
  • WOW!! SO you have probably heard the term Starseeds, maybe you have even felt like you do not fully belong here on Earth. This is because your soul has had many lives and not all of them were on Earth. Your soul has experienced life in the cosmos, on different planets, stars, even in different Universes. 

    It was such a joy and pleasure to have Thalia on this episode to talk about Cosmic Origins, a topic so vast that it is out of this world and mind blowing. LOL. 

    We dive into a few different origins AND Thalia shares mine on air... I did not know about these before and it was really eye opening. 

    To Join Connected Soul Circle - Starting August 25th, 2024:

    To connect with Thalia or book your session with her:

    Find her on IG:

    Or her website:

  • Your home is a sacred space for you and the energy you create and emit from your home affects your life. If your home is always a stressful place for you or you do not feel safe there, if you have items that are lowering your energy, now is the time to reconnect with your space, the items in your home and your home itself. 

    Step One: Go through each room, remove what you no longer want - anything that brings down your energy. Makes you feel ick. You might choose to rearrange your rooms as well. 

    Step Two: Cleanse and clear your home with incense, rose water and or light energy 

    Step Three: Set the intention for each space - for your home and your rooms 

    Put a light bubble around the entire space. 

    Feel free to connect with your home and thank your home. 




    You can find me on Instagram @theearthandspiritwitch

  • Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?

    Klik hier om de feed te vernieuwen.

  • In this episode I go over a few ways in which the Witch Wound shows up in you life. And a couple of ways to start releasing it right now (outside of ritual). 

    The witch wound is an inherited, generational wound that has been passed down since burning times when people (primarily women) were hung, drowned, burned, beheaded for being accused of witchcraft. This wound is a product of the patriarchy that wants to keep women disconnected from their bodies, themselves, each other and their true power.


    Connected Soul Circle is a high proximity group mentorship container for spiritual women.                      Learn more about Connected Soul Circle and apply Here

    Reach out to me on Instagram Here

  • Episode Description: In this episode, I'm getting pretty candid about a common trap in the healing journey: hustling to heal. If you find yourself constantly listening to podcasts, completing challenge after challenge, affirmations on repeat and doing all the right things but still find yourself feeling exhausted and disconnected. It's time to shift the focus inward, embrace the journey, and find joy in the process.

    Get your free ritual guide here

    Register for the free masterclass and ritual experience here 

    Connect on Instagram 

    Episode Summary:

    Hey there, it's Kelly. On this episode I'm diving deep into the concept of "hustling to heal." I see it all the time, and I did it myself for years. You might be stuck in a cycle of listening to endless podcasts(yes I know there is irony here as this is a podcast episode - I explain in the episode), doing 30-day challenge after 30 day challenge, reading all the books, and practicing yoga and meditation obsessively, hoping it will help you feel better. You get the point, right? This is the epitome of looking outside yourself to heal.

    When healing becomes just another job, a chore, or something to check off your to-do list, it's time to reassess. Expansion work should be fun, rewarding, and joyful. Yes, it can be hard, and yes, you'll cry and feel a lot, but that's part of the process. It leads to holding more joy, love, and peace in your heart and life. It's about going within and facing your shadows, not outsourcing your healing to external achievements.

    I used to be caught in this cycle, trying to prove my strength by completing challenges and sticking to strict routines. But the real flex is going internal, reconnecting with your body and intuition, and loving yourself fully. Even if it feels like you're making progress, ask yourself: does it feel like a second or third job? Do you actually love yourself and your life? Are you enjoying the results?

    Healing is about the journey, not the destination. If you're not enjoying the journey, what are you doing? For a decade, I didn't enjoy my journey. I burned myself out trying to perfect myself, leading to disordered eating and hormonal chaos. The answer is to go within, sit with yourself, and ask the tough questions. What do you really want? What is really working for you?

    Make space on your journey to unwind, relax, and open yourself to receive. Tools like astrology, human design, tarot, and oracle cards, as well as relationships with spirit guides and mentors, can support you in going within and discovering who you truly are. Remember, you're an incredible soul having a human experience, and you deserve to enjoy it.

