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Sup Doc is the #1 Podcast about Documentaries! This lively show features comedy, commentary & recaps with classic and not-so-classic documentaries!
On each episode comedians Paco Romane and George Chen give actual analysis while hilariously discussing the documentary with their wide array of amazing guests, plus games and film clips. These hosts hit the right tone of funny and thoughtful.
Sup Doc has been described as "a fun way to pore over docs" by Vulture, a "great idea" by Boing Boing and the The A.V. Club gushed Sup Doc podcast is "enlightening".
Join the conversation every other Monday even if you haven’t seen the documentary, as we go beyond the conventional podcast recap format. Documentaries, games, comedy and analysis!
We are on Patreon and
Zwei wie Pech & Schwafel” ist DER Podcast zum Thema Kino, Serien und Bewegtbild. Robert Hofmann und David Hain arbeiten beide seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt als Filmkritiker. Sie sind sich selten einig, aber beide eint eine innige Leidenschaft für das große und kleine Kino - und genau darum geht es: Fakten, Meinungen und Anekdoten rund um das Thema Film. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Mike "Silent Mike" Farr and Jim McDonald are entrepreneurs (lifestyle apparel company and a barbell gym) and veteran podcasters. In every episode, they try to answer a single question. Any question is fair game, but most involve health, fitness, nutrition, mental health, culture…even sex. They examine common misconceptions and then try to get to the correct answer -- often with the help of subject matter experts. They walk away with a better sense of the facts…and so do you. Full episodes every Wednesday. Shorter episodes every Friday, dedicated to answering a question from listeners.
Business inquiries: [email protected]
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Velkommen til Moviebox! - en podcast om de vildeste videofilm fra de skumle hylder i din barndoms videoudlejningsbutik. I hver episode prøver VHS-nørderne Niels Paridon, Sonny Lahey og Ask Hasselbalch at overgå hinanden, når de samler tre film til et klassisk videomarathon under ét særligt tema. God fornøjelse, og husk at spole tilbage, når du har lyttet færdig.
Your hosts Dan and Vicky take you on a hot date through movie history. They'll choose a random month, day and year and pick a favorite movie released on or near that date. It could be a love fest, it could get heated or it could turn into a threesome! Take a wild and funny ride in Dan and Vicky's movie time machine. You're invited on their Hot Date!
In each episode, Patrick Hamilton and Gena Radcliffe unpack all the gory details of horror cinema's least discussed topic: the characters. From Friday the 13th to the Evil Dead franchise and beyond, our mission is to detail each hack, slash, and decapitation in the hopes that a victim's untimely end is just the beginning of the jokes we can make about them.
FEDT! er en ugentlig podcast, hvor Anders og Troels anbefaler noget, de har set, hørt eller oplevet. Om det er tv-serier, podcasts, musikalbums, film, gadgets eller noget helt sjette, så lyt med her, og find din næste anbefaling. FEDT! har ingen begrænsninger, udover at der kun bliver snakket om fede ting.