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    马上一起来听听「狼吞虎咽」Láng tūn hǔ yàn是什么意思吧!

    馬上一起來看看「狼吞虎嚥」 Láng tūn hǔ yàn 是什麼意思吧!

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    Hello everyone, welcome to『千里之外』(qiān lǐ zhī waì)! 

    A Thousand Miles aims to teach Chinese idioms with historical background, fun facts, and engaging stories with culture perspectives for Chinese language learners or anyone who is interested in Chinese culture. We will start from the very beginning of ancient China, all the way until the modern era. 

    Our eighty-fourth idiom, Láng tūn hǔ yàn, which is used to describe someone who eats something eagerly and in large amounts, just like how wolves and tigers devour their prey.

    Episodes will be uploaded every Monday (English version) and Thursday (Chinese version) teaching the same idiom. 

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    马上一起来听听「杀彘教子」Shā zhì jiào zǐ 是什么意思吧!

    馬上一起來看看「殺彘教子」  Shā zhì jiào zǐ 是什麼意思吧!

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    千里之外 by Jay Chou ➡️ 

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    Hello everyone, welcome to『千里之外』(qiān lǐ zhī waì)! 

    A Thousand Miles aims to teach Chinese idioms with historical background, fun facts, and engaging stories with culture perspectives for Chinese language learners or anyone who is interested in Chinese culture. We will start from the very beginning of ancient China, all the way until the modern era. 

    Our eighty-third idiom, Shā zhì jiào zǐ, is used to mean that parents should keep their word when dealing with their children.

    Episodes will be uploaded every Monday (English version) and Thursday (Chinese version) teaching the same idiom. 

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    千里之外 by Jay Chou ➡️ 

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    马上一起来听听「狗急跳墙」Gǒu jí tiào qiáng 是什么意思吧!

    馬上一起來看看「狗急跳牆」  Gǒu jí tiào qiáng 是什麼意思吧!

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    千里之外 by Jay Chou ➡️ 

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  • Let us know how you like it. 

    Hello everyone, welcome to『千里之外』(qiān lǐ zhī waì)! 

    A Thousand Miles aims to teach Chinese idioms with historical background, fun facts, and engaging stories with culture perspectives for Chinese language learners or anyone who is interested in Chinese culture. We will start from the very beginning of ancient China, all the way until the modern era. 

    Our eighty-second idiom, Gǒu jí tiào qiáng, which means someone is driven to desperate action.

    Episodes will be uploaded every Monday (English version) and Thursday (Chinese version) teaching the same idiom. 

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    千里之外 by Jay Chou ➡️ 

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    马上一起来听听「鹤立鸡群」 Hè lì jī qún 是什么意思吧!

    馬上一起來看看「鶴立雞群」  Hè lì jī qún 是什麼意思吧!

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    千里之外 by Jay Chou ➡️ 

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  • Let us know how you like it. 

    Hello everyone, welcome to『千里之外』(qiān lǐ zhī waì)! 

    A Thousand Miles aims to teach Chinese idioms with historical background, fun facts, and engaging stories with culture perspectives for Chinese language learners or anyone who is interested in Chinese culture. We will start from the very beginning of ancient China, all the way until the modern era. 

    Our eighty-first idiom, Hè lì jī qún, means someone is easily distinguished or stands out from the crowd.

    Episodes will be uploaded every Monday (English version) and Thursday (Chinese version) teaching the same idiom. 

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    马上一起来听听「衣冠沐猴」 Yī guān mù hóu 是什么意思吧!

    馬上一起來看看「衣冠沐猴」  Yī guān mù hóu 是什麼意思吧!

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    千里之外 by Jay Chou ➡️ 

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  • Let us know how you like it. 

    Hello everyone, welcome to『千里之外』(qiān lǐ zhī waì)! 

    A Thousand Miles aims to teach Chinese idioms with historical background, fun facts, and engaging stories with culture perspectives for Chinese language learners or anyone who is interested in Chinese culture. We will start from the very beginning of ancient China, all the way until the modern era. 

    Our eightieth idiom, Yī guān mù hóu, means a person puts on a front, but is actually lacking substance.

    Episodes will be uploaded every Monday (English version) and Thursday (Chinese version) teaching the same idiom. 

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    千里之外 by Jay Chou ➡️ 

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    马上一起来听听「亡羊补牢」 Wáng yáng bǔ láo 是什么意思吧!

