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Rabbi Shais Taub has delivered Torah lectures and classes to audiences on six continents. He writes a popular weekly column in Ami Magazine and is the author of the bestselling book, G-d of Our Understanding: Jewish Spirituality and Recovery from Addiction as well as several groundbreaking works on Tanya including: the Tanya Map teaching tool, the Soul Maps curriculum, and the audio series Mapping the Tanya. He currently serves as scholar-in-residence at Chabad of the Five Towns in Cedarhurst, NY. His lectures and classes may be found on
ОФИЦИАЛЬНЫЙ ПОДКАСТ Ведьмa Ингa Хосроевa / OFFICIAL PODCAST Witch Inga Khosroeva
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Уже много лет, Ведьма Инга Хосроева отличается очень ярко в сферы Магии, Истории, Философии и т. н. Ее официальный ЮТуб канал "ВЕДЬМИНА ИЗБА", встречает каждый день сотни тысячи людей со всех углах мира. Ее познавательные лекции и судьбу-меняющие ритуалы, помогли многим найти себе в жизни, помочь себе, переосмыслить свой жизненный путь и переправить его в необходимое и правильное направление. Также, ее ритуалы для Практиков, помогли многие Мастера улучшить свою колдовскую работу.
Этот подкаст, представляет ритуальную часть ее работу и мастерства. Здесь представлены ритуалы ДЛЯ ВСЕХ и ритуалы ДЛЯ ПРАКТИКОВ.
Вы можете научится как правильно обращаться к Богам, как приносить им Подношения, как делать Чистки себе, как призывать удаюу и денег в своей жизни, и мн. др.
Желаем Вам приятного и полезного времени здесь, и Фортуна да будет с Вами!...
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For many years, the Witch Inga Khosroeva has been distinguished very brightly in the spheres of Magic, History, Philosophy, etc.
Her official YouTube channel "WITCH'S hut" meets hundreds of thousands of people every day from all over the world. Her informative lectures and fate-changing rituals helped many find themselves in life, help themselves, rethink their life path and forward it in the necessary and right direction. Also, her rituals for Practitioners have helped many Masters improve their witchcraft work.
This podcast presents the ritual part of her work and craftsmanship. Here are rituals FOR ALL and rituals FOR PRACTITIONERS.
You can learn how to address the Gods correctly, how to bring Offerings to them, how to cleanse yourself, how to invoke luck and money in your life, etc.
We wish you a pleasant and useful time here, and may Fortune be with you!... -
Join a global prayer for clarity and wellbeing.
This podcast dives into the wisdom of the Earth's wisest civilizations, guiding us towards deep transformation. Discover the silent wisdom within your heart and create lasting change in yourself and your community.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.
Reach out: -
The hallmark of The Temple of The Presence is the Kindling of the Ever-Present Fire of Ascended Master Light and the determination to live LIFE as the Ascended Masters do, to live The Ascended Master Way of Life - to bring the Golden Age to the Earth! -
Our founders, Ps Hannes and Mandy Wessels called to the five fold ministry at a young age, were lead to plant a church in their Knysna home in 1993. However, they would later feel called back to Port Elizabeth where Frontline Ministries would be birthed in 2000.
God would later stir their hearts for Johannesburg; and In 2005 they handed over Frontline Ministries Port Elizabeth to Pastors Gavin and Louise Fourie, whom they had raised up as Pastors.
While assisting and co-pastoring 2 churches in Johannesburg, Pastors Hannes and Mandy would go on to attend a prophetic meeting where they were singled out in a Holy Spirit encounter. In October of 2011 Frontline City Church was planted. Eight years later, a church that had it’s humble beginnings in the lounge of it’s Roodepoort passed Pastors, Frontline City Church has grown and flourished into a Holy Spirit filled Church that seeks to encounter the Supernatural in every meeting.
In 2014 Frontline City Church moved to a desolate tomato packing tin shed in Honeydew, Roodepoort. Working hand in hand, the premises was developed into a unique venue for an equally unique family.
In 2015 Pastor Hannes and Mandy decided to submit Frontline City Church under the Apostolic covering of Apostle Nicky van der Westhuizen, founder of NBCFC. Today our ministry reaches the lost through established social services, supernatural evangelism and missionary projects that reach beyond the borders of South Africa. Being accountable is a serious matter for our visionaries.
As a result, Frontline is a ministry accountable to apostolic covering. The prophetic and supernatural ministry is evident and well balanced with sound preaching and teaching of the Word. Our focus is on Christ. Our mission is to raise up men and women as mighty heat-seeking missiles for God. Ministries are birthed and people are sent out to make a difference in the World.
Frontline City Church is a Christ centred, supernatural, Bible-based church. United by it’s dynamic, impactful and loving congregation that represents every part of our beautiful Rainbow Nation of South Africa. -
Katrin & Birthe stehen nicht nur an zwei vollkommen unterschiedlichen Standpunkten im Leben, auch was das Thema Spiritualität angeht, könnten die Beiden nicht verschiedener sein. Während Birthe sich als spirituell bezeichnet, kann sich Katrin nicht so wirklich mit dem Begriff identifizieren. Was beide allerdings gemeinsam haben, ist ein anderer Blickwinkel auf die Welt und das Bedürfnis, ein glückliches und erfülltes Leben zu erschaffen.
Was Dich hier also erwartet ist eine große Portion Deep Talk - persönlich, inspirierend und vielleicht auch ein kleines bisschen verrückt. Bist Du dabei? -
Ce sermon du vendredi met en garde contre les dangers de la colère. D’après Abou Houreyra - que Dieu le prenne en son agrément -, un homme demanda au Prophète : Recommande-moi quelque chose ! Il lui répondit :« Ne te mets pas en colère. » L’homme répéta plusieurs fois sa demande et lui répondait : « Ne te mets pas en colère. » Rapporté par al-Boukhâri.
Welcome to The Sis Collective the podcast.I’m your host Samantha; Mindset mentor, well-being practitioner and your new soul sister. Here to bring you all things wellness, personal development & mindset This podcast is designed to nourish your soul, up-level your mindset and unleash your inner potential so you can rise up to your next level. I’m on a mission to bring modern-day conscious women together, so If that’s you, welcome to your brand-new sisterhood.As a qualified manifestation, life coach and wellbeing practitioner Samantha shares her experiences and knowledge in the field of personal development and mental health & invites occasional guest speakers to share their wisdom & experience with her listeners. Each episode provides listeners with actionable tools, mindset shifts, strategies and more. We live in a vibrational world, and Samantha believes utilising this knowledge is the key to success and reaching your next level.
Hosted by Justin Khoe, the Digital Missions Podcast aims to help pastors, evangelists, & digial misssionaries reach their first million people with the gospel. By interviewing digital missionaries from a variety of backgrounds, listeners will be encouraged, challenged, and equipped to effectively share their faith online. Who knows, you may just change the population of heaven with your next post.
Простыми словами пытаемся объяснить сложные вещи: от газлайтинга и стокгольмского синдрома до NFT и криптовалют. Предлагайте свои темы в отзывах к подкасту или пишите нам на почту:
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"Empty Inside" is a podcast where host Jennette McCurdy talks with a different guest each episode, doing a deep dive into a specific topic. General topic areas are comedy, eating disorders, filmmaking, jealousy, therapy, and the crippling sense of doom we all face as we desperately try to fill the void within.
Pieturzīmes ir pirmais valodas podkāsts Latvijā. Runāsim, diskutēsim un domāsim latviski par latvisko. Pieturzīmes cilvēkos, grāmatās un valodā.
Aiga Veckalne ir valodniece un tulkotāja, kurai latviešu valoda ir ne tikai izglītība, bet arī aizraušanās, darbs un hobijs. Ikdienā viņa strādā Ventspils Augstskolā, kur arī studē doktorantūrā, bet brīvajā laikā vada valodas podkāstu “Pieturzīmes” un lietišķās sarakstes un iedarbīgas valodas seminārus.
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