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当返乡已成为知识分子春节期间书写或臆想的题材时, 当农村已被网络新世代用“风口”和“互联网+”包装起来后, 当北上广已被都市白领们纠结于逃离还是回归的选择时……有这样一群青年人,从十二年前,就开始选择回到乡土,扎根农村,服务农村,坚持至今,甚至将此作为自己一生的事业。在这不算太短的十二年中,又是怎样的情怀激荡,让一批又一批的青年人,在资本与发展的洪流中,逆流而上,回到那片生于斯长于斯的热土之中。本书选择了2005-2015十年间,在温铁军领导下,梁漱溟乡村建设中心“人才计划”学员从事乡村建设的故事,回顾个人在时代背景下、在乡土社会中,青年人的成长经历,并在与土地、与乡村、与农民的互动中,反思个人成长与农村发展、甚至社会变迁的关系。
现在的主播霄宇@Xiaoyu_PKU,合作请致 [email protected]
Among the vast cultural classics of ancient China, the Classic of Mountains and Seas is a quite unique one. It covers many aspects of ancient geography, astronomy, historical mythology, meteorology, animals, plants, minerals, medicine, religion, and can be said to be an encyclopedia of ancient social life. Throughout the 5000 year history of Chinese civilization, such a unique book plays a crucial role in our understanding and research of ancient civilization.
The Classic of Mountains and Seas, as the name suggests, records ancient society with mountains as the scripture and the sea as the latitude. The concept of mountains and seas in the book encompasses the vast world beyond the four seas and the vast interior of China, which is dotted with famous mountains, and carries the significance of both the world and the whole world. "Jing" means experience and process, which is different from the classic meaning of Confucianism. Overall, the Shan Hai Jing is a record of the world by ancient ancestors.
——Excerpted from the preface of "Shan Hai Jing" published by Zhonghua Book Company
The Huntington’s early American historical collections are important resources for the study of the Colonial and Revolutionary periods, the drafting of the Constitution, and the Civil War. Among the holdings are hundreds of autograph letters written by George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, as well as the manuscript of Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography. The Huntington can also claim the largest collection of autograph manuscripts of Abraham Lincoln west of Illinois. In conferences, seminars, and lectures, curators and visiting scholars discuss their subjects in depth.
创立这播客/podcast 频道的初衷之一,是为了分享我们各自在成人路上所经历的那些人事物。在成人的过程里,于成人这身份上,和身边的三五好友一起回顾曾经走过的那段路程做出的那些抉择,并且探索这些经历将如何影响往后的我们,让我们成为了如今的自己。
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