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Просто рассказываем о ветеринарной медицине, заболеваниях питомцев и методах лечения. Если человеку трудно разобраться и в обычной медицине, то в ветеринарной практически невозможно. Мы поможем все понять. - Яндекс музыка - наш блог, где мы постим всякое интересное из практики – ВК музыка
[email protected] - связь по всем вопросам - автор нашего замечательного логотипа - автор и монтажер всей музыкальной части подкаста
Секреты правильного ухода за кожей от лучших экспертов страны и известных гостей. Подкаст от французской компании NAOS, использующей принципы экобиологии в разработке средств своих марок Bioderma, Institut Esthederm и Etat Pur. Забота прежде всего.
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ORTO Talks - ORTO Klīnikas medicīnas speciālistu apvienotais kabinets PODKĀSTA formātā – vienmēr atvērts un pieejams!
Mēs runājam, diskutējam, dalāmies pieredzē un cenšamies palīdzēt rast atbildes uz pacientu un kolēģu interesējošiem jautājumiem.
Tāpēc, ja Tev ir kādi jautājumi vai ieteikumi jaunai tēmai, droši raksti uz [email protected]! -
According to NIMH, one in three teens has an anxiety disorder. For kids, this is estimated at one in ten. What is going on? How can we help them? This podcast is hosted by Stephen Quinlan, a psychotherapist with over 20 years of experience and a specialization in working with kids and parents who have anxiety. Join Stephen as he sits down with some of the best experts in the field to try to help kids as best we can.
Withywindle is a whimsical interactive show for kids who love stories, words, and groan-worthy jokes and features your favorite authors and illustrators. Part book club, part game show it's an adventure through the wild world of wordplay. Each episode we chat with a very special guest, usually an author or illustrator of children's books, plus tell silly jokes, share riddles, talk about stories and books, eat snacks, and much more! -
Welcome to Menopause Mastery with Dr. Betty Murray. This show is for women in the second season of life, the season of menopause, who are ready for more: health - vitality - passion - and purpose!
Join host, Dr. Betty Murray (part geek, part magician, and your new medical bestie with a dash of sass), as she takes complex science and makes it easier to integrate into daily life. Nutrition, hormones, functional medicine, and a wellness lifestyle are only the tip of the conversation. Join the journey to uncover your deepest desires, harness your physical and mental health, and peel back the layers to know exactly what you want out of life.
Let’s make this season the best ever! -
Pasakas par drošību internetā 7-12 gadus veciem bērniem, lai veicinātu drošu un jēgpilnu interneta lietošanu. Pasaku autori Rīgas Franču liceja skolēni. Pasakas ļauj izdzīvot raibu raibos notikumus – kā rūķis Urķis rada datoru, kas vēlāk palīdz glābt nolaupītu princesi; kā Reksis palīdz Ķepainim atbrīvoties no interneta atkarības; kā Rēzija iemācās veidot drošu interneta paroli; kā zaķu Garausīšu ģimene cīnās ar datorvīrusu; kā Gliemezis nolemj kļūt par jūtūberi; u.c.
Pasakas apkopoja un publicēja Latvijas Drošāka interneta centrs ( -
Welcome to Moms Without Capes, hosted by licensed therapist and mom of six, Onnie Michalsky. This podcast is dedicated to helping moms who feel exhausted and burnt out from always putting their families first. Onnie shares practical solutions, personal stories, and expert advice to help you reclaim your sense of self, practice self-care, and rediscover who you are beyond motherhood. Tune in weekly for a mix of solo episodes and guest interviews, and start your journey towards a more fulfilling life today.
Dental All-Stars - Dentistry Business Podcast is for dentists looking to improve their profitability and mindset. Topics include management, leadership, marketing, scheduling, phone skills, hiring & hr, to name just a few. Enjoy easy-to-digest, high-quality audio interviews with Dentistry's Top Experts, including Larry Guzzardo, Eric Vickery, Robyn Reis, Alex & Heather Nottingham, and more!
Access free videos and business training guides at -
How is YOUR family learning a second language going to change the world? We share the stories of families opening a world of possibilities to their kids through learning a language together.
We get honest about struggles of not having kids speak back their second tongue. And we give you the tools as either a native or non-native speaker to help your kids grow over the long-haul.
Join Adrienne Babbitt and Juan Mendoza, leading the way in the movement of the Family Language Exchange brought to you by Learn with Me Languages. -
DayBreak is a news and opinion show for all ages. Hosted by two middle-schoolers, this show features interviews with experts and tips form listeners that put a new spin on the news. Infused with fun, this podcast comes out every week with new stories on current topics. Subscribe now!
Sarunas ar rezidentiem par medicīnu.
Jautājumiem, ieteikumiem, citiem komentāriem par podkāstu, droši raksti uz [email protected] -
Pēc definīcijas ārstu konsīlijs ir vismaz trīs vienas vai dažādu specialitāšu ārstu sapulce ar mērķi izskatīt kāda pacienta sarežģīto slimības vēsturi, definētu diagnozi un lemtu par turpmāko izmeklēšanu un ārstēšanu. Kāds mans pasniedzējs studiju laikā jokojoties teica, ka konsīlijus ārsti sasauc tad, kad vairs nezina, ko ar pacientu darīt. Bet vai mēs ārsti zinām, ko darīt ar sevi un savu dzīvi gan slimnīcā, gan ārpus tās? Vai zinām, kas mēs esam, kad novelkam balto halātu un iekaram darba vietas skapī līdz nākamajai maiņai? Kas mūs besī, kas mūs saraudina un saviļņo, kas ir mūsu personīgie un profesionālie fakapi un feili? Vai saviem bērniem ieteiktu kļūt par ārstiem un vai kā savus dzīves partnerus izvēlētos kādu no veselības aprūpes vides? Dr. Isarova (pediatre) un dr. Jansons (rezidents otorinolaringoloģijā) sasauc ik nedēļas konsīlijus ar mērķi humanizēt ārstus, pieaicinot kādas citas specializācijas ārstu kā viesi un uzdodot tos jautājumus, kurus ikdienā jūs varbūt baidītos vai neaizdomātos uzdot.
आपका सोचने का तरीका भी आपकी सफलता में एक बहुत ही बड़ी भूमिका निभाता है, Shiv Khera जी का कहना है की अगर आप अपने Thought Process को एक determination के साथ Execute करें तो आप सभी काम आसानी से कर सकते हैं ।
आप अपने Tough Times का सामना करना सीखिए, अगर आप Tough Situation से Deal करना सीख जाएंगे तो आप ज़िंदगी के किसी भी मोड़ से आसानी से गुज़र सकते हैं ।
Jagran Podcast लेकर आया है आपके लिए एक खास Motivational Series जो प्रतुस्त है Motivational Speaker Shiv Khera के सहयोग से ।
Stay Tuned to Jagran Podcast