    If you're hustling to heal, this is your sign to slow down. Recognize that doing it all won't heal you, but going within will.

  • Follow along to tap in to your intuition and gather ritual ingredients that you already have.

    If you are already thinking, I see The Earth and Spirit Witch rituals all the time on IG - She always has a candle and I do not have any, I HAVE AN ALTERNATIVE to candles in here too!

    So get ready to grab your ingredients and get started!

    You can get your FREE ritual guide here!

    And if you want to connect further - find me on IG here!

    I hope you enjoyed today's episode! Your feedback and reviews mean so much!


  • One of my FAVE MANIFESTATION tools - especially with the New Moon, but can be used any time is SCRIPTING!! 

    I love it! 

    Here are some of the examples I used in the episode to help get you started. 

    *September 17th, 2024*

    Today was such an incredible day, I ____ and it felt ____These last 6 months have been ___ and I am so grateful for ___Six months ago I took a chance and I went all on on ___ and it worked out better than I ever could have imagined. I am so grateful that I ____ 

    Filled in those could look like:

    *September 17th, 2024*

    This weekend was such a beautiful experience! I hosted a transformational sold out retreat! These last 6 months have been incredibly expansive and I am so grateful I hired a biz coach to help me bring so much more to my business, my clients and my bank account. I am more creative, confident, and expanding at such a rapid pace and I LOVE it! Six months ago I took a chance and I went all on on my witches path. This has led me to feeling more fulfilled, powerful and confident than ever before. This is exactly what I was missing on my healing journey. I am so grateful that I scripted with the New Moon in March. It started a ritual that I have continued and experience amazing results from! 

    And then expanding for as many pages as you feel called! 

    Grab your FREE ritual guide here! 

    And connect further on IG here!


  • Every planetary day is covered in this episode! The correspondents, energies and ideas! 

    Grab the free ritual guide here - inside is every planetary day, it's energies and correspondents!

    And if you want to connect further - find me on IG here

    I hope you enjoyed today's episode! Your feedback and reviews mean so much! 

  • The Q's from todays episode, Free Ritual Guide and more here

    Grab your Free Ritual Guide Here

    And connect with me on IG Here

    Questions from todays episode:

    1 - why am I avoiding my craft?

    2 - Do I feel that  Is it the witch wound silently holding me back? 

    3- Is it the beauty industry that has crushed me mind body and spirit - always telling me there is someway to better myself?

    4 -  Is it the voice of a parent or loved one, or someone who just doesn’t understand that being a witch is a beautifully healing and connecting path. Your path. 

    Followed by:

    Do you want to spend the rest of your life, living in the beliefs of others, living how others want you to live, living in fear of being seen for all that you are? OR do you want to be lit up by your passions, sharing them with others, expanding on your souls journey proudly? 



  • On this episode I have Thalia St Louis with me! Thalia is an International Tarot Reader and teacher who teaches Tarot 1:1. Thalia is an Open Channel and New Earth Ascension Guide. She has created many beautiful methods to support people since 2014. I am so excited to bring you this conversation about Tarot! As someone who struggled understanding Tarot, this chat with Thalia has expanded my world! This episode is PACKED with information on Tarot and the magick to find within. Thalia explains the answers so beautifully.

    What is the difference between Oracle and Tarot?

    What is the death card all about?

    How to pick and deck and is it okay to buy them online?

    Do you have to be gifted your first deck?

    How do build a relationship with your deck? - and Thalia explains the most gorgeous way to connect! What if a card is reversed?

    What about collective readings on TikTok?

    What is the difference between and in person reading and a virtual?

    What should you do with a deck that you no longer want?

    For more check out:

  • Adrienne Bocci-Barrett (She/Her) joins me today to talk about conscious copy writing! And we dive in deep, talking about what copywriting is and what makes conscious copywriting different.

