If you use English for personal or professional purposes and you want to sound clear and feel confident, you're about to get the accent training you need!
If you're serious about your accent (or just curious), you have a choice to make. You can SIMPLY JUST fold the laundry/walk the dog/commute to work... OR... you can multitask by listening to me help you with your goal!
You get 4 kinds of episodes: 2 minute accent TIPS, 5 minute DRILLS and exercises, 10 minute TEACHING about an accent topic, 30 minute real 1:1 COACHING, and 45 minute MAGIC conversations with English Teachers, Learners, other Accent Coaches!
I'm known as the 'Accent Magician'. Listen to the show and be amazed at my tricks! As you listen, you'll quickly begin to realize that you can break down complex accent features into small, manageable parts that you can train every day for long-lasting change!
I'm here to help. I have a FREE Discord community for you to join. Come for Weekly Office Hours on Wednesdays for extra free help!
This is the FREE join link for my Discord Community server: https://discord.com/invite/3N5nA94
Accent Coach Bianca- Where accent enthusiasts come for the strategies... and stay for the fun!
Subscribe and follow me to Master an American Accent