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Many people are asking why computers and tech companies aren't serving us as well as they should. Even many Silicon Valley leaders are concerned.
It's time to pause, reassess digital business models and question the algorithms. Toward that end, the Siren Servers podcast features interviews from experts on digital ethics, digital privacy and security, blockchain technology and more.
What the heck are "siren servers"?
"Siren servers" are what Microsoft computer scientist and philosopher Jaron Lanier calls the central computing servers that tech companies wield in order to dominate advertising, media and other global markets.
These companies include Silicon Valley giants Alphabet (the parent company of Google), Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft, and rising global companies such as China's Alibaba. Governments, banks and others have their versions of siren servers too.
Owners of siren servers have amassed outsize wealth and political power globally. They rely on business models that turn humans into products. They exert monopoly power over markets. The social media platforms on these servers have grown into behavior-modification empires. Even as they are fun to use, they erode civility, gobble up advertising dollars that previously supported a free press, and are being used to manipulate voters, children and vulnerable populations.
In Greek mythology, the Sirens were half-bird, half-human creatures whose sweet song lured sailors to their death on rocky shores. They are usually depicted as female, although the Sirens of tech are decidedly male.
The podcast artwork is part of the 1891 painting by John William Waterhouse titled, "Ulysses and the Sirens."
The intro music is "Concrete Jungle" by young artist Au/Ra, with permission from RCA Label Group, Sony Music Entertainment.
Alice Horrigan is a writer and content manager specializing in digital technology, with a background in journalism, business and IT communications, and a master's degree in sociology. She also blogs about blockchain, cryptocurrency and other topics on Steemit.
Some of our shows are co-hosted by Jim Motavalli and aired on WPKN radio in Bridgeport, CT. Jim is a widely known freelance journalist, speaker, book author, radio personality and expert on all things environmental. He blogs weekly for The New York Times, Mother Nature Network, BNET and The Daily Green, is a regular contributor to The New York Times’ "Automobiles" section, and has a weekly syndicated "Wheels" column.
WPKN is a 10,000-watt non-commercial, listener-supported radio station founded in 1963. The station serves a potential listenership of 1.5 million in Connecticut, Long Island, and parts of New York and Massachusetts. Programs include music and alternative information, in an eclectic mix of free-form programming that seeks to serve those whose needs are not met by mainstream media in a unique and vibrant way. -
Inspiruj se lidmi, kteří mají co říct o AI. Rozhovory Senty Čermákové a Miloše Čermáka -
Pozitivní zprávy z lesa a businessu, každých 14 dní. Audioverze newsletteru. Pokud máte prostor, přečtěte si newsletter i s odkazy na: -
Jsme dvě ségry, Nicole a Lucka. Možná nás znáte jako A Cup of Style. Sdílíme svoje životy, pohledy na svět a zážitky na sociálních sítích a rády přijímáme nové výzvy. Co takhle zkusit podcast? Proč ne! Odkryjeme vám trochu jinou stránku nás dvou, takovou, která vypluje na povrch, když přestaneme řešit okolní svět a jen tak si se ségrou povídáme. Kontaktovat nás můžete na
You’ve read the headlines and seen the Instagram photos, but you’ve never heard them like this. Now it’s time to take you behind the scenes of one of the most followed families on Instagram with over 13 million followers. Hanging with the Hembrow’s is your backstage pass to the secret lives of the Hembrow sisters.
Tereza Salte alias TerezaInOslo je mámou, podnikatelkou, blogerkou a autorkou knihy Šlehačková oblaka. Ta se podle literárních redaktorů stala jedním z největších knižních překvapení roku 2017. V podcastu V oblacích vás Tereza chce vtáhnout ještě hlouběji do svého života a podcastem chce sundat vaše růžové brýle o dokonalých životech, které denně vidíte na sociálních sítích a blozích. Tak vítejte V oblacích. Kontaktovat mě můžete na e-mailu:
Staň se placeným odběratelem a poslouchej celé epizody i s bonusy a dokonce o týden dříve!:ídání U Kulatého stolu, ve kterém se vždy sejdou Martin Klesnil, Patrik Fiala a zajímavý host. Rozhovory jsou dlouhé, někdy zábavné, někdy vážné, ale vždy zajímavé! Snažíme se jít do hloubky a obsáhnout témata, o kterých host jinde nemluvil.
Táta dvojčat, cestovatel a kluk z médií. Sdílím svoje emoční životní aha momenty i příběhy zajímavých lidí. Podpoř tento podcast a získej přístup k bonusům:
Твой идеальный True-Crime
Истории людей, которые сходят с ума и убивают других людей.
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Christmas is coming whether 2020 likes it or not, and Robbie and Ayda are embracing all of that, from a safe, social distance... while wearing a mask. There’s that tricky Christmas spirit to find, a narrator friend in Noddy Holder, a new festive tune to discuss, and a chance to hear from some of those who really deserve celebrating.
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Подкаст о технологиях, меняющих нашу жизнь. Самат Галимов – человек, который решает проблемы. Он работает техническим директором и все время должен находить общий язык с людьми самых разных профессий и помогать им понять друг друга. Хакеры рассказывают ему про безопасность, дата-сайентисты – про машинное обучение и системы распознавания лиц, разработчики – про то, как сделать сервис, которым будут пользоваться миллионы, и не облажаться. Слушайте их разговоры в подкасте студии Либо/Либо.
Подписывайтесь на соц. сети студии «Либо/Либо».
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