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Willkommen zur 3. Staffel vom "Rotweinplausch"! Dr. Martin Mucha und ich philosophieren auch in den nächsten Wochen und Monaten wieder über das Glück der kleinen Dinge, das Mensch-Sein und das Leben mit dem großen Löffel und hanteln uns dieses Mal neugierig und lebensnah an der Philosophiegeschichte entlang. Euer Feedback und eure weiterführenden Fragen richtet ihr bitte an [email protected]
Freaks on Friday with award winning DJ Al Gibbs.
FREAKS ON FRIDAY has been on the air for over a decade and is a huge part of Irish club culture but also has a massive international audience.
Al Gibbs plays 3 hours of amazing electronic music each week broken into three distinct hours.
Hour 1 Decades
Hour 2 Tried and tested
Hour 3 The Official Beatport Chart -
Ahmet was born in Kardjali, Bulgaria where he spent his childhood. His introduction into music came from his father's obsession with electronic equipment. At 10 years old Ahmet was so curious about how the electronic equipment worked that he began assembling and disassembling some parts of the electronic goods in his house. At the age of 12 Ahmet made his first steps in his music career by making his own remixes which showed his passion for music. In 1991 Ahmet's family decided to move to Turkey; that was the beginning of a whole new life for him.
He was going to school in Izmir, one of the biggest cities in Turkey, and in the evenings Ahmet was working in some ordinary bars as a DJ. After graduating in 1995 Ahmet decided to continue his professional music career and started working as a resident DJ in one of the biggest clubs in Izmir called "Club Marina". Later Ahmet wanted to make a difference in his life and continued his music career in different cities in the world working as a DJ in successful parties and organizations. According to in Turkey Ahmet became the #1 DJ in "DEEP HOUSE", #1 DJ with the most followers in YouTube and multiple times #1 on Beatport Mixes
Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, England, Egypt, Greece, Germany, Italy, Indonesia, India, Kenya, Lebanon, Morocco, Netherlands , Nigeria, Poland, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey, Vietnam.
The Beat Bali - Kenh 14 Vietnam - Smag Live Germany -
Pop, Politik, Gesellschaft; wir können über alles reden! Und das in der Gesamtlänge, also (fast) ungeschnitten. Hier kann es schon Mal zur Sache gehen: schwitzende Reporter*innen, um keine Ausrede verlegene Interviewpartner*innen, aber auch entspannte, oder lustige Situationen, in denen Interessantes und Überraschendes besprochen wird.
Der weltweit erste Podcast zum deutschen Schlager mit den "Insidern" Andreas Kaiser und Peter Vogel! Unser Motto lautet "Make Schlager Great Again" und dabei nehmen wir kein Blatt vor dem Mund.
Der deutsche Schlager boomt und trotzdem setzt sich kein Format in amüsanter, offener und auch kritischer Art mit dieser Musik auseinander. Kaiser & Vogel wollen dies nun mit ihrem SCHLAGERfieber-Podcast ändern. Dabei verstehen wir uns nicht als Hofberichterstatter der großen Stars wie Helene Fischer, Andrea Berg, Beatrice Egli, Vanessa Mai oder Andreas Gabalier. Uns er Ansatz ist nicht Pressemitteilungen und Lobeshymnen ungefiltert zu verbreiten,
Auch die Newcomer finden bei uns ihren Platz und wir planen spannende Interviews mit den Nachwuchshoffnungen des deutschen Schlagers zu führen.
Dabei soll natürlich auch der Spaß nicht zu kurz kommen!
Kaiser & Vogel haben dabei nur ein Ziel "Make Schlager great again! -
Booking contact & Remix request: [email protected] and raised in Leverkusen, Germany; Bjoern started his career as a DJ in 1999.His influences stem from such bands as Depeche Mode, Duran Duran, and Kraftwerk.Bjoern’s first release, “Time Factor”, appeared on Mauritius Music in 2003 as well ason Paul Oakenfeld’s Perfekto Compilation mixed by Seb Fontaine. In collaborationwith Peter Juergens and Oliver Klein he released his work on various labels such asFlow Vinyl, Selected Works, and Mauritius Music.Together with his producer/partner Mr. Thomas Gold he collaborated some years, and Bjoern released the “Paintbootiqa EP” on Mauritius Music in 2006 and the track “Suppress You” on Flow Vinyl in 2007.After a short hiatus, Bjoern is back. You can find Bjoern Mandry’s new releases on:-Cirque du Son-WONNEmusik-Deepartment Rec-Opium Rec-Mauritius Music
The combination between worldwide gigs and high class releases on the biggest labels makes Drumcomplex from Germany one of the most requested acts at the moment. With his weekly radio show that he has been doing for 5 years and with changing well known techno acts and his own mixes he reaches a worldwide following. He delivers every week fresh underground techno in all its facets
Hyper Reality Records is a Hard Trance label founded in 2014. Reversed basslines, screaming 303 acidlines and energetic synthwork have a new home. Let´s bring back the classic German Hard Trance Sound!
Join Hyper Reality Records twice every month for 2 hours of the best Hard Trance has to offer! Hosted by XLS, the Hyper Reality Radio show features an hour of fresh new music, plus an hour-long guest mix from established and up-and-coming DJs from around the world!
Hyper Reality Radio Show:
Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, 8 PM CET / 7 PM GMT / 2 PM EST -
Klassische Musik verursacht bei dir Gähnanfälle, Umschaltreaktionen oder Panikattacken? Dann bist du bei hier genau richtig! Im neuen Podcast räumt RSO Wien-Fagottist Leonard Eröd mit dem Mythos auf, dass Klassische Musik viel zu kompliziert und anstrengend und überhaupt, und zeigt uns, dass Klassische Musik vor allem eines ist: Musik. Und Musik lieben wir doch alle!
Dave Holmes is obsessed: What ever happened to Sudden Impact, the R&B boy band whose arrival was announced in Boyz II Men’s “MotownPhilly” video? What happens when you make a big debut, and then…nothing happens? Waiting For Impact is a deep dive into a disappearance that has haunted pop-culture die-hards since 1991. Dave is determined to track the group down and find out what really happened, and along the way he talks to his friends in the entertainment world— comedians, actors, writers— about the twists and turns that led them from where they were in 1991 to where they are in 2021. It's about high hopes, unexpected results, and why sometimes not getting what you want is the best thing that can happen.