8-Year-Old Parenting Montana Tools
Turkije · Center for Health and Safety Culture
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As a parent or someone in a parenting role, you can choose to be purposeful and deliberate in ways you engage with your eight-year-old that build a healthy relationship while developing their social and emotional skills. Although your eight-year-old is growing more and more independent, they still look to you just as much as ever to navigate life. Now is the right time to support your child in growing confidence, respect, and their ability to make healthy choices. This podcast shares a parenting process and tools from ParentingMontana.org that will empower you to do simple things right now that support your child’s healthy development. Practicing the skills you learn in this podcast throughout your daily routines with your child will allow you to strengthen communication, build your relationship, and develop social and emotional skills.
Parents and those in a parenting role have access to a process and tools to meet each stage of their child’s life through this podcast from ParentingMontana.org. The Montana Department of Health and Human Services partnered with the Center for Health and Safety Culture at Montana State University to enhance healthy mental, emotional, and behavioral development through the tools available to you in this podcast. Though originally created for parents and those in a parenting role in Montana, parents everywhere can relate and apply the tools and resources.
The tools in this podcast will grow your parenting confidence as you support your child using a five-step process: Gain Input, Teach, Practice, Support, and Recognize. You will be prepared to handle specific parenting topics while building a secure relationship with your child and promoting healthy development as your child matures. Becoming familiar and confident with the process and tools available through ParentingMontana.org will lead to your child's future success as you will be able to use the same process to meet parenting issues throughout their life in a positive way. A loving relationship and solid communication skills help parents and those in a parenting role work through challenges with their children. Invest in yourself as a parent and build the relationship with your child that creates a foundation to meet each stage of their life with excitement! The specific tools available for parenting your eight-year-old include: Anger, Back Talk, Bullying, Chores, Confidence, Conflict, Discipline, Friends, Homework, Listening, Lying, Tantrums, Mixed Messages About Alcohol, Reading, Routines, Sharing, and Stress. Listen now and feel prepared to support your child’s success!