Heal your second brain!
Your gut is known as your second brain and it's been damaged if you have had any long-term relationship with alcohol. The microbial communities in your microbiome have been compromised.
Your gut is connected to your brain by the Vagus nerve and is a critical conduit for neurotransmitter precursors and some neurotransmitters are delivered to your brain via this nerve.
Why do we relapse? I am not talking about relapsing back to drinking, although I believe this subject can certainly help with that. I am speaking today about nutritional relapse. We have all done this, including me.
Nutritional relapse is where we throw caution to the wind and kinda go for it. That is... knowingly eating the wrong food at exactly the wrong time with the understanding as we are shoveling it in the end consequences.
Why should you listen?
So over the years, I have gone back and forth on the cases for AUD or the misuse of ethanol and drinking. There are so many roads people go down because of the various information received in the last 100 or so years and the various ways mankind has tried to impede or even eradicate Alcohol Use from Temperance to Disease.
Nutritional Yeast in Recovery. Yeast. All types of things come to mind. Some are not so pleasant. I want to introduce you or perhaps re-introduce you to one of the greatest friends of folks who want to boost their nutrition and, greater still, to those of your who are in recovery.
Have you ever been in mixed recovery company and mentioned the group and support affiliation you belong to? As soon as you said something, you said to yourself, " uh oh, Momma said never....?" Why is it so difficult to talk about our road to recovery and accept the other roads people are on ?
You won't have motivation before action. Action determines the level of motivation. you do something because you have to. All plans for Nutritional Recovery contain one single element that is the key to real change. It is not what you might expect either. We all have the base knowledge that we should not eat eight slices of pizza with a 32oz. cola and chase that with a bowl of ice cream just to eat an hour later on some chicken wings and a drink at the bar.....Or that we really should not hit the buffet line 3 times in a sitting because we want to get our money's worth. We all know these truths to be self-evident. That all foods ARE NOT created equal. What is the WHY for you ?
Dopamine is getting a lot of attention both in the recovery community and about the population at large with the chatter concerning Dopamine Addictions derived from smartphones, social media, and all of the other stimulants we have surrounding us on a daily. You have to admit we are bombarded with tons of dopamine hits per day in every way without a chemical trigger. When you drink ethanol, in addition to an already overstimulated dopamine, receptors are now chemically excited exponentially. The firing rate of this neurotransmitter is too much too soon.....whats next ?
You may be lacking Sodium !!
Your electrolytes. You hear about this in many sports commercials or anywhere where you are working out..running...paying the ball and sweating. Simply these are the Minerals that become particles in our blood and other body fluids that carry a positive or negative electrical charge called IONs.
This is where you will hear a lot about water retention in regards to weight loss and of course heart conditions and high blood pressure with overconsumption of Salt perhaps. People always say that they lose water weight in beginning a diet. True or they may blame some weight gain on water weight. In many cases both are correct.
This is where you will hear a lot about water retention in regards to weight loss and of course heart conditions and high blood pressure with overconsumption of Salt perhaps. People always say that they lose water weight in beginning a diet. True or they may blame some weight gain on water weight. In many cases both are correct.
Wow, that is a bold outlandish statement that flies in the face of everything we have been told and taught about recovery. I guess we are in denial we haven't even admitted we have a problem. We all know that's the first step. Why would one say such a thing? If we drink we are doomed to failure in sobriety if we think such a thing. Are we dorn with a defect? Are we out of control and undisciplined with our drinking? You decide. As always after you listen you can visit us at for more resources and community!
Discover why your fingers and toes are, or soon will be, tingling. It's a deficiency in vitamin B1 because of ethanol affectionately known as Alcohol. Meet a modern-day pirate named "Joe" and visit the not-so-tropical paradise of Beriberi. That's a real condition. Didn't make that up! Be sure to visit us at :)