The Five Smoth Stones NTWK is a ministry of the Kingdom of God (Yah). As the creator of the network, one of my life's callings and overall objectives for this work is to accurately express the Most High's love and provisions for all people. I believe, as the scripture states, this includes the Jewish people, who I believe are African Americans and others scattered from ancient Israel. This means the network addresses up-close and personal beliefs that steal, kill, and destroy today from these decendants of the scriptures. All nations are welcomed and loved equally. We at this network believe that when the Most High speaks, all can benefit from his wisdom and guidance. All cohosts and guests have been hand-picked to follow this same conviction. Join us, all people. Awake Zion!
From Bro. Seth Turner, aka Bro. Seth
**I don’t own the rights to any music. **