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Здесь мы честно и откровенно говорим о вопросах красоты и молодости. Можно ли повернуть время вспять? Как меняться, оставаясь собой? И как в этом нам помогают достижения эстетической медицины? Об этом мы рассуждаем с нашими экспертами.
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Запись и монтаж:
Age is a state of mind. Aging is a treatable condition.
Anti-Aging Vancouver Medical & Laser Clinic.
Dive into "Anti-Aging Insights" with Dr. Teri Fisher, your go-to source for the latest in non-surgical cosmetic and anti-aging medicine. As a skilled Aesthetic and Sport & Exercise physician, Dr. Fisher brings you cutting-edge treatments, breakthrough technologies, and up-to-date research. Each episode of "Anti-Aging Insights" simplifies the medical science to help you feel and look your best. Dr. Fisher guides you through what works in the world of aesthetic medicine, featuring expert interviews and practical tips. Whether you're keen to enhance your appearance or boost your overall wellness, this podcast is packed with valuable insights to help you maintain your health, youth, and vitality. Tune in to transform the quality of your life today and for years to come with Dr. Fisher's version of "Sculpted Confidence."
Dr. Fisher breaks down the most popular anti-aging treatments to help you understand your options. He covers injectables and neuromodulators like Botox®, Dysport®, Nuceiva®, and Xeomin®, as well as popular dermal fillers such as Restylane® and Juvederm®. You'll learn about the benefits of laser therapies, PRP treatments, facial treatments, and chemical peels. He also covers laser hair removal, body contouring, and skin rejuvenation, plus advanced procedures like laser tattoo removal and fat reduction.Dr. Fisher is here to guide you through all these options so you can make informed decisions about your health and appearance. Tune in to stay updated and feel your best, inside and out.
Please note: This podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your qualified healthcare provider before starting any treatment.
About your host:
Dr. Teri Fisher, BSc, BEd, MSc, MD, CCFP (SEM) is an Anti-Aging, Aesthetic, and Sport & Exercise Physician. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC, Canada. He is board certified by the Canadian Board of Aesthetic Medicine. He is an experienced keynote speaker, educator, author and consultant who loves sharing his excitement and passion for "Sculpted Confidence."
Dr Fisher practises at Anti-Aging Medical & Laser Clinic in Vancouver, BC. The Clinic offers private, preventative medicine, aiming to merge medically advanced technology with clinical artistry and expertise. From aesthetics and weight management to hormone therapy and sexual wellness (and much more!), the staff provides education and services to improve the quality of our patients' lives and optimize brain, body and cosmetic health.To book an appointment with Dr. Fisher or any of the healthcare providers at Anti-Aging Medical & Laser Clinic, click here.
Друзі, привіт. Мене звати Катя Гайдут і я автор подкасту “Людині потрібна людина”.
Кожен тиждень я спілкуюсь з близькими по духу людьми про емоції, самопізнання, критичне мислення та психологічну гігієну.
Також у мене є Patreon. Долучайтесь та підтримуйте український контент. -
Leni, Dottoressa in Psicologia Clinica e Master in Sessuologia ed Educazione Sessuale racconta con serietà e ironia il sesso di oggi, perché domani sia un sesso migliore per tutt*.
La sessualità è trattata con professionalità, maturità e proprietà di linguaggio.
Un viaggio per mano a noi stess* verso l’orgasmo. Il contenuto del Podcast è destinato ad un pubblico adulto.
Scrivimi a [email protected]. Seguimi su Instagram @drleni_mentalsexualhealth Logo by -
«К тебе или ко мне?» — секс-подкаст, в котором Кристина Вазовски и Егор Егоров каждую неделю выбирают одну неоднозначную секс-тему, спорят и пытаются разобраться — чья правда. Инстаграм Кристины: @krisvazovsky Инстаграм Егора: @psy_chay Телеграм-канал: @ktebe_komne Инстаграм: @ktebe_komne
По вопросам рекламы: [email protected]
Amy is a Sex and Relationship Coach and Sex Educator with a passion for promoting unabashed, pleasure-focused sexuality education. April is a motivational speaker, sex toy mogul, as well as one of the leading women in the sex-toy industry. April and Amy combined forces to create the Shameless Sex Podcast, inspiring radical self-love, sexual empowerment, and shame-free intimacy with a playful twist sharing real life experiences and tell all details. Visit for more. Shameless Sex is a proud member of Pleasure Podcasts. For network details, contact [email protected]
How do we connect? What makes a mutually satisfying relationship? What are other people into?
These are real human stories. Guests share details of their personal lives and/or work to add emotional context to the confusing experience of attempting to relate to other human beings. The goal? To learn from and more deeply understand one another through exchanges of personal wisdom and experience.
The focus is always connection and intimacy in our modern world: relationships, dating, friendship, cultural “norms” and taboos. Conversations explore vulnerability, shame, desire, pleasure, celebration, creative bucket lists, fantasy play spaces, irresistible invitations and so much more. Listen and share to co-create the story-based, connection-first sex ed we never got—but will all definitely benefit from. Let's co-create the new horizon of personal education, together. Let's learn from each other & spread ripples of love.