    We have an open and raw conversation about ethical content creation in the digital age and how AI is affecting that. Money of course comes up in this conversation, as we talk about marketing and ethical copy versus gross sales tactics. We discuss being spiritual and heart centered business owners, who are not just after the bottom line. We do not just want to make a sale, we are calling in genuine connections and soul aligned clients.

     If you are a spiritual or heart centered business owner, then this is definitely for you! If you have ever been interested in what a copywriter does and what copy even is, Adrienne has this covered.

    Adrienne is a singer-songwriter, conscious copywriter, and seeker of adventures big & small. She is the owner of Joyarts Copywriting, providing heart-centered and authentic copy for spiritual businesses.  Adrienne loves yoga, dancing, meditation, and following her intuition. She currently lives in Portland, OR.

    Find out more at 

    OR connect with Adrienne on Instagram 

    Copywriting was something I had a lot of questions about for a long time! I questioned the ethics of it, confused by what it fully was and how it worked. I am currently a client of Adrienne's and I LOVE working with her. So it is so wonderful to have her on the podcast for this chat. We ended up diving a bit deeper into AI, Chat GPT and the ethics of both copywriting and using AI that I expected. Of course that could have been an entire episode on its own. I knew the episode would flow, and it did. If you have any questions for either of us, please reach out. 

    Thank you for tuning in!!


    copywriting , writing , copy , copywriter , money AI, marketing, spiritual business 




  • Hi Everyone! I was inspired to complete this 5 minute mini episode full of encouragement and love for all that you are. Transcript: Hi, everyone, thank you for hopping on today. This episode is a mini episode. It's a solo episode, I just wanted to hop on here. Because lately I people have said to me, you know, like, I don't feel like I have any gifts, or all these people are more interesting than me or I've been having a lot of impostor syndrome come up. all of these things where it's like, in there, it's all women saying these things, where it's like, they don't feel good enough to do what they're doing. A lot of them are entrepreneurs and amazing, incredible business owners, heart centered business owners. And I've I've definitely been there and sometimes I'm still there. where I get into that, like, Am I allowed to talk about this? Am I being understood? Is this comfortable? Is this really what I want to do? You know, I asked myself all these questions or, you know, am I not expert or not to talk about this, like, these different things? You know, and I think that it is, it's okay to ask these questions, of course. Excuse me, but where we don't want to get stuck is we don't want to get stuck in that question. We also don't want to get stuck in our limiting belief answers, you know, that tells us our ego that's telling us, you know, I'm not interesting enough, like, I'm comparing and despairing myself to other people, or I'm not where they are, so am I failing. And like, I just right now, I just want to be your hype woman, please just let me be your hype woman for just just like two minutes, you are incredible. You have so many gifts to offer the world you are amazing, and so special and so unique, like truly like you are. And when we can clear away these beliefs, when we can clear away society, we can when we can clear away all this baggage that we have picked up telling us that we are not. And we can clear that away, we can just really get true with ourselves. And we can love ourselves for all that we are that the lightness, the shadows, but the joy, the pain, because we are humans, we are having a human experience and things are going to be challenging, but things also get to define and they get to be full of love and full of joy. And we get to love ourselves like this is our this is our birthright, we get to love ourselves. And that means you get to love yourself. And if you have friends and you're hyping them up, and you think that they're amazing and incredible, and you see all these amazing things inside of them. You have that inside of you as well. And, and I I just implore you to do what you can to shift those beliefs. And, of course, like, there are so many things you can do to start clearing and start releasing. But really, it just comes down to like, if you can come back to your center, like, you know what's true. And what's true is you are amazing, right? But we've just been been filled with all these I'm just gonna call it lies and also just pressure and especially like as as women, perfectionism, there's just myth of having to be perfect at everything we do. And, and if we don't, we're failures. Like that's, that's all I you know. And I just really, I'm coming on here today just to say like, in response to all these things I've been hearing, you know, and people tell me and also because I've felt these things as well, I have felt all these things. You're awesome. You are amazing. Please like just go through your day, like knowing that you're so incredible. No matter where you're at on your journey, no matter no matter what you've accepted, or what you've moved through, or what you've experienced, like, you're an amazing person. And you are so worthy. You are so so enough, and you are all ready, whole, you are already whole. I know that I believe that I'm sending you so much love. And I just really appreciate you being here, listening but also I appreciate you being here for yourself. We need just more people in the world just showing up for themselves. And when we heal ourselves, like we are actually healing the collective when we love ourselves, we are putting love out into the world. When we can accept ourselves where we're at. We're just accepting other people for who they are. There's, there's so many gifts that come with like looking within and just accepting who we are and and we can always change and we're always expanding no matter if we're actively trying to or not like you're just so worthy of everything that you desire and you you truly have so much to offer the world and and you have so much to offer yourself. And I just, I just love you guys. And I truly just wish you, I just wish you everything that you could ever possibly want. And I just want you to experience everything that your soul signed up to experience in this life. And I just want you to think about, I don't want you to give up on yourself so many times, like I have wanted to give up I have known I'm not giving up. I'm not giving up and and I just had to keep going even when it's really hard. And sometimes I stopped or stagnate. But it's like I'm going to keep going. I know I'm going to keep going. And I just really want you to know that too. All right. Stay tuned because there are some really special things coming in 2024 and I'm just really excited to share them with you. Thank you so much for being here today. If you feel like you'd like to connect further with me, you can find me at the earthing spirit which on Instagram or at my website, the earth and spirit I would love to say hi, sending you so much joy and so many blessings. Until next time

