
  • God has a plan for your life, and Satan does too! Satan wants to give you death and destruction. Jesus wants to give you life and salvation. The word “abundantly” comes from the Greek “permission,” which means “exceedingly, very highly, beyond measure, more, superfluous, a quantity so great as to be considerably more than what one would expect or anticipate.”

    What the abundant life is NOT:

    It’s not the prosperity theology.

    It’s not easy.

    What the abundant life IS:

    A life of eternal value.

    A life lived with supernatural power, purpose, meaning, and mission.

    Through Jesus, you can have more than an average life. You can have an abundant life! He is the doorway to eternal and abundant life. Your life will be the summation of your decisions and the doors you decide to walk through.

    The Jesus way is the only way to an abundant life. He is the only gate and the only way because He alone died for our sins and rose again. Jesus is worth following because He gave His life so we could live.

    The abundant life is the obedient life. Obedience comes with a cost. It demands a cross, but it leads to life. If you do whatever Jesus says to do, you will live!

    Join Pastor Phil Hopper as he shares how to live the abundant life that Jesus offers as we kick off 2025!

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    How are you living an abundant life right now?

  • Hope in Jesus Beyond Bethlehem
    Hope is a confident expectation of what God has promised in the future.

    Three things to do to carry hope beyond Bethlehem:

    1.) We need to trust God.

    You will often lose hope when you place your trust in what you see rather than what God has said.

    2.) We need to obey.

    Just as Israel was delivered from slavery in Egypt, Jesus’ mission was to redeem humanity from sin.

    3.) We need to be faithful and patient.

    We must be faithful to what God has called us to do and patient to wait for Him to fulfill His promises.

    As we look to a new year, we can confidently expect God to fulfill His promises to us. Our hope is found in Him!

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  • God gave the gift of eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ. We celebrate receiving that gift at Christmas! Our world is cursed by sin and full of sadness and suffering. But Jesus came to bring hope, comfort, and peace. Jesus was God with us who came to save us!

    Mary is remembered for the virgin birth. She teaches us that no matter how religious or righteous we might be, EVERYONE needs a Savior! The Bible never tells us that Mary was sinless. She was still a sinner in need of a Savior, even though she was the mother of the sinless Son of God.

    Lessons we can learn from Mary:

    • Mary confessed she needed a Savior.

    • Mary confessed she was a sinner.

    Why must God’s promised Savior be born of a virgin?

    By bypassing man’s seed, God was bypassing man’s sin so that Jesus was born sinless. Jesus was fully human, so He could bleed and die for our sins, but He was also fully God, so His sacrifice completely atoned for all our sins.

    The gift of Christmas is really more about the cross than it is about the cradle. Jesus was born to die. It was on the cross that Jesus became our sin offering.

    The world is full of suffering, sin, sadness, and destruction because the wages of sin are death. But the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. The nature of any gift is that it is freely given. Have you received the gift of eternal life?

    Join Pastor Phil Hopper as he shares where the gift of Christmas is truly found.

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  • The women in Jesus’ genealogy represent specific stories. Matthew’s account of this genealogy is like a family history for the Hebrews.

    The story of David and Bathsheba is one of the darkest and saddest stories in the Bible. King David committed adultery with Bathsheba, she conceived, and David murdered her husband Uriah to cover up his sin.

    Satan was at work before Bethlehem to stop the promised Seed of Genesis 3:15! From the moment God promised the “seed of the woman” would one day bruise the head of the serpent, Satan had been trying to stop the “Seed” before He could even be born.

    In the Davidic Covenant, God had promised King David that one day, one of his “seed” would establish his kingdom and his throne forever.

    Twelve generations after King David, King Jeconiah was so wicked that God cursed him, promising none of his sons would ever sit on David’s throne. Because God cursed Jeconiah’s line, (Jesus’ legal lineage)

    David and Bathsheba were both direct ancestors of both Mary and Joseph! Joseph through David’s son Solomon and Mary through David’s son Nathan. Because Jesus was virgin born, He was not David’s seed through His earthly father, but rather His mother!

