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в мире, где даже ментальное здоровье стоит денег, будем говорить о бизнесе, менеджменте, инвестициях, о том, как не сломать психику о возражения клиентов - и об остальных лопатках в нашей большой финансовой песочнице. легко и просто о самом главном - вас и том, как вы играете с деньгами.
Eggs is podcast that centers around creativity in all forms. From building businesses, personal projects and constructing brands to crafting music empires, finding social fame, fortune and more—we discuss whatever, whenever, with whomever in search of patterns, expertise, shared experience and knowledge. Along with our guests—usually experts in a field or subject—we drill down to uncover the steps taken and the hurdles crossed in pursuit of excellence, aiding our listeners in chasing down their own dreams and taking their "egg" from coup to table.
Eggs is a show co-hosted by Mike Smith "DJ Ontic", a Seattle, WA based DJ and Ryan Roghaar owner of R2 Media Group, a full-service marketing communications agency based in Salt Lake City, UT and Barcelona, Spain. -
After a 2 year break, we are BACK!
Larking Gowen presents Tourism Business Chat, where host and tourism specialist Chris Scargill interviews successful business owners and leaders from the tourism, leisure and hospitality sector throughout Norfolk, Essex and Suffolk.
Each week, we feature special guests who will share their experiences and talk openly about themselves, their business and how they see the future.
They share the challenges their business and the sector are facing, what they have learnt from lockdown, and how they plan to structure their business in the face of the ongoing challenges facing the sector.
These open and honest discussions will hopefully inspire those in the sector to plan for growth and continued success, as the region aims to rightfully hold its place as a key destination for visitors in the UK.
Previous series have focused on the challenges of COVID-19, but this new series has its sights set on the future and current successes of businesses in the sector.
[email protected]
(c) Larking Gowen LLP -
Projekt G'schichten - Mit Spaß an der Sache, bringen wir Insights, Tipps und interessante GesprächspartnerInnen zu Dir.
Von Lean Projekt Management über agile Prozesse bis hin zum Blick hinter die Kulissen bei großen Projekten.
In kurzen 10 Minuten Folgen sprechen wir über Themen wie Kommunikation, Fehlerkultur, New Work und bringen Erfahrungen aus der Praxis zu Dir. Deine Mini-Meetings zur Aufheiterung mit Infos, Hacks und jeder Menge Spaß.
In längeren Sessions holen wir uns ExpertInnen aus verschiedenen Branchen und aus der Bildung und sprechen mit ihnen über Ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen und Learnings.
Für uns ist der Podcast perfekt, um aus dem täglichen Leben auszusteigen, um Spaß zu haben und das Leben mit Humor anzugehen. Entsprechend ist das Format informativ, aber auch locker.
Kommunikation ist das A und O in der Welt und deshalb kommunizieren wir hier mit Dir. Du kannst uns jeder Zeit über unsere Homepage erreichen. Wir freuen uns auf Dich. -
Welcome to the podcast that's dedicated to helping business owners prepare for exit so you can maximise value and exit like a boss. I'm Darryl Bates-Brownsword and I want to introduce you to the Exit Insights podcast presented by Succession Plus. The aim of the podcast is to share the message that if you want to get the most from your life's work, maximise the valuation and exit on YOUR terms, then you will need to prepare your business so that it's ready for exit, you are exit ready and the business is attractive to be acquired. Did you know that 55% of exits are unplanned and are due to death, divorce, or disability, and for those business owners that do get to take their business to market only 20% of them end up agreeing on a deal? there are also too many deals that are never completed because the owners left before the earn-out agreement was completed. It doesn't have to be this way! You'll be interested if you are a business owner and you've been running your business for a few years now and you are at the early stages of thinking about what's next for you. You're going to be in the 1 to 30 million revenue bracket and you're likely to be based in the UK, USA, Australia, or New Zealand. You may be feeling stressed or frustrated with running the business or you may be running out of energy or simply looking to change direction. It doesn't matter why you are looking to exit or sell; this podcast will help you to identify best practices and what you have to do to orchestrate an exit on YOUR terms. We are addressing the burning issues and topics that business owners want