yong Hong is joined by Chen Bo, a prominent researcher and Adjunct Professor of Economics at Liaoning University to analyse the effectiveness of the Politburo’s directive.

    Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Spotify and other podcast platforms.

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  • 中国与俄罗斯的四架战略轰炸机,7月25日在美国阿拉斯加附近的白令海进行联合空中战略巡航。这是中国轰炸机首次飞抵阿拉斯加附近。美国和加拿大紧急出动战斗机,对中俄轰炸机进行跟踪、监视和拦截。





    于泽远:中国轰炸机抵近阿拉斯加 王毅与俄外长会面 称中俄要坚定相互支持

    Last Wednesday, four Chinese and Russian bombers conducted a joint strategic air patrol over the Bering Sea, near Alaska. While Russian bombers frequently operate in this region, it was the first time Chinese bombers entered the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone. The bombers were promptly tracked and intercepted by US and Canadian fighter jets.

    The following day at a Pentagon press conference, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin confirmed that the aircraft did not enter US airspace, maintaining a distance of about 200 miles (320 kilometres) from the US coast. He emphasised that these flights were not perceived as a threat.

    Since 2019, Beijing and Moscow have been conducting joint strategic air patrols, and this was their eighth such mission. The significance of these joint drills raises several questions: What message are China and Russia attempting to convey?

    With US President Biden's recent announcement that he will not seek re-election, is China capitalising on the perceived vulnerability of the US administration and seizing this opportunity to engage in more aggressive strategic manoeuvres?

    Tune in to this episode of Global Heartbeat podcast as host Han Yong Hong and Lianhe Zaobao’s China News Copy Editor Yu Zeyuan delve into the implications of this incident and explore the broader geopolitical context.

    Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Spotify and other podcast platforms.

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  • 越南共产党总书记阮富仲7月19日下午在河内因病去世,享年八十岁。阮富仲三次当选越共总书记,在位13年,是在位时间第三长的越共最高领导人。2018年至2021年的三年间,他同时兼任越南国家主席。




    阮富仲去世留权力真空 分析指国家主席苏林最可能接班 越南政治“四大支柱”之首——阮富仲生平

    General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong passed away last Friday (July 19) at the age of 80, after holding the country's most powerful position for 13 years.

    In 2021, Trong was reelected as party chief for an unprecedented third term, cementing his status as one of the most powerful leaders in Vietnam’s history.

    Under his leadership, Vietnam experienced significant economic growth, with its GDP per capita more than doubling. His "bamboo diplomacy" skillfully balanced Vietnam's relationships with global superpowers while promoting a foreign policy of independence and diversification.

    Trong joined the editorial team of the Communist Review magazine at the age of 23, eventually becoming its editor-in-chief. A Marxist-Leninist ideologue, he studied Russian and earned a doctorate in party building. His ascent in the party ranks was steady: joining the Central Committee in 1994, the Politburo in 1999, and assuming the role of General Secretary in 2011. From 2018 to 2021, he also concurrently held the position of Vietnam's President.

    Trong's passing raises critical questions about succession and the future of Vietnamese politics. In this episode of the Global Heartbeat podcast, host Han Yong Hong is joined by Nguyen Thanh Giang, a Visiting Senior Fellow at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore. Together, they explore Nguyen Phu Trong's life and legacy and discuss the implications of his death for Vietnam's future.

    Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Spotify and other podcast platforms.

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  • 美国前总统特朗普上星期六在宾夕法尼亚州进行竞选集会时,被飞来的子弹击中右耳上沿,惊险逃过鬼门关。当特朗普在特勤人员的护送下离开时,他坚持先停下来,举起拳头,对观众喊了三声“战斗”!这个经典的画面传遍世界。






    分析:美国政治撕裂 特朗普因枪击事件获益 潘政麟:特朗普堪称乱世之枭雄

    Former US President Donald Trump narrowly escaped an assassination attempt during a recent campaign rally. A stray bullet grazed his right ear, but Trump's response was quintessentially defiant. Amidst the chaos, he raised his fist and thrice shouted "Fight!" to the crowd, a moment that instantly went viral and cemented his image as an indomitable force in American politics. Some religious commentators have even interpreted the event as a sign of divine intervention.

    In this episode of Global Heartbeat podcast, host Han Yong Hong, delves into the far-reaching implications of this incident with Roger Chifeng Liu, CEO and senior researcher at the Research Institute for Democracy, Society and Emerging Technology. They dissect how this near-fatal event could reshape Trump's controversial legacy and the broader political landscape as the nation heads towards a crucial election. They also explore the challenges it poses to President Biden's re-election campaign as well as the deeper societal issues this event has brought to the forefront.

    Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Google Podcasts, Spotify and other podcast platforms.

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  • 台湾前行政院副院长、前总统蔡英文的昔日爱将郑文灿因七年前的一宗土地案涉及贪污,在7月6日被检调侦讯与声押禁见。


    郑文灿则维护自身清白,强调自己从政以来,公而忘私,不贪不取。 郑文灿被调查,是赖清德上台后惩治官场贪腐的第一刀还是对前总统蔡英文派系开出的第一枪?这是肃贪,还是民进党内斗的开始?