    Why doesn’t Matthew mention Bathsheba by name in the genealogy of Jesus?

    In Christ, God no longer sees our sins and will one day give us a brand-new name! Bathsheba’s name isn’t written because God has given her a new name.

    God has a new name for you if you will repent of your sin and turn to Him. Join Pastor Phil Hopper as he shares how David and Bathsheba’s story gives us the hope of a new name.

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  • The story of Christmas is found in the stories of five women in the genealogy of Jesus. The story of Ruth is the story of God’s redemptive love. Ruth was a Moabite, a people born out of incest. The Moabites hated God, and their sin was so great that God forbade any Moabite to ever enter the assembly of Israel for ten generations.

    Ruth, who is a picture of us, would be redeemed by Boaz—a picture of Jesus!

    To be legally married, Ruth would have to be married to a “kinsman redeemer”—a close relative of her deceased husband. The law of the “kinsman redeemer” is found in Leviticus 25. It was a provision to redeem family land and a deceased man’s wife.

    There was a closer kinsman than Boaz who was legally first in line to redeem Ruth. He could not redeem Ruth because he is a picture of the Law. The Law can only reveal our sin. It cannot redeem us from our sin. The Law was not given to redeem us, but rather to teach us of our need to be redeemed!

    Boaz became Ruth’s “kinsman redeemer,” like Jesus is to us!

    As our “kinsman redeemer,” Jesus, who was God, came as one of us—a Man! Like Boaz, Jesus paid the price to redeem the family land (earth), and He redeemed us to be His bride. Ruth’s name means friend because now God not only calls us family, He calls us friend.

    Because of Boaz, Ruth would be in the genealogy of Jesus!

    Ruth would give birth to a son named Obed, whose name means worship. He would be the grandfather of King David and a direct ancestor of the Lord Jesus. When you really get to know your Boaz, it always gives birth to Obed—worship!

    Join Pastor Phil Hopper as he shares how Ruth’s story foreshadows Christ’s role as our kinsman redeemer.

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  • The story of Christmas is found in five women in Jesus' genealogy. Their stories are the stories of us all.

    The second woman mentioned in Jesus’ genealogy is Rahab. She was a pagan Canaanite prostitute living in Jericho. When the Israelite spies came to spy out the land, she risked her life by hiding them in her house. Because of her faith in God, she was saved when the Israelites conquered Jericho.

    Rahab put her faith in the true and living God and received life and salvation instead of death and destruction! She was saved by the grace of God through her faith in God, symbolized by the scarlet cord.

    Regardless of what time you live, God always brings salvation in the same way: by grace alone through faith alone. God reached down from heaven and saved us with a “scarlet thread”—the blood of Jesus. In Christ, God threw us a scarlet-colored “rope” to pull us to safety and redeem us from sin’s penalty!

    Our purpose now is to carry that “scarlet cord” of victory to those who are perishing! As those who have been rescued by the “scarlet cord” from heaven, we are to take that “scarlet cord” from heaven and help rescue others.

    You never know what God is going to do through you when you extend the scarlet cord of hope and victory to others. You might not see it until years down the road, but you can witness with confidence that God is going to work through you if you are obedient!

    Join Pastor Phil Hopper as he shares how Rahab and the scarlet cord point to Jesus’ saving work in our lives.

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  • How do you discern the call of God on your life? The story of Jonah teaches us a lot about God’s call on our lives.

    Jonah was called by God to be a messenger of the truth and a messenger of peace! That is what missionaries are called to do—to carry God’s truth as messengers of peace. God’s call on our lives is twofold—it’s the call to “come” and the call to “go.”

    1.) God calls you to come.

    God calls you to come to Christ through salvation. He offers you a personal invitation to join His family. But once you come God calls you to go!

    2.) God calls you to go.