  • Trigger warning on this episode as Marcus Downs and I dive into societal norms about bodies. This includes discussion on disordered eating, weight, abilities, chronic pain, etc.

    On this episode of the A Nourishing Place Podcast, Marcus and I are chatting about our experiences in learning to love our body where it is at in the moment; leaning into body neutrality and positivity. We will both be asking questions as we dive into this topic, sharing some of our personal stories on the way. Some of the topics we discuss are nakedness, disordered eating, bodies abilities, physical pain, shame triggers, exercising, fat phobia, mindful practices, and what we see growing up.

    Marcus is a gay, spiritual, empathic healer. He is an oncology nurse, cofounder of Impactful Introspection (@impactful_introspection), and reiki healer. His core values are growth and love; he geeks out on holistic wellness, books, and queer joy; and he hopes to help others unlearn, heal, and become the best versions of themselves. This is Part 2 with Marcus Downs! Be sure to check out episode 25 with him as well! 

    Thank you for diving into this episode with us! Look forward to connecting with you!




  • Are you going through a big transition or changes in your life? Are you leaning into something new, perhaps experiencing the discomfort that can come from change?

    On this episode of the A Nourishing Place podcast, relationship coach and interior design professional, Alyson, joins me to discuss the topic of transitions. We discuss how there can be discomfort and release during the transition process, the importance of support and recognizing that it is okay to not be good at something when  you first start. As Alyson leans into the interior design world, shifting from coaching, she shares what it has been like for her, sharing great insight along the way. 

    BONUS - Alyson give us some great advice on how to shift our spaces so they are more aligned with who we are now. 

    Alyson helps women around the world have more love in and for their life. She has a keen ability to actively listen, and clients often share they feel seen and heard in a remarkable way. Alyson weaves her training and experience, empathy, and pattern recognition skills together to help you make sense of what's been leaving you feeling stuck, unclear, or dissatisfied. And teaches you the tools to overcome mental, emotional, physical, and/or spiritual challenges, so that you can have the relationships you truly desire with yourself, your loved ones, and your life. Alyson is also a full-time interior design professional and student. 

    Connect with Alyson 

    E-mail: [email protected]



    Clutterbug Quiz I mentioned:


    Transitions - Change - Career change - Interior Design - Relationship Coaching - Releasing Clutter 

  • On this solo episode of the A Nourishing Place Podcast, I jump into how I got started working with the energy of oracle decks and share how it has evolved over the years. This episode is both a bit of my personal story and also gives you actionable steps to start working and connecting more with spirit through oracle deck wisdom and energy. I am a firm believer than anyone can connect with spirit through oracle decks and that the connection does shift and expand over time. How I read and channel now is different from when I first started. Oracle readings have supported me through some darker times in my life, especially those moments where I couldn't gain clarity from spirit without the decks. Oracle cards are such a beautiful supportive spiritual practice. It helps to expand our intuition and deep connection, give us insight and messages. I am an oracle reader for others as well and I have 2 offers using oracle decks available.