    台海基会董座郑文灿涉贪交保 赖清德强调勿枉勿纵

    Former vice-premier Cheng Wen-tsan's alleged involvement in a bribery scandal has sent ripples through Taiwan's political landscape. The 57-year-old Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) politician was questioned by prosecutors on suspicion of bribery related to a land use project during his tenure as Taoyuan mayor from 2014 to 2022.

    The Taoyuan District Prosecutors Office, citing concerns over potential collusion, sought court approval to detain Cheng and restrict his communications. Despite his eventual release on bail, Cheng faces travel restrictions and denies any wrongdoing. The case has sparked debate about political accountability and corruption in Taiwan.

    In this episode of Global Heartbeat, host Han Yonghong and Dong Hwa University‘s Professor Shih Cheng-Feng dissect the implications of this high-profile case. They explore Cheng's political career and his significance within the DPP, while analysing the potential fallout for Taiwan's ruling party.

    A key focus of the discussion is President Lai Ching-te's response, calling for a thorough investigation regardless of party affiliations. The podcast examines whether this represents a genuine anti-corruption drive or signals internal DPP conflict, possibly targeting former President Tsai Ing-wen's faction.

    Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Google Podcasts, Spotify and other podcast platforms.

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  • 中共政治局6月27日召开会议,决定开除前后两任国务委员兼国防部长魏凤和和李尚福的中共党籍。







    李尚福、魏凤和被开除中共党籍 料难逃牢狱之灾 韩咏红:李尚福落马凸显的反腐难题

    As part of an anti-corruption crackdown, China’s Communist Party expelled former defence minister Li Shangfu and his predecessor Wei Fenghe for “serious violation of party discipline and the law” last Thursday, according to Chinese state media.

    The accusations against Li and Wei include accepting gifts and money and facilitating improper benefits for others.

    Li was dismissed as defence minister last October, just seven months after taking the job. His predecessor, Wei, had not been seen in public since he was replaced last March. Wei served as defence minister from 2018 to 2023 and was also the head of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Rocket Force from 2015 to 2017.

    These expulsions are part of a wider anti-corruption purge in the Chinese military, which has seen several generals and aerospace industry executives removed from the national legislative body. The fate of former foreign minister Qin Gang, who was removed after just seven months, remains unknown.

    In this episode of Global Heartbeat podcast, host Han Yong Hong and Lianhe Zaobao’s China News Copy Editor Yu Zeyuan discuss the implications of the expulsions and ongoing crackdown on the Chinese military and broader political landscape.

    Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Google Podcasts, Spotify and other podcast platforms.

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  • 中国大陆司法与国安机关上个星期五联合发布惩治台独顽固分子的22条司法意见,将组织、策划、实施台独活动、推动法理台独、在国际上推动台独等都确定为分裂国家罪。依据情节的严重程度,可以被判处没收财产、有期徒刑、无期徒刑,最重可以判处死刑。如果被告人在境外,可以缺席审判,而且会被终身追责。





    于泽远:中国大陆为何推出重典反“台独”? 特稿:民共原规划在澳门恢复学者接触 恐因惩治台独意见破局

    Last Friday, China issued judicial guidelines criminalising Taiwan separatist activities, with punishments running from property confiscation to death penalties.

    Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council quickly condemned the move as a provocation that would harm cross-strait relations.

    The guidelines, internally circulated in May and only implemented last week, sparked speculation about Beijing's motives and potential impact.

    In this episode of Global Heartbeat podcast, host Han Yong Hong explores whether these new guidelines could be a prelude to military action with Associate Professor Chang Hung Yuan from the Department of International Trade, Chihlee University of Technology and Lianhe Zaobao’s China News Copy Editor Yu Zeyuan.

    Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Google Podcasts, Spotify and other podcast platforms.

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  • 印度总理莫迪及他领导的政党联盟在今年的全国大选中获胜。莫迪在6月4日发表胜选感言时,先对祖国印度致敬,接着赞颂印度教的宇宙之神贾格纳。他也告诉支持者,这是自1962年以来,第一次有一个印度政府能连续三届执政。





    社论:印度政局稳定但莫迪压力不小 国际特稿:莫迪料三连任 南亚巨人国际争雄 内忧外患挑战重重

    In his triumphant speech after securing a third consecutive term, Prime Minister Narendra Modi hailed this election as a historic moment for India. However, his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) secured only 240 out of 543 parliamentary seats, well short of a majority, forcing him into a coalition government. This diminished mandate raises questions about the future of Modi's political agenda and India's development trajectory.

    In this episode of Global Heartbeat podcast, host Han Yong Hong explores the reasons behind Modi's electoral setback and its potential impacts on his policy objectives with Roger Chifeng Liu, CEO and senior researcher at Research Institute for Democracy, Society and Emerging Technology.

    Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Google Podcasts, Spotify and other podcast platforms.