Follow us on our new instagram:
Created and hosted by Wyoh Lee |
Edited and produced by Jason Defillippo |
Contact | [email protected]
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Welcome to the Strictly Anonymous Podcast where you get to listen in to the secret lives of total strangers. I talk to real people about their interesting, secret, naughty lives as well as give them my unprofessional advice. For advertising opportunities please email [email protected]
MY BOOK IS NOW OUT FOR PRE-ORDER!!!! Strictly Anonymous Confessions: Secret Sex Lives of Total Strangers. A bunch of short, super sexy, TRUE stories. GET YOUR COPY NOW:
To Join SDC and get a FREE Trial! click here: or go to and use my code 37712
If you have a secret, interesting life and/or a problem you want to discuss while remaining anonymous, go to my website and click on "Be on the Show" or send me an email [email protected]
To see anonymous pics of my female guests + gain access to my Discord channel where people get super naughty + hear all the anonymous confessions + get all my episodes early AND ad-free, join my Patreon. It's only $5 a month and you can cancel at any time. You can sign up here:
Have something you want to confess while remaining anonymous? Call the Strictly Anonymous hotline now at 347-420-3579. Lines are open 24/7. Please note, everyones voice will be changed.
Sponsors of the show:
Hear the hottest stories on Dipsea 30-day FREE TRIAL:
Have great SEX with High Love THC Gummies use code STRICTLYANON for 15% off:
Blewchew get your first-month FREE here:
For 20% off your Butter Wellness perinium massager use code STRICTLY here:
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Everything else -
Relationship Advice helps listeners uncover the stuck spots in their relationships by taking expert advice from three licensed professional counselors and boiling it down into digestible tips and tools. Colter, Cayla, and Lauren help people to see that the first step to connecting with somebody else is by connecting with you. They focus their show on understanding and navigating the cycles that couples face, how to practice individuation, and staying in an emotionally regulated state. Just them each week as they come with a jam packed agenda to help you thrive in your relationships.
Looking for old episode from "Relatable"? Click here. -
Sebastian Harris, the founder of and author of Rise of the Phoenix: How to Get the Hottest Girls in a World That Wants You to Fail shares his experience picking up girls in dozens of countries on five different continents. If you struggle with approach anxiety, fear of women, fear of rejection, and the popular “what should I say next” syndrome, Sebastian’s daily 10-minute rants about pickup and seduction will change your life. It doesn’t matter if you want a girlfriend, friends with benefits relationships, or if you want to travel the world and seduce a new breathtaking young girl every weekend. You will learn how to develop unshakable confidence and the right mindset to meet and attract beautiful women. You will learn how to become more attractive, how to approach women, how to talk to women, how to touch women, how to read a woman’s mind, how to get a woman’s phone number, how to have amazing first, second, third (and instant) dates, how to connect with women emotionally, and of course, how to pick up girls during the day (daygame) and at night (nightgame). Heck, you’ll even learn how to make a woman fall in love with you and how to get a girlfriend…and some naughty sex tips in between. If you enjoy listening to podcasts such as the Tom Torero Podcast, the Savage Lovecast, the Mountain Tip (Chick Whisperer) Podcast, the How to Talk to Girls Podcast by Tripp Advice, the Art of Charm Podcast (back when they were talking about getting laid), you will love the Global Seducer Quickie. Just click the subscribe button and listen to my free podcast! You’ll either hate it or love it. Well, what can I say? The path towards becoming a Global Seducer is only for a selected few…Do you want me as a guest on your podcast? Shoot me an email: sebastian@
подкаст, где гости и ведущие разговаривают о том, что смотрят только в режиме «инкогнито»
по вопросам сотрудничества и рекламы — [email protected] -
Подкаст про секс на экране и в жизни. Гости и ведущие обсуждают, что смотрят только в режиме «инкогнито».
По вопросам сотрудничества — [email protected]
Подкаст для любителей послушать расслабляющие и успокаивающие сказки на ночь, художественная медитация перед сном как искусство.
Если вас беспокоит вопрос "как уснуть", то данный подкаст может вам помочь.
По вопросам рекламы:
School of Self-Image is the go-to podcast for women who desire to transform their self-image so that they can create mind-blowing results in their lives. Join Master Life Coach, Tonya Leigh, as she shares tips, ideas, and inspiring conversations around elevating your mindset, style, and surroundings to create an extraordinary self-image. Episodes are released each Wednesday.
Download the School of Self-Image Manifesto at -
Подкаст о любви к жизни и к еде, о секретах растительной зеленой кухни и веганском стиле жизни, об энергии счастья, йоге и путешествиях. Интересные факты и истории о животных. Финансовые рецепты от Vegan Bankery (Веганской Банкарни), об эко - экономике и устойчивом развитии. Вкусные растительные рецепты и последние мировые кулинарные тренды.