to know about when they start to think about selling their business. Guests include experts from all areas related to the succession planning and exit planning process - from employee ownership, personal financial planning, tax, legal and through to estate planning. We're also talking to people who have already sold their businesses and tapping into what the experience was like and what they learned along the way. We ask them what they know now that they wished they knew before they started the process. We discuss the 21 Steps used by Succession Plus and developed by Craig West to help you structure your business so that you're one of the 20% of business owners who will be able to complete a successful exit. The topics will include things like: When should I start planning?What is an exit strategy and exit planningHow will I exit my business?Can I sell my business - is my business sellable - who will buy my business?How will the business be valued?What's my business worth?How can I improve the business valuation - value potential?What can I do to make it more attractive to be acquired and speed up the process?How do I prepare my business and make sure that it's exit-ready?How long will it take to prepare the business for sale?Will I have to work an earn-out period?M&A and acquisitionsOwner dependenceSystemising, systems and systematizingGrowth and scalingBrand value and IP - (Intellectual property) including intangible assetsHow do I increase the multipleI want to sell my businessCan I sell my business to my employees MBOWill I get all my money upfront?What are the risks for me when I sell my business?What will happen to the employees?What will happen to the brand?What about my legacy?How will I know that my business is exitable?When should I start exit planning?Who should I tell that I'm thinking about selling my business? If this sounds like the questions that you want answered, then I hope you enjoy listening and learning how to exit like a boss. If you like what you've heard so far, please subscribe so that you will be notified of each new episode.
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80% наших выпусков - это информация для деловых людей: стартапы, управление, маркетинг, инвестиции, бизнес-аналитика, прогнозы. И конечно же, реальные истории успеха - все то, что вы любите в Business FM, теперь в новом формате.
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This is the Measure Success Podcast, which features top leaders on how they measure success in their business and life. We talk with CEOs, entrepreneurs, authors, and extraordinary high achievers.
The host, Carl J. Cox, is the CEO of 40 Strategy. 40 Strategy guides leaders to take their organization to the next level by designing world-class strategic plans and keeping them accountable to get it done. Go to to learn more. As an entrepreneur and executive, Carl has been with 7 different companies that have grown from 2x to 7x.
Carl is the author of Lost at CEO, An Entrepreneur's Guide to Strategy. This book reached #1 Amazon bestseller in 12 separate categories at launch, and a must-read for entrepreneurs and leaders. -
Join Debbie Collard and Susan Ireland, co-hosts and co-founders of Seasons Leadership, in making positive leadership the norm rather than the exception. On the Seasons Leadership Podcast, we will bring you practical, actionable advice you can apply now to improve your leadership - and life. Join us on Wednesdays throughout the seasons.
The podcast presents valuable insights from contact center leaders, tailor-made for their industry peers. We cover a diverse array of topics, such as AI integration, agent turnover management, revenue impact assessment, and transitioning perceptions from cost to value centers for starters.
🎙️Stratsphere Talks – це peer-to-peer розмови з лідерами українських технологічних компаній, які відповідають за стратегічний розвиток всього бізнесу або один з його напрямів, що впливає на досягнення довгострокових цілей компанії.
Говоримо про унікальні виклики, можливості та трансформацію лідерства в Україні. Досліджуємо стратегії, успішні й не дуже кейси, розбираємо кращі практики, щоб дати сучасним менеджерам ширший простір у побудові довготривалого шляху власних організацій.
😎 Розмови модерує Слава Рудницький – CEO Savvy L&D Solutions, з 15+ річним досвідом у фасилітації менеджерських зустрічей у CEO Club Ukraine та Aspen Institute Kyiv.
🤝Соцмережі Слави:
✉️ Стати гостем, поставити питання, залишити фідбек або пропозицію можна за адресою: [email protected] -
Бізнес-освіта, консультування підприємців, R&D компанія, ваш шлях до успіху, блакитно-океанний та центрально-європейський простір, інновації, творче руйнування та особистісний розвиток.