    The call to go is seen throughout Scripture and is given to all of God’s people! Our churches are full of people who have answered the call to come but will not answer the call to go.

    When you run from the call of God, you remove yourself from the presence of God.

    How do you know where God wants you to go and what He wants you to do? Say yes to God’s direction. Surrender yourself, and you won’t be controlled by fear.

    Join Pastor Phil Hopper as he shares lessons on obeying the call of God from the life of Jonah.

    • Join our mission by sponsoring a child in Tanzania today through Compassion International!

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  • In the Bible, the disciple Thomas earned the title “Doubting Thomas” because he doubted that Jesus appeared to the disciples. But after he saw Jesus, Doubting Thomas went from skeptical to fully surrendered.

    Are you living like Thomas?

    1.) Thomas lived skeptical.

    What questions have you brought in regard to your relationship with God? Jesus invited Doubting Thomas to examine His wounds and confirm that it was really Jesus in the room.

    2.) Thomas lived surrendered.

    Doubting Thomas surrendered his questions and chose to place His faith in Jesus. Have you surrendered your life to Jesus?

    3.) Thomas lived sent.

    Thomas knew that Jesus is the only way of salvation. He decided to take the gospel to the furthest point of the known earth at his time. Will you live sent and take the gospel to the nations?

    Thomas had a deep sense of commitment to Christ. He determined to follow Him whatever the cost and he had a heart burden for unbelievers. He went from doubting to giving his life for the gospel.

    Join Pastor Chad Glover as he shares what we can learn from Doubting Thomas and how we can live sent to the nations locally and globally.

    • Join our mission by sponsoring a child in Tanzania today through Compassion International!

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  • Pastor J. Mark Johns from Canvas Church joins us to talk about living sent both locally and globally. One way we can do this is by sponsoring children to release them from poverty in Jesus’ name.

    We have no idea the ripple effect our obedience and faith can have. Pastor Mark reminds us that everything in this world has some sort of ripple effect. This means that what we do matters, and our choices today can impact the future for us and others.

    Join us for Live Sent weekend as we talk about the ripple effect that is set in motion by our actions!

    Through our partnership with Compassion International, we’re setting an ambitious goal: to sponsor 1,200 children in Tanzania and build a church plant and community resource center to serve families in the area. With your support, we can be living proof of a loving God to this part of the world by providing practical help where it’s needed most.

    • Join our mission by sponsoring a child in Tanzania today through Compassion International!

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  • Pastor Phil closes out the Hope for Us series by pointing out that our liberties and rights as Christians ultimately don’t come from the government. They come from God.  

    What is the role of government in society? How one views the role of government in society is a biblical issue. The biblical worldview of America’s Founding Fathers was that God, not government, is the giver of our fundamental rights. 

    Our Founding Fathers' biblical understanding caused them to set up a system limiting government authority that would maximize personal liberty. The role of government is maximized in a society where the role of God is minimized.  

    3 things to remember as we anticipate the upcoming election:  

    Remember, voting is a Kingdom issue, not a political issue. 
    Pray for our nation and elected leaders.  
    Remember, HOPE FOR US is in Jesus. 

    Why should Christians be involved in the institutions that shape American civilization? Because godly people have the power to bring godly outcomes. 

    Join Pastor Phil Hopper as he closes out our Hope for Us by discussing what is the role of government in society. 

  • God has charged every generation with the responsibility of passing on the faith to the next generation. We are where we are as a nation because the last four generations have failed to do so.

    God has given parents the primary responsibility for the practical education and spiritual preparation of their children. The heart is the most important part of the human being, and God knows a child’s heart is developed in the home.

    What do we need to teach our children as a part of their spiritual preparation?

    You can teach what you know but you reproduce who you are. Teach your children who they are by teaching them whose they are. Those who know who they are can’t be easily manipulated, intimidated, confused, or controlled. We have forgotten who we are because we have forgotten who God is. You can’t know who you are if you don’t know who God is.

