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Musicians give irreverent takes on "1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die", delivered every Monday morning.
We do all the research, help you better understand why you love the things you love, plus introduce you to new music and musical ideas you should care about. Want to sound informed, intelligent, and funny when talking about music, even the records you don't like? Want to laugh while you learn more about music production and music history? Then welcome to your new favorite weekly podcast. -
Gömlu vinkonurnar Lolla og Linda setjast niður og fræða hvor aðra um tónlist og merkilegar konur. Lolla sem er djúpvitur tónlistargúrú segir frá framúrskarandi konum úr tónlistarheiminum og í seríu 3 segir hún frá hinum ýmsu tónlistarstefnum og merkum atburðum í tónlistarsögunni.
Safnakerlan Linda dregur hins vegar fram sögur af spennandi konum í ljósmyndun.
Þið finnið okkur líka á Facebook og getið hlustað á þættina okkar á Spotify, Apple Podcast og fjölmörgum öðrum hlaðvarpsveitum -
Jakop Janssønn er en trommeslager, komponist og produsent som har jobbet for og med en rekke samiske artister og joikere.
Etter hvert har han undret seg over hvor hans egen måte å forstå rytmikk kommer fra, i møte med joik.
Han har også som lytter undret seg over hvorfor noen bandkonstellasjoner fungerer bedre enn andre i møte med joik.
Kan man tufte sitt trommespill på noe mer enn sin egen opplevelse av samisk musikk?
Finnes det skjulte rytmer, rytmekonsepter eller en trommetradisjon i samisk kultur som ennå ikke er belyst, beskrevet eller tatt fram i lyset?
Og kan man ved søken finne en samspills-tradisjon i møte med joiken?
I denne podcasten prøver Jakop Janssønn å finne svar på disse spørsmålene ved å intervjue mennesker med kompetanse, innsikt og erfaring innenfor samisk kultur.
Foto: Knut Åserud
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
A podcast where two thirty something's discuss the music we found and loved growing up. Each week we take turns picking the albums that meant something to us and discuss them, and the impact they left.
Our tastes range from Rock and Punk, to Hardcore and Metal, and even the odd hip-hop or dance record in their for good measure.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Í þessum þáttum mun Viktoría Blöndal fara yfir dansgólf sveitaballana í kringum aldamótin. Sviti, djamm, glimmer, grátur, stemning, tónlistin sem þið hélduð að þið væruð búin að gleyma. Viktoría mun leiða hlustendur um víðan völl, um allt land og í misdjúpa dali tímans með hjálp viðmælenda sinna.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In 1999, a music festival took place in upstate New York that became a social experiment. There were riots, looting, and numerous assaults. And it was set to a soundtrack of the era’s most aggressive rock bands. Incredibly, it was the third iteration of Woodstock, a festival known for peace, love, and hippie idealism. But Woodstock ’99 revealed some hard truths behind the myths of the 1960s, and the danger that nostalgia can engender. Listen to the entire season here.
Hello world, we're a new ukrainian music label. Just hook up for our sounds, and don't hasitate to give us some feedback!
For remix request: [email protected]
For bookings and colaborations contact us:
[email protected] -
For Bookings Contact:
[email protected]
Djane Ali is one of the most recognized djs in Ecuador and the gay scene with a trajectory of 18 years.
Ali is a Music Dj Producer and Remixer. She combines percussive rhythms full of rhythm and energy in her music and especially in the Circuit and House genres.
Her Dance NightLife podcast is a combination of genres ranging from Progressive to Tech House, sets that invite you to travel to a wonderful state full of rhythm and energy.
You can also find his songs of the Progressive House genre on Spotify and if you are interested in learning Music Production on Ableton Live with Djane Ali you can access the Udemy link at the bottom of the links section.
Djane Ali es una de los djs más reconocidas del Ecuador y de la escena gay con una trayectoria de 17 años.
Ali es Remixer y Productora Musical y en sus sets y presentaciones combina ritmos percusivos llenos de ritmo y energía, especialmente en los géneros Circuit y House.
Su podcast Dance NightLife es una combinación de géneros que van desde Progressive hasta Tech House, sets que te invitan a viajar a un estado maravilloso lleno de ritmo y energía.
También puedes encontrar sus canciones del género Progressive House en Spotify y si estás interesado en aprender producción musical en Ableton Live con Djane Ali puedes acceder al enlace de Udemy en la parte inferior de la sección de enlaces.