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Best-selling author and novelist, Elen Sentier, is a wilderness woman. Born on Dartmoor, she grew up on Exmoor, in a family who had practiced the Old Ways of British magic for many generations. Wild at heart, she’s a quirky, unconventional person with an intensely strong connection to nature, ecology and the environment. Elen lives in the middle of the Long Forest, in the wilds of the Stretton Hills in Shropshire, sharing her wild garden and her eccentric old farmhouse with her black witchy cat, her particle-physics partner, and a host of wildlife.
«101 вдохновляющая история» — это душевные истории похожих людей, каждый гость уникален, из разных сфер, но каждого объединяет желание жить и вдохновлять, любовь к миру — своему внутреннему и миру вокруг.
Ведущая подкаста Алина Шепель, создательница платформы ментального здоровья и осознанного комьюнити, создала данный подкаст с целью окутать каждого слушателя частичкой чистого, доброго и душевного.
Instagram Алины: @alinaashepel -
Şebnem Burcuoğlu'nun ''Kocan Kadar Konuş'' isimli kitabının 1. Bölümü Kitapların Sesi isimli podcast kanalımızda.
#seslikitap #kocankadarkonus #sabahattinali #seslikitapdinle #sebnemburcuoglu #podcast
İllüstrasyon: dilaraisworld
Kitabın Konusu:
''Kocan varsa varsın, yoksa da geçmiş olsun...
Bekâr halinden memnunken birden koca arayışına giren Efsun'un koca bulma endişesi ve hayatına dair değişimler, bu kitapta eğlenceli bir üslupla anlatılmaktadır.''
Keyifli dinlemeler! :) -
Мы — дзве Насты, якія працуюць у невялічкай незалежнай кнігарні «Кніжная Шафа» на Грушаўцы ў Мінску.
У гэтым падкасце вас чакаюць разнастайныя кніжныя гісторыі, звязаныя з нашай чытацкай практыкай і наведвальнікамі кнігарні. Будзем расказваць, чым жыве «Кніжная Шафа», раіць кнігі і адказваць на вашы пытанні.
Кніжная Шафа ў сацыяльных сетках:
Плэйліст нашай кнігарні: h
Build Your Business On Instagram is a weekly podcast that dives into the in’s & out’s of creating a personal brand which turns followers into paying clients. Join me as I shares my personal experience with building my own brand & how I sold out my 1:1 coaching program with less than 500 followers.
Hosted by PatientNow Director of Marketing & International Speaker, Audrey Neff, True to Form is a podcast between leaders making headway in the aesthetic, anti-aging, and elective medical industries. Learn from the experts to discover the secrets to success and the pitfalls to avoid when it comes to growing all aspects of your aesthetic practice this year & beyond.
🎧 کنجکاوی در دنیای کسب و کار، با نگاه علمی
برای اسپانسر شدن با این شماره تماس بگیرید:
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وبسایت کارکست:
ویرگول کارکست:
Mitten im Geschehen! In unserem Podcast erfahrt ihr aus erster Hand was es heißt Unternehmer/in zu sein. Bei "Zukunft Mittelstand" geht es um viel mehr als nur Einblicke in die Gründerwelt. Neben dem eigentlichen Unternehmen legen wir hier nämlich nur auf eine Sache noch mehr wert: Der Mensch hinter dem Business! Unsere Gäste erleben Geschichten, erreichen Ziele, machen Fehler und lernen daraus. Und wir dürfen uns glücklich schätzen, dass sie diese Erfahrungen mit uns teilen!
Zapraszam Cię na wyjątkowe lekcje polskiego po godzinach. Z dorosłej perspektywy.
Dla tych, którzy chcą dowiedzieć się, czy Słowacki rzeczywiście wielkim poetą był i jak zachwyca, skoro nie zachwyca? Dla tych, którzy są ciekawi innej niż szkolna perspektywy na klasykę polskiej literatury i język polski.
Mam na imię Agnieszka i jestem historyczką literatury.
Zapraszam Cię do świata pełnego pięknych, mądrych, zabawnych, a czasem nawet bulwersujących słów. Chcę Ci pokazać, jak ciekawa jest historia naszej literatury i naszego języka. Tak byś poczuł się i poczuła w języku swobodnie jak na łące. -
Conversational short-form marketing strategies, frameworks, and tactical advice to help early-stage B2B software (SaaS) companies on their journeys from MVP to PMF and beyond. Hosted by Brian Graf, CEO at Kalungi, and Stijn Hendrikse, Co-Founder at Kalungi, serial CMO for B2B SaaS companies and ex-Microsoft Global Marketing Leader.
Author of crime thrillers that shock, excite and move. Three novels have been published, and a fourth is on the way.
These podcasts are short, spoken blogs about his writing and his self-publishing experiences. No longer than several minutes, these blogs can also be found in written word, on
FAAS KRAMER is a pseudonym of Servaas Kamerling. -
A podcast dedicated to helping businesses improve their customer engagement. Covering growth, retention, technical, and industry trend topics, brought to you by OneSignal, the world's most popular customer engagement solution used by 1+ million businesses sending more than 10 billion daily messages.
From Hulu, Netflix, YouTube, TikTok, Vimeo, and even Facebook Live, it's no secret that video has become a staple of our everyday lives. Each Tuesday, join Tamara Thompson, an award-winning video director, and marketer, as she talks about how to effectively leverage video marketing in your business to broadcast your authority and build business relationships that matter.
Подкаст о книгах, помогающих объяснить нашу повседневность.
Преимущественно - нонфикшн.
Обратная связь:
[email protected] телеграм-бот обратной связи - телеграм-канал подкаста:
Подкаст "Жертва научпопа" является резидентом лейбла "Толк". По вопросам рекламы: [email protected] (для подписчиков из России) (для подписчиков с остальной части планеты Земля)
Подкаст "Жертва научпопа" можно не только слушать, но и читать:Обложка: Ольга Шевченко.
Музыка: Виталий Каберник.
Все остальное: Анна Диордиева
Join sister and brother duo Al (the Harry Potter Super Fan & Word Nerd) and Erik (the Harry Potter Novice & Audio Geek) as they have quick chats about various characters, places, spells, or creatures and tell you all about why the names are so awesome and clever.One thing is clear, J.K. Rowling used etymology, mythology, lore, cultural references, and historical legends to create multi-layered and metaphorical names. So, whether you're a super fan or brand new to the Harry Potter universe, you're sure to find some new and interesting layer to this magical series!