    If we don’t educate our children, the world will indoctrinate our children! Regardless of whether you choose to homeschool, you must home-educate, because spiritual preparation starts in a home. Make your house God’s house, and you will pass the faith on to your children and grandchildren.

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  • What is the purpose of law in human society?

    God instituted civil authority for the peace and prosperity of society, apart from which there would be anarchy. God’s primary purpose for human government is to protect its citizens from violent offenders. The purpose of law is to maintain order and peace in society.

    Religion shapes culture, and culture shapes laws. A nation’s legislation always reflects its civilization’s worldview and religion.

    Three things to remember during this election season:

    1). Pray for our nation and elected leaders.
    2). Voting is a Kingdom issue, not a political issue.
    3). Hope for us is in Jesus. God alone has the power to save our nation.

    Join Pastor Phil Hopper as he answers the question, “What is the purpose of the law?”

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  • Every society needs a higher moral authority, or it falls into moral anarchy. Moral destruction leads to the collapse of civilization.

    Apart from internal morality that comes from a higher authority, humans abuse their personal liberty, turning it into self-idolatry leading to the collapse of society (Romans 1:21-28).

    When a society embraces moral anarchy, God judges that culture by allowing collapse from within or calamity from without.

    As Christians, our posture must be both conviction and compassion.

    Abraham stood in the gap, petitioning God to save Sodom. Abraham never cheered for the destruction of Sodom. He prayed for the salvation of Sodom. (See Genesis 18:22-33)

    God extends His hand of grace instead of judgment when His redeemed people stand in prayer on behalf of their nation. Let’s pray for God’s grace even though our nation’s sins are worthy of God’s judgment.

    Join Pastor Phil as he shares biblical principles of morality and how they impact our society today.

  • Romans 1 reveals how the truth sets us free from the lies of the culture and the captivity of our feelings.  

    As Christians, our allegiance must be to the Kingdom of God and the multi-ethnic family of God. Faith in God is the reason for our salvation, and people with faith in God can never be controlled by another.  

    Religion shapes culture and culture shapes laws. What happens when a civilization abandons faith in God? 

    Truth suppression. 

    Lies take us into captivity. It’s the truth that sets us free. Right thinking leads to right feelings, only if you turn to the truth.  

    2. God’s demotion. 

    Many Christians have been more influenced by the culture around them than Christ in them. We have created a false “god” to become like us, forgetting God made us to become like Him!  

    3. Man’s promotion. 

    God’s demotion leads to man’s deification. God has been dethroned so man can sit on God’s throne. Humans have created a “god” in their image forgetting it’s God who created us in His image. 

    4. Moral destruction. 

    Self-idolatry leads to moral anarchy. When everyone becomes their own deity, society no longer has any absolutes morally. 

    The truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth. But the truth sets us free from the lies of the enemy. Will you accept the truth, or will you suppress it? 

    Join Pastor Phil Hopper as he shares how the truth sets us free. 

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  • Hebrews 13:1 gives practical next steps for believers to take so that they can become more like Jesus.

    1.) Next steps at home:
    a. Love more (v. 1)
    • Host people (v. 2)
    • Help people (v. 3)
    • Honor marriage (v. 4)

    The Gospel should impact the most intimate places in your home.

    b. Live content (v. 5)
    • You have God’s presence (v. 5b)
    • You have God’s help (v. 6)

    2.) Next steps at church:
    a. Learn the Gospel (vs. 7-14)
    b. Offer a sacrifice of praise (v. 15)
    c. Do good and share (v. 16)
    d. Offer your submission (v. 17)
    e. Pray for your pastors (v. 18)

    3.) Next steps in faith.
    a. Read God’s Word and be encouraged (v. 22)
    b. Remember the New Covenant and live in freedom (v. 25)

    Everyone has a next step in their faith. What next step is God calling you to take?

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  • Jesus is the only way to God. No one can come to the Father except through Him. In Hebrews 12, the author invites his audience to choose Jesus and the freedom and grace offered under the New Covenant.

