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无时差研究所"Time Travel Institution",诞生于纽约中城的一间会议室,现在辗转落地到了北京,是一档连续更新超过四年的播客节目。
两位主播珂珂和王妈妈虽然每天讲烂梗,不做正经事,但是每一次准备播客的过程,都带我们走到了某一个小小议题的门口,而每个嘉宾都是一把钥匙,ta 领着我们看到了全新的、更大的世界,ta 让我对世界多了一些了解,即便每次都有一点点,它都成为了我们生命里的一个小小刻度,也希望它也能帮助到你~
The President is a WWE Hall of Famer.
The biggest movie star in Hollywood is perhaps the greatest sports entertainer of all time.
Sports? Politics? Entertainment? The fingerprints of professional wrestling are all over our everyday lives.
#EIW is a weekly stream of consciousness on a current event with storyline recapitulations, predictions, and wishful thinking thrown in. -