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  • 韩国前总统文在寅的夫人金正淑2018年独自出访印度,出席许王后纪念公园开工仪式,也会见了印度总理莫迪,完成了第一夫人外交。






    姜贵瑛:韩国第一夫人也不好当 姜贵瑛:韩国第一夫人的名牌包

    Former South Korean President Moon Jae-in's wife, Kim Jung-sook, is facing accusations of misusing public funds during a 2018 trip to India.

    The controversy stems from an unplanned trip to Taj Mahal after attending the groundbreaking ceremony of Queen Heo Memorial Park and a meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

    Kim Jung-sook, accompanied by a delegation of 36, travelled on the presidential plane, with the cost of in-flight meals over the four days reportedly exceeding US$45,000 (S$60,000).

    Former President Moon has defended his wife, but the controversy continues to grow.

    In this episode of Global Heartbeat podcast, host Han Yong Hong and Lianhe Zaobao’s Seoul Correspondent Kang Gwi Young examines whether Kim Jung-sook has misused public funds, the impact on Moon Jae-in's legacy, and if he could become another victim of the "Blue House curse" of scandals plaguing former leaders.

    Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Google Podcasts, Spotify and other podcast platforms.

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  • 美国前总统特朗普5月30日被裁定他在封口费案件中的三十四项重罪全部成立。特朗普在走出法院时称判决“可耻”,受到操纵,并出言攻击法官腐败。他称自己非常无辜,还指控这是总统拜登对他的打击。





    【早知】“封口费”案罪名成立 特朗普还能当总统吗? 陈留俊:特朗普与“十二怒汉”——美国社会又一窗口

    Donald Trump became the first U.S. president to be convicted of a crime as he makes a bid to return to the White House. A 12-member New York jury found him guilty on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records.

    The jurors unanimously agreed that Trump falsified documents to conceal a $130,000 hush money payment to former porn star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential election campaign.

    Speaking outside the courthouse after the verdict, Trump claimed that the trial was “rigged” against him and he was a “very innocent man”. He called the verdict a “disgrace” and accused President Joe Biden of orchestrating the prosecution.

    The conviction does not prevent Trump from running for president. If Trump were to defeat Mr Biden in the November’s election, he would become the first convicted criminal to occupy the White House. How will his guilty verdict sway the U.S. presidential election? If Trump is elected, what are the ramifications for the U.S. and its foreign policy?

    In this episode of Global Heartbeat podcast, host Han Yong Hong discusses the impact of Trump’s conviction on his presidential bid with Chang Ching, Non-Resident Research Fellow, Society for Strategic Studies.

    Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Google Podcasts, Spotify and other podcast platforms.

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  • 今年1月下旬开始,中国股市跑赢全球,成为2024年全球资本市场的一个小亮点。其中,中国大陆与香港上市的中国房地产股,过去一个月来也大幅上涨。





    习近平促改革就业住房等八领域 分析:预告三中全会关注领域 陈婧:迟来的刺激政策

    China’s stock market has been outperforming global markets since January, with the Chinese real estate stocks listed in mainland China and Hong Kong also seeing significant rises in the past month.

    China's GDP growth in the first quarter surpassed expectations with a robust 5.3% increase year-on-year. Industrial profits in April mirrored this optimism, climbing by 4.0% and marking a notable rebound in growth rate by 7.5 percentage points.

    Amid the positive outlook, the Chinese Communist Party’s central committee will hold its third plenary session in July. Is China’s economy bottoming out and on the path to recovery? What are the risks? Will China roll out more policies to stimulate the economy after Chinese President Xi Jinping's recent symposium with business leaders and experts?

    In this episode of Global Heartbeat podcast, Chinese academic and Adjunct Professor of Economics at Liaoning University Chen Bo shares his in-depth analysis of China's economic rebound with host Han Yong Hong.

    Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Google Podcasts, Spotify and other podcast platforms.

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  • 今年初的台湾大选中,在三角战的情况下以四成选票胜选的赖清德在5月20日宣誓就职,标志着台湾正式进入赖清德时代。






    马英九批赖清德就职演说:让两岸关系立刻面临不可预测风险 赖清德进一步阐述两岸互不隶属 强调台湾是民主世界MVP

    Lai Ching-te was sworn in as Taiwan's president on May 20 after winning the election with 40% of the vote in a three-way race. In his inaugural address, Lai reaffirmed that Taiwan and China are not subordinate to each other and directly addressed the threat from China, urging the public to remain vigilant.

    China's Taiwan Affairs Office swiftly condemned Lai's speech, accusing him of promoting pro-independence rhetoric. Scholars noted that Lai's speech subtly suggested a pro-independence stance, raising questions about the future of cross-strait relations and the role of the United States. Lai's inauguration signals potential heightened tensions in the Taiwan Strait.

    In this episode of Global Heartbeat podcast, host Han Yong Hong and Tamkang University’s Graduate Institute of China Studies Honorary Professor Chao Chun-Shan analyse the significance of Lai’s inaugural address.

    Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on, Apple Podcast, Google Podcasts, Spotify and other podcast platforms.

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