    There is a better way for us to come to God. Hebrews 12:18-29 contrasts the old way with the better way…

    1.) The old way.

    We all fall short of God's glory. No one can reach His standard in their own strength. The Israelites sought peace with God through sacrifices, but they didn’t need to do that anymore. Jesus is the only way to have peace with God.

    2.) The better way.

    Jesus is the better way to come to God’s presence. The author contrasts the symbolism of Mount Sinai with Mount Zion. Sinai represented condemnation and separation, but Zion represented forgiveness and grace.

    3.) How do you choose the better way?

    You need to receive God’s gift of grace and eternal life. We cannot earn our way into God's kingdom; God has to come to us.

    Join Pastor Chad Glover as he reminds us that Jesus is the only way to enter the kingdom of heaven.

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  • The author of the Book of Hebrews encourages his audience to run with endurance like the cloud of witnesses before us. Jesus will chasten us to help us lighten our load so we can run with endurance.

    If you want to lighten your load, you need to do 3 things:

    1.) Change your perspective.

    Christ’s working in your life will bring about refinement and renewal as you look to Jesus.

    2.) Pursue peace and holiness.

    You’re called to pursue peace and holiness with everyone. This is how you live set apart from the world.

    3.) Reevaluate your appetite.

    Don’t miss who Jesus is by allowing bitterness to grow in your heart.

    Join Pastor Toshaun Avery as he shares how the chastening of God helps us lighten our load to run with endurance.

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  • Jesus will chasten you until you lay down that weight or sin you refuse to lay down. His chastening is not because He’s against you but rather because He’s for you. He wants you to run your “faith race” with endurance.
    The chastening of the Lord is not the same as punishment. It’s a word that means discipline and correction. As God’s children, Jesus took all our punishment for all our sins. As a born-again child of God, He doesn’t punish you for sin but rather disciplines you for it.

    The evidence you are truly God’s child is that He convicts you and corrects you for sin. But conviction is different than guilt. Guilt, condemnation, and shame are from the Devil. Conviction and chastening are from God.
    How should we respond to the chastening of the Lord?

    1.) With humility and submission.

    2.) By trusting God loves me and is for me.

    In times of chastening, God wants to empty us of ourselves and fill us up with Him.

    The pain is for our gain! The abundant life is the obedient life. The Lord’s chastening is painful, but it leads to a life that is peaceful. Join Pastor Phil Hopper as he shares what Hebrews 12 tells us about the chastening of the Lord.

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  • Faith is seeing the invisible, but not the nonexistent. Hebrews 12:1-2 calls believers to run the faith race with endurance. We can be encouraged as we run because we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses who have gone before us.

    How to run the race with endurance:

    1.) Run with faith.

    Like others before us have run their race of faith, this is our time to run our race of faith.

    2.) Run with fortitude.

    It’s the extra weight you carry that wears you down, and it’s the sin you carry that holds you down. If you want to run with endurance, you must choose what you carry wisely.

    3.) Run with focus.

    Your focus will determine your future. You must run with a focus on the finish—looking unto Jesus!

    To run the race with endurance, you need to be spiritually healthy, surrounded by community, and filled with God’s Word. As you run your race, don’t focus on the pain; focus on the prize.

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  • Faith is believing and obeying God even when it seems impossible. Our faith in God produces eternal impact.

    How does faith produce eternal impact?

    1.) Our faith in God tears down strongholds.

    Don’t tell God about the impossible. Tell the impossible about God and watch Him give you victory.

    2.) Our faith in God redeems our stories.

    God can take our broken pieces and make masterpieces. He can redeem your story and use you for His glory.

    3.) Our faith in God eliminates excuses.

    Being faithful doesn’t mean that life won’t be painful. Don’t let your objection dictate your direction.

    Join Pastor Kyle Worsham as he answers the question, “What does faith produce?”

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