    馬上一起來看看「亡羊補牢」  Wáng yáng bǔ lá 是什麼意思吧!

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    千里之外 by Jay Chou ➡️ 

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  • Let us know how you like it. 

    Hello everyone, welcome to『千里之外』(qiān lǐ zhī waì)! 

    A Thousand Miles aims to teach Chinese idioms with historical background, fun facts, and engaging stories with culture perspectives for Chinese language learners or anyone who is interested in Chinese culture. We will start from the very beginning of ancient China, all the way until the modern era. 

    Our seventy-ninth idiom, Wáng yáng bǔ láo, means fixing the situation after you've already gotten a bad result.

    Episodes will be uploaded every Monday (English version) and Thursday (Chinese version) teaching the same idiom. 

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    千里之外 by Jay Chou ➡️ 

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    马上一起来听听「一马当先」 Yì mǎ dāng xiān 是什么意思吧!

    馬上一起來看看「一馬當先」  Yì mǎ dāng xiān 是什麼意思吧!

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    千里之外 by Jay Chou ➡️ 

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  • Let us know how you like it. 

    Hello everyone, welcome to『千里之外』(qiān lǐ zhī waì)! 

    A Thousand Miles aims to teach Chinese idioms with historical background, fun facts, and engaging stories with culture perspectives for Chinese language learners or anyone who is interested in Chinese culture. We will start from the very beginning of ancient China, all the way until the modern era. 

    Our seventy-eighth idiom, Yì mǎ dāng xiān, which means being in the forefront in the fight or taking the lead.

    Episodes will be uploaded every Monday (English version) and Thursday (Chinese version) teaching the same idiom. 

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  • 留言告诉我你对这一集的法:


    马上一起来听听「画蛇添足」 Huà shé tiān zú 是什么意思吧!

    馬上一起來看看「畫蛇添足」  Huà shé tiān zú 是什麼意思吧!

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    千里之外 by Jay Chou ➡️ 

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  • Let us know how you like it. 

    Hello everyone, welcome to『千里之外』(qiān lǐ zhī waì)! 

    A Thousand Miles aims to teach Chinese idioms with historical background, fun facts, and engaging stories with culture perspectives for Chinese language learners or anyone who is interested in Chinese culture. We will start from the very beginning of ancient China, all the way until the modern era. 

    Our seventy-seventh idiom, Huà shé tiān zú, means making something superfluous or unnecessarily complicated.

    Episodes will be uploaded every Monday (English version) and Thursday (Chinese version) teaching the same idiom. 

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    千里之外 by Jay Chou ➡️ 

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  • 留言告诉我你对这一集的法:


    马上一起来听听「攀龙附凤」 Pān lóng fù fèng 是什么意思吧!

    馬上一起來看看「攀龍附鳳」  Pān lóng fù fèng 是什麼意思吧!

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    千里之外 by Jay Chou ➡️ 

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  • Let us know how you like it. 

    Hello everyone, welcome to『千里之外』(qiān lǐ zhī waì)! 

    A Thousand Miles aims to teach Chinese idioms with historical background, fun facts, and engaging stories with culture perspectives for Chinese language learners or anyone who is interested in Chinese culture. We will start from the very beginning of ancient China, all the way until the modern era. 

    Our seventy-sixth idiom, Pān lóng fù fèng, which means trying to curry favor with powerful people in order to get ahead.

    Episodes will be uploaded every Monday (English version) and Thursday (Chinese version) teaching the same idiom. 

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    千里之外 by Jay Chou ➡️ 

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    马上一起来听听「兔死狗烹」 Tù sǐ gǒu pēng 是什么意思吧!

    馬上一起來看看「兔死狗烹」  Tù sǐ gǒu pēng 是什麼意思吧!

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    千里之外 by Jay Chou ➡️ 

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    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • Let us know how you like it. 

    Hello everyone, welcome to『千里之外』(qiān lǐ zhī waì)! 

    A Thousand Miles aims to teach Chinese idioms with historical background, fun facts, and engaging stories with culture perspectives for Chinese language learners or anyone who is interested in Chinese culture. We will start from the very beginning of ancient China, all the way until the modern era. 

    Our seventy-fifth idiom, Tù sǐ gǒu pēng, which means to get rid of somebody once they have served their purpose.

    Episodes will be uploaded every Monday (English version) and Thursday (Chinese version) teaching the same idiom. 

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    MandarinX online Chinese courses on edX ➡️ 
    千里之外 by Jay Chou ➡️ 

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