  • TW: Derogatory language, homophobia, family and religious trauma

    On this episode of the A Nourishing Place Podcast, I have Marcus Downs with me. Marcus is a gay, spiritual, empathic healer. He is also an oncology nurse, cofounder of Impactful Introspection, and reiki healer. His core values are growth and love; he geeks out on holistic wellness, books, and queer joy. He helps others unlearn, heal, and become the best versions of themselves. 

    Being raised deep in the Christian faith in rural Indiana, Marcus knew he was interested in boys from around the 4th grade and felt something must be wrong. During this episode you will hear Marcus share his story of releasing the shame around being gay, navigating the Christian faith, society and family telling him that being gay meant he was going to hell. Then he shares with us his experience unlearning the Christianity he was taught and leaning into who he is, loving himself and expanding into spirituality.  

    I admire Marcus showing up and sharing his story with us. It was an honor and a joy holding space for his experience. 

    Connect with Marcus here:

    The Brene Brown book I gave to Marcus when he was a teen:

    I Thought it was Just me, but it Isn't - Making the Journey from What Will People Think? to I am Enough 


  • On this episode of the A Nourishing Place Podcast, Alejandra Rojas, a Finance Professional, Coach, and Money Mindset Expert joins me as we dive into the topic of healing our money mindset! Alejandra helps entrepreneurs to become the most profitable version of themselves using her highly effective R.I.CH and M.E.S.S. methods. She tells us about both of these methods on this episode and about the subconscious reprogramming involved.

    We chat about trauma informed financial success, Rapid Resolution Therapy, Hypnosis, the power of pricing, limited money beliefs & trauma, women entrepreneurs and more! Alejandra also gives a piece of advice for new business owners to move forward with. Let's talk about money! It does not need to be taboo or hidden. As we heal our money mindset, we heal multiple areas of our lives. 

    Join myself and money mindset expert, Alejandra for a fun conversation about money!

    Alejandra also shares tons of golden nuggets on her podcast – "Dear Lack, Let's Break Up"

    Connect with her further - Download for free:




  • Trigger Warning: In this episode we talk about suicide, fire, death. 

    Thalia and I go through a particularly challenging experience for me in my first past life regression. We share the experience both from the regression guide and the person experiencing the past life.

     This was something that I did not initially know I would share and I am grate that I am. It was such a tender, raw experience for me. Shaking me at my core and leaving me feeling grief and so much more. 

    This experience helped me so much to open, release and heal long long tended wounds. And I was so grateful to have the post regression healing reiki session to deepen this experience. 

    If you are curious about someones regression experience, I invite you to dive in, knowing that all regressions are different and this is simply one experience of one part of my regression. 

    Thalia is an Open Channel and New Earth Ascension Guide and she has created different methods since 2014 that help support and customize the healing needs for each client in her 1:1 work.

    Thalia uses methods of Channeling, Tarot and now the creator of Ascension Reiki & Soul Memory Method for Past Life Regression or Past Life Readings. (The 2 paths she dives deeper into the episode that she uses to support her clients on this journey!) 

    After Thalia had a curiosity and calling for reincarnation at the young age of 15, it took her a few years later to travel to Rishikesh, India where she unexpectedly had her first phenomenon with her own Past Life Vision that visited. Since then, her third eye and channel had extended these visions to others specializing with Past Lives. 

    Thalia blends and balances her services with methods to have clients receive soul information when needed or holds space for the opportunity for others to experience their own Light Body and Soul History. 

    You can find Thalia on Instagram  or at her website!!

    Sharing this episode if you loved it! Leaving a review, all of that is so helpful and appreciated! 

    Thank you! 

  • On this episode I am joined by Mackenzie Starcher. Mackenzie and I would like to preface this episode by stating that all pregnancies and birth experiences are unique. You know your body and your baby the best. Whatever you may have experienced or have chosen for your pregnancy and birth, WE SUPPORT YOU. We are sharing our perspectives based on LOW RISK pregnancies in the USA.

    I will put a TRIGGER WARNING here as we know this can be a sensitive topic for people. We go deep and share our opinions about where we think maternity care in the USA is lacking.

    Mackenzie Starcher is the owner of Transcend Motherhood Co, an experienced HypnoBirthing childbirth educator, certified birth doula, and advocate for informed decision-making before, during, and after birth.  Formerly, Mackenzie was an elementary school educator and has a huge passion for teaching. She believes that when you have all of the information, you can make an empowered choice in your maternity care. She shares so much valuable information and insight through her work.

    Mackenzie is not afraid to talk about the difficult topics. She truly wants all families to be supported in their pregnancy and birth experiences.

    It was a pleasure to have her on the A Nourishing Place podcast to discuss her perspective on the misconceptions around maternity care in the United States of America. You know I share my perspective as well, while we chat about this vast topic. Thank you for tuning in today. Below you will find the questions and topics of discussion. 

    We talk about how important having all of the information is (not just the info the hospital gives you).

    We talk about three main misconceptions asking:

    - Is the hospital is the safest place for every person to birth no matter what is going on in your pregnancy?

    - Do doulas and midwives only support people during a home birth? What are doulas?

    - Is birth is just inherently traumatic, painful and should you just plan to be miserable?

    You can connect with Mackenzie at

    or on Instagram

    She welcomes you to pop into her DMs with any question you may have!!

  • Yasmine Khater, the lead researcher and Head Story Coach at the Sales Story Method. joins me on this episode and we dive into why we have a hard time charging, helping our clients solve problems, worthiness within selling, power of SPEAKING your truth, investing in ourselves, release work in ENTREPRENEURSHIP and more.

    Yasmine enables leaders to connect, stand out, and sell their ideas with ease. All while inspiring their team, attracting more clients, growing their business (and careers).

    For the past decade, Yasmine has been helping senior leaders and sales teams in over 75 Fortune 500 companies  and governments learn how to share persuasive stories that sell. 

    If you want to start your journey to learn how to sell, join her Sales Power Hour System

    Instagram: salesstorymethod

    Linkedin: Yasmine Khater


  • Thalia St Louis joins me on the A Nourishing Place Podcast for an expansive conversation about past lives. In this episode we dive deep.

    Thalia is an Open Channel and New Earth Ascension Guide and she has created different methods since 2014 that help support and customize the healing needs for each client in her 1:1 work. Thalia and I discuss many things, some of which include answering 

    - Can people have past lives where they have traveled to other planes, planets, dimensions?

    - How can people channel their past life experiences to help them in their current reality?

    - Why do we carry certain emotions, or lessons from past lives? 

    - When we connect to souls that have passed away are they in the spirit world or could they already be reincarnated ? 

    And more - If you are interested in learning more about past lives this is an episode for you! 


    Thalia uses methods of Channeling, Tarot and now the creator of Ascension Reiki & Soul Memory Method for Past Life Regression or Past Life Readings. (The 2 paths she dives deeper into the episode that she uses to support her clients on this journey!) 

    After Thalia had a curiosity and calling for reincarnation at the young age of 15, it took her a few years later to travel to Rishikesh, India where she unexpectedly had her first phenomenon with her own Past Life Vision that visited. Since then, her third eye and channel had extended these visions to others specializing with Past Lives. 

    Thalia blends and balances her services with methods to have clients receive soul information when needed or holds space for the opportunity for others to experience their own Light Body and Soul History. 

    You can find Thalia on Instagram  or at her website!!

    Sharing this episode if you loved it! Leaving a review, all of that is so helpful and appreciated! 

    Thank you!