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Room410係由幾個香港人成立既本地知識型資訊頻道每星期會定期開直播節目,以及不定期發送短片懸案節目《懸疑未決》逢星期五晚上10:00,準時放送鬼故節目《迷離夜話》每隔個禮拜二放送獵奇節目《獵奇物語》每隔個禮拜三放送縱然世界再壞,都可以嚟Room410暫時歇一會【課金贊助】【Room410 Instagram】【Room410 Telegram】 provided by SoundOn
Join retired police detective and private investigator Derrick Levasseur and true crime Youtube creator Stephanie Harlowe as they discuss the crimes making headlines while also taking a deeper look into cases that have fascinated them both personally and professionally. They’ll give plenty of insight and safety tips along the way to help make sure that no listener becomes the subject of the next episode….
In 2018, a young Indigenous mother named Jermain Charlo left a bar in Missoula, Montana, and was never seen again. After two years and thousands of hours of investigative work, police believe they are close to solving the mystery of what happened to her. We go inside the investigation, tracking down leads and joining search parties through the dense mountains of the Flathead Reservation. As we unravel this mystery, the show examines what it means to be an Indigenous woman in America.
人生蔘雞湯,擷錄YouTube頻道最受歡迎的韓國社會怪談系列,陪伴大家耳朵的閒暇時光,也邀請大家一起聊聊人生的各種煩惱, 豐富你我人生的這碗蔘雞湯。每集蔘雞湯的內容隨著大家的煩惱而不同,台灣妞與喜娜透過廣播分享想法,我們一起哭一起笑,一起把煩惱變成高營養食材,熬煮成超營養蔘雞湯,爲人生打氣。每集我們會選出三位聽眾的煩惱,問題不限制領域範圍,讓我們當你的商談室吧!✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️隨著台灣妞與喜娜飛回韓國距離台灣的美食也越來越遠了…**歡迎大家贊助我們人生蔘雞湯唷 **🙇♀️🙇♀️🙇♀️🙇♀️🙇♀️--Hosting provided by SoundOn
|聲音直擊真實犯罪現場|只聊真正經歷過的案件我是突發記者陳豐德,我在案發現場🎉Discord群組開張啦!快來加入一起聊天👉🏻📢 好康訂閱方案🤝 邀約合作⭐ Apple求5顆星📣 抖內鼓勵豐德🙋♂️ 來ig找我🙋♂️ FB也有📹 YT影音版 provided by SoundOn
The Secret History of Flight 149
Imagine boarding a flight thinking you’re heading on holiday, but instead you get taken hostage by Saddam Hussein. It might sound far-fetched, but in August 1990 this is what happened to the passengers and crew of BA Flight 149. What followed has been dubbed the most shocking government cover-up of the last thirty years.
Journalist Stephen Davis has been reporting on this extraordinary story for the past three decades. In this series you’ll hear directly from the hostages - the people used as human shields by the Iraqi regime, with horrific and traumatic consequences. But why was the plane allowed to land at all, putting so many lives at risk? Why have secrets and lies persisted for so many years? Join Stephen in his search to uncover the truth behind The Secret History of Flight 149.
Presenter: Stephen Davis
Producer: Samantha Psyk
Mixing and sound design: Rory Auskerry -
Dan Hörning och David Oscarsson tar upp olösta mord, försvinnanden och mysterier i en podd som bara ställer frågor utan att ge några svar.
Stöd oss med 20 kronor + moms i månaden och i gengäld slipper du all reklam i podden. Lyssna helt reklamfritt direkt!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Jonathan Youssef for a candid look at the Christian faith. Each week, Jonathan will tackle tough issues, answer the hard questions, and will host thought-provoking conversations with respected Christian leaders. Topics include theology, Biblical parenting, healthy sexuality, world religions, engaging a post truth world, and so much more.
Loqomotions est une émission qui parle de transports, de mobilité et de l’influence qu’ont ces derniers sur notre quotidien et plus largement sur la société.
Que ce soit des modes de transports innovants, des applications que l’on utilise au quotidien ou actualités qui défraient la chronique
Yoann alias Ken Bogard épaulé de Chloé et Victor, vous partagent leurs expériences, leur vision et donnent du relief à des sujets que vous connaissez bien, puisque que vous vous déplacez tous les jours !
Chaque épisode traite d’un sujet sous l’angle de chaque chroniqueur, qui vous amènera à vous questionner sur vos déplacements, ceux des autres et ceux de demain.
Chaque chronique pourra être commentée et débattue sur le discord de Qualiter
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Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
This monthly podcast will provide you with snippets on how to live a clutter-free life. Your host, Derria, is a strong believer in self-care and encourages anyone to live a joyful and clutter-free life on purpose.
Please send questions to
New episodes every last Tuesday of the month.
About the Host
Derria Murphy is a seasoned organizer and host of the Declutter Empress Radio Podcast. With a passion for functional living spaces and effective organizational strategies, she guides her audience on achieving serene and clutter-free environments. Known for her practical tips and engaging storytelling, Derria empowers listeners to simplify their lives and create personal oases at home. Her expertise extends beyond decluttering, as she also explores productivity tools and mindset shifts necessary for maintaining organized, peaceful living spaces.
Music from Uppbeat:
Forest of the Ancients License code: 0KOOY8HJKZR12GWC
Make me Clean License code: DVF8I1ZGBMCSA75W -
The Original and the Very First Story Narration Podcast from the Philippines since 2017! Inspired by the likes of Anything Ghost, No Sleep Podcast, Lore and CreepyPasta comes stories fiction and non-fiction that will trigger your imagination of the weird, strange and most of the time creepy but unforgettable creatures, lore, facts, history and culture in the Philippines and the rest of the world. Come and listen as we deliver weekly compilations of stories that will surely keep you up and entertained. Make sure to check us on our social media accounts! Support this podcast: this show See for privacy and opt-out information.
Dallas journalist Eric Bushman, Assistant News Director of radio stations WBAP and KLIF, goes in depth into the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the aftermath and the history. Eric tells the story through interviews, historic audio and opinions from those who have dedicated their lives to the subject.
John Lordan has been researching mysteries and crimes for over 5 years on the YouTube show BrainScratch with respectful and deep coverage. Now he's bringing some of his most interesting cases and some fresh ones to his first solo podcast. From unsolved murders to mysterious disappearances and events that can't easily be understood, anything is fair game as long as it's Seriously Mysterious. New episodes released weekly.