The Global GOTour is this weekend, are you ready!?! Join JackJack and JayT17N as we do a thorough deep dive into the GOTour perks, Passes, Rewards, Shinies and prep consideration for this grand event. Make sure you prepare for the experience you want! And least hope this isn’t Niantic last hoorah.
2025 is off to a big start and GOTour will coming up in the next few weeks! Join JackJack and JayT17N as we recount the last few weeks of events like Lunar New Year, Max Mondays with Artincuno,/Zapdos/now Moltres, Gigantamax Kingler Raiding, Enarmous, and gimmicks we have seen since we started Pokemon Go. Next episode will be focused on the GO Tour Event!
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Welcome to 2025, Year of the Ekans! Join JackJack and JayT17N with special guests The Rangel Bros as we dive into January 2025 events like New Years, the Global Challenges, Sprigatito Community Day, and Fashion Week. Then we super deep dive into our predictions for Community Days, Classic Community Days, and Gigantamax raid predictions as well as hopes for the larger GO Global events. What are you hoping for in 2025?
Between the Go Wild event and now there have been so many events…there was the Max Out Finale event, return of Primal Raids with Kyogre and Groudon, the start of Dual Destiny, Zacian/Zamenzenta/Regieleki/Regidraco Raid Hour, Research Day Aspiring Dragons, Just My Cup of Tea, GMax Lapras Battle Day, Young & Wise event, and the Necrozma Raid Day. We are definitely whelmed with the back to back to back events and we still have the Holiday events and New Years events to come. Join JayTI7N and JackJack as well cover events we enjoyed, encounters we had, and focuses for the new year. How have you been handling the flood of events and what are you wanting to see, going into 2025?
Halloween is over and already the Go Wild Area event is happening in Fukuoka, Japan ! Join JackJack and JayTI7N as we discuss the preparation for the Wild Area Global event (11/23 and 11/24), recommendations for Dynamax and Gigantamax raids, and much more like the Community Ambassador program. Are you going to get your ticket for the GO Wild Area Global event?
It’s Spooky Season and Halloween is almost here! Join JackJack and JayTI7N as we discuss the Gigantamax dilemmas, our experience facing the Gigantamax raids, and much more. We also dive into the Halloween events, Mankey Community Day, touch on some of the leaks of future Pokemon content, Dias De Los Muertos, the Festival of Lights, etc. And it’s another year without Mimikyu lol.
September is over and October will start the Holy Trifecta of Holiday celebrations. Join Jay through the end of September events like Ponyta Community Day, Sword and Shield events, Dynamaxing and upcoming Sewaddle Community Day, October events, and more in relation to Pokemon events and world events. What would you like to see in the October for Pokemon Go?
August is almost over the Holy Trifecta of Holidays is almost upon us! Join JayTI7N and JackJack as we recap the Worlds, the winning team, Adventure Week, Scuba pika, Beldum Community Day, upcoming Popplio Community Day, Ponyta CD, Shadow Lugia raiding, and Season 16 with Gigantamax and Dynamax. We also dive into projects like Gamifying Habits and much more! What would you like to see in the upcoming season of Pokemon Go?
Summer’s end in on the horizons and with GoFest done for 2024, Niantic still has events on the way. Join JayTI7N and JackJack as we recap the highs and lows of the Global GoFest, the Golden Lure Luau, the Mega Lucario Raid Day, and potential social events for the game. How’d your GoFest turn out, what new, social events would you want to see in Pokemon Go!!!!
June is over and Niantic is going to start piling on the events in Pokemon Go! Join JayTI7N and JackJack with special guest SumimasenJoji as we hash out events to come like Elite Raid Rayquaza day, the 8th Anniversary of Pokemon Go, New York GoFest at Randall on 4th of July weekend, and more. Joji is more of a passive player, so we explain the basics of Pokemon Go. Sleep, and Home and share more GoFest prep tips for New York GoFest. The Ultra Beasts will be back and many shiny opportunities! Go luck to errbody!!!!
June is here and Colorado weather has been wild. PoGo events are underway and Goomy Community Day are almost here! Join JayTI7N and JackJack as we recap Bounsweet Community Day, Sendai GoFest, and then drive forward with Slumbering ands, Scorching Sands, Spelunker’s Cove, and more events. Do not forget to check out local businesses in your area and show them some support :D
May is here and right out the gate we have some mild events like Rivals Week and thr arrival of Shadow Suicune in raids. Join JayTI7N and JackJack as we talk about recent events like Rivals Weeks, preparing for Shadow raids, “Rediscovering Kanto” releases like the Avatar changes and the environment of the game. We also talk about a recent fascination with a YouTube video called “A Breakthrough Discovery In Pokémon” and how it reinvigorates our desire to travel! Also keep preparing for GoFest baby!
April is upon us and so it all the crazy weather like snow, winds, earthquakes, and whatever else Mother Nature has to throw at us. Join JayTI7N and JackJack as we recap the recent events like hunting Zoruas, Shadow Raikou and Mewtwo raids, the Sizeable Surprise event, and leap forward into travel tips for Sendai, Madrid and New York for GoFEST! This is also our 100th episode, my…my…has the time flown by!
March is here and there is so much in the roster of events to come! Join JayTI7N and JackJack as we review the good and bad of GO Tour and then chat about the Pokemon Horizons event, Shadow Raikou raiding, Litten Community Day, the announcement of GOFEST 2024, and more! Get your pokeballs ready for all the events, hopefully Niantic stops messing with the Pokestop item drops.
The February events are coming to end with the peak being GO Tour in LA happening now and GO Tour Global on the horizon! Join JayTI7N and JackJack as week recap the Lunar New Year event with Drampa, the Carnival of Love event with the missing Furfrou abundance, and jump into what Reddit and socials have to say about the GO Tour event in LA. We also cover what you as Trainers should do to prepare for GO Tour Global. Be ready for glitches and ready for catch all the Pokemon you can!
Rockets have taken over and Shadow Ho-oh is rocking folks at raids. Join JayTI7N and JackJack as we cover some of the recent developments with the TAKEN TREASURES event, release of Varoom, Shadow Kyogre tactics, takeaways from Shadow Ho-oh raids, Niantic visual updates and through the upcoming Chansey Community Day and DRAGON UNLEASHED event for Lunar New Year with the feature release of Drampa ;D February is going to be fun
Dazzling Gleam is upon us and January events continue to be pushed out. Join JayTi7N and JackJack as we recap the New Years Event, Rowlet Community Day, the not so Lustrous Odyssey and the hunt for Rockruff with the rare ability to Dusk Form Evolve, and we dive into what is to come in the upcoming weeks with Dazzling Gleam, Porygon Classic, Raging Battle with Annihilape and more!
2024 is almost here! Join JackJack and JayTI7N as we rehash some of the events of 2023, the good and the could of be better. We also share some hopes of Niantic for new year and new fun opportunities. What are you wanting in 2024?
After Raid Hourz is back from our travels! Join JackJack and JayTI7N as well get caught up on recent events like past Communities Days, Fashion Week, Mega Garchomp Raids and go forward with the Party Up Event and other November activities. How have folks been enjoying the Party feature of the game? Any hopes for December?
The time has arrived! GoFest and Mega Rayquaza are coming out for all the world this weekend. Join JayTi7N and JackJack as we recapped the last GoFests in Osaka/London/New York, Adventure Week, the Noxious Swamp event, Froakie Community Day and then deep dive into all the details and preparation for the Global GoFest! We cover the perks, how to prepare, the habitats, the raids, and other features we will see this Weekend. How